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All Aboard the STEM Shuttle (South Nottingham College) | 12.07.2012 14:55

A new mobile classroom aims to make Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) more engaging for young people. South Nottingham College secured Innovation funding to buy a mobile trailer to transport their electric car to events and schools across the county to promote STEM courses.

A new mobile classroom aims to make Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) more engaging for young people

South Nottingham College secured Innovation funding to buy a mobile trailer to transport their electric car to events and schools across the county to promote STEM courses.

The STEM Shuttle has been specially adapted to incorporate work benches to allow 8-10 students to participate in mobile lessons.  The trailer is self-sufficient and has the ability to operate "off-grid" in that it can be powered by renewal energy which is generated via solar panels on the roof and a small wind turbine which is integral to the trailer.   There is also an Energy Bike which is used in lessons but can also generate power.

Research into participation in these courses has shown that by the age of 14 girls who have not chose a science-related subject discount themselves from studying science in the future.  Similarly the same applies to boys by the age of 12 in Maths.

Jon Rawson, STEM Co-ordinator said:

"The STEM areas in some way relate to almost every aspect of life. The fact that when you turn the tap on you have fresh clean water and when you flick the light switch the light turns on. Even the materials your clothes are made from and the taste of the food you eat is affected by one of the STEM areas. Scientists, Engineers and Mathematicians are all around us and impact on the way we live and the Technology that is available to us.

We want to engage young people in STEM subjects so what better way than by taking learning out on the road.  We will be showcasing the trailer and what we do at schools and community events and hope it will appeal to wide audience including parents and their children."

Over the last few weeks the trailer has been on the road at schools in Notts. (South Nottingham College)


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knowledge 4 ya.

12.07.2012 18:13

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