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When Al Qaeda bombed London - this is why we protest!

English Defence League | 25.06.2012 17:45

The English Defence League protest because of the muslim terrorist threat to Britain. Such as when muslim terrorists bombed central London in 2005.

News footage of the 2005 Al Qaeda London bombing:

English Defence League


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Research Materials

25.06.2012 18:41

J7: The July 7th Truth Campaign

7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction

The London Bombings: An Independent Inquiry by Dr. Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed

Secret Affairs: Britain's Collusion with Radical Islam by Mark Curtis


Special Boat Service

25.06.2012 18:44

What about the former Special Boat Service operative who ran the bookshop in Leeds that was at the centre of the plot?


RE Special Boat Service

25.06.2012 18:50
