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Kangaroo courts to be introduced in time for the Olympics

ktf | 26.06.2012 09:23

The government are introducing kangaroo courts in time for the Olympics

The government are introducing kangaroo courts in time for the Olympics.

Justice will be swift, but will it be fair?



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Fast & Furious

26.06.2012 14:48

Are you an advocate for a slow legal process ?

Why on earth would that be a good idea ?

What's that Skippy ?

To F&F

26.06.2012 16:16

Ask those who were imprisoned (with or without trial) last August.

When the courts are turned into a conveyor belt, with those accused having little or no time to prepare any meaningful defence, and with the judiciary behaving like a caste of vicious and vindictive class warriors on top of it, what you have is no longer justice; it becomes mere Administration.

Moreover, once the State can set a precedent for this way of doing things, it will inevitably broaden its application to other areas. It could be you or yours next.



26.06.2012 16:33

"with those accused having little or no time to prepare any meaningful defence"

Long drawn out justice only serves to increase lawyer fees, it has no other benefit.


or call bindmans

27.06.2012 08:49

they will send 1 lawyer (more oftern a poorly trained rep), they will take hours getting there (ment to be 45 mins only) if there are loads of people in for the same thing, say a demo, then they will STILL only send 1 rep despite the fact that there could well be a conflict of interests.
so you stay in custody longer than you have to, cops dont care because they can justify holding you under PACE.

So if you want slow meaningless sitting in a cell call bindmans. They are a joke (sorry still smarting from the last "dealing" with them).

fast court turn arround dosnt help either side, the cops have to go in with just what they can get in the few hours prior to court, so neither you nor them get a chance to mount an argument.

Still we have a fighting chance of winning, they have to use the CPS lawyers and they are hopeless.

anon by right