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EDL cancel demo?

Tote End | 11.07.2012 12:55

Tote End
- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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according to

11.07.2012 13:59

casualties (ahem) 'casuals' united it's still on


Deffo a hoax probly cos.....

11.07.2012 19:19

.....the EDL are shitting it off knowing whats waiting for them in Bristol, they were protected in Tower Hamlets, they were chased out of Brighton twice - all just a rehearsal for what's going to happen to them in Brizzle, that's why they're trying to con us that its off - desperation. EDL Brown Pants Division strikes again!


Troll Post

11.07.2012 22:21

No mention of the EDL cancelling anywhere on their main Facebook page -

Indy mods please remove this entire thread ASAFP
