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No place for racism (Allie) | 28.06.2012 12:55 | London

Now that the full story behind the expulsion of three Jewish supporters of Smash EDO is out in the open it is time for the campaign to fess up, make a statement and issue an apology.


Smash EDO, the Brighton based campaign dedicated to closing the local EDO arms factory betrayed its principles and stated creed when it asked three Jewish members to leave the group following a request from new members attached to the Palestinian Solidarity Group at Brighton University. The excuse being that these PSG members had previously been to Israel and felt "uncomfortable" around Jewish people, a more obvious case of clear antisemitism it would be difficult to find. Smash EDO in the face of falling support and membership grabbed the chance to get an increase in people but at the cost of bigotry and racism. 
There was a clumsy attempt (regretfully aided by some of the mods on Indymedia UK) to try and hide the expulsion with Smash EDO insiders refusing to discuss it and referring to the issue as "an internal matter that is now closed" however with the whole issue now blown wide open by the article in 'Schnews' magazine and the discussions on a number of Arms Trade Protest internet boards that has failed. 

Smash EDO needs to be open and to issue an apology. (Allie)
- Original article on IMC London: