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Whistleblower Reveals Himself: Warns of False Flag at Olympics

Alex Jones | 07.07.2012 10:23

The undercover journalist who blew the whistle on G4S, the security company responsible for the 2012 Olympics, exposes plans for a false flag terrorist attack on the London Olympics.

Here is the interview with him, which make for disturbing listening;

Alex Jones


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07.07.2012 14:14

Not sure where you are getting the "false flag" idea from fatty. Can't see mention of it.


nice one!

07.07.2012 17:17

Infowars is such an important resource. Ben Fellows is the guys name if anyone wants to delve into his background to find the frightening authenticity of this guy. This is serious stuff.

OR; it could be a huge psy-op to test wether the sheeple will tolerate military prescence on the street.. and at the same time bait for all alternative media and anyone who understands false flag operations to scream their heads off trying to make others aware, then when the time comes if they decide to do nothing then everyone can point the crazy finger at all the people who are switched-on and aware of the sickening nature of false flag terrorism.



08.07.2012 00:03

Seems to be mainly based on the vague comment made by the person doing the training that they would all be part of a big historical event, followed up by saying that she didn't mean something Olympics-related.

Plus the bit about them ordering all those coffins. But that bit could just be paranoid overpreparedness? I hope.


If you're sources are the likes of Alex Jones and Infowars...

22.07.2012 14:45 deserve nothing but my complete and utter contempt. Plenty of good reasons to protest the Olympics without buying into all this NWO crap.

not a conspiracy nutter