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Not Shocked |
25.06.2012 18:06
| Policing
Olympic torch must progress, come life or limb.
Not Shocked
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point of this article?
25.06.2012 19:02
b) The woman admitted it was a mistake
c) If they didn't have security, every lunatic who wants their 15minutes of fame would be diving in
d) It isn't her property, therefore she has no right to grab it, in the same way i have no right to grab your iPod because that is your property.
e) Your point is?
old duffer
Oh Property, Property, No Right, No Right
25.06.2012 19:42
Typical that you can defend the commercialisation of an event that is meant to be sporting.
You probably have one of the dozens of 'torches' up for sale on ebay.
For your information there was only ever supposed to be one torch- it was meant to be passed from athlete to athlete, it was then meant to be burnt to a cinder at the end of the games to mark the end. But hey, why let the 'true myth' get in the way of your crappy assertions to Property, Property! Typical copper.
yeah yeah
25.06.2012 19:51
defend commercialisation blah blah.... defend from what!?! You?
Is that who it is being defended from? Shouldn't need any defending if so.
There isn't 1 torch - there are lots of torches. Don't care what you think is meant to be this, or meant to be that. No one cares what you want.
I don't understand why this is so complex for you.
They are owned by someone.... not you. You do not own them.
They have got fuck all to do with you. Coming out of the woodwork suddenly and telling the organisers what they can and can't do, its been on the cards for ages, who says you can just turn up at the last minute having not lifted a finger in organising or funding it and then throwing your weight around.
and WTF has any of this got to do with this woman?
old duffer
Er herm..
25.06.2012 19:59
I funded it with my tax.
I put up with it shoved down my throat every day.
I put up with several weeks of transport hell.
I pay extra for everything I buy to pay for the corporate sponsors.
I suffer with freedom restricting laws being introduced.
I have to put up with 6 weeks of my children's education being replaced with Olympic groupthink.
I was NEVER ASKED if I wanted it.
Democracy my fucking arse and any authoritarian idiot can get this:
It's my fucking torch and I'll touch or stick it up wherever I want to including some fuckwit copper's arse.
Coca fucking cola
25.06.2012 21:23
25.06.2012 22:32
Yes! I think you are getting it. Nobody asked you, therefore keep your nose out of it.
> Democracy my fucking arse and any authoritarian idiot can get this:
> It's my fucking torch and I'll touch or stick it up wherever I want to including some fuckwit copper's arse.
Its not yours. And you can't touch it. You're too weak and slow.
> That very unhealthy soft drink which is made from drinking water stolen from drought stricken Indian villages.
Hahaha! Stolen water from fucking indian villages!
Unhealthy if you choose to quaff it down by the can full. Choose not to. Choose to take it moderately. Choose to be an adult with a brain who might have a coke occasionally.
> That hires thugs to murder union leaders in Colombia. Fuck the torch and fuck the pointless, boring, expensive shite that is the olympics. To the streets people-enough is enough.
Yeah yeah. Pointless to people who don't have any interest in sports. Just like anarchism is pointless to people who have no interest in the left.
old duffer