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Japan: 150% rise in mortality rates since Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Pi gone loon | 10.07.2012 22:07 | Anti-Nuclear | World


In the wake of the earthquake and corresponding Tsunami that battered Japan and Fukushima, the true scales of this reportedly green energy are starting to rise, albeit submerged from view by the authorities and scientists, who trawl relentlessly to keep deep the spectre of a nuclear industry, whose failed technology continues to poison the very foundations and evolutions alike, for all to see and all at sea. So help us every god, mother nature and Mr Spock.

Not to mention earthquake damage to 'another' nuclear power plant in Onagawa.

The plumpest pile of Plutonium on the planet.

Also, further actions by anti-nuclear activists Jellyfish Against Nuclear and their efforts to get the recently restarted Ooi nuclear power plant stopped.

Pi gone loon


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First Amendment to the Robot Laws

11.07.2012 13:33

Do not work in uncontaminated areas.

´notha inside view

The fact is...

12.07.2012 13:40

that mortailty rates have increased by 150% since the Fukushima disaster within those areas that have been contaminated by the nuclear dirt that has been expelled by the failed nuclear reactors at Fukushima.

nuclear death


12.07.2012 20:48

Perhaps because 20000 were killed in the earthquake and tsunami on March 11th 2011? In precisely the districts mentioned in the "article".



12.07.2012 23:35

If you had actually read the article he clearly states that data was extracted from monthly data through to Nov 2011.
