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Bristol Anti-Fascists Say: Stop the EDL [1]

paster | 25.06.2012 10:55

The EDL are marching in Bristol on the 14th of July. The counter-mobilisation is in full swing, so get involved.
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Let's defend ourselves against the English Defence League!

The EDL are marching in Bristol on the 14th of July. The counter- mobilisation is in full swing, so get involved. There have been alot of posts on Bristol Indymedia about the EDL demo. Now is the time for our call to action. Come to Templemeads area and line the route at 10am on the 14th to give them the welcome they deserve. Stay alert. Stay mobile. Bring your mates

There are many many ways to show your opposition to the EDL: don't let them march, don't give 'em a lift in your taxi, put posters up in shops, don't serve them drinks, raise awareness about their farcical attempts to disguise their homophobia, chat to work colleagues, decorate the city.... do whatever you feel comfortable with but now is the time to get a crew together and take action against racism in our city.

We want to meet them at the station to stop them marching for any distance. We will resist them wherever they turn and we will be watching them. Let's defend ourselves against the EDL! Zero tolerance of fascism on our streets.

For more information email Or see Twitter: @stopedl #stopedl

Indymedia posts: Someone else has also set up a facebook page: Facebook:

- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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brighton example

25.06.2012 13:24

the recent brighton humiliation for march for england - ie, EDL, infidels, NF, BM - was succesful because everyone lined the roads rather than stood behind plod or in a kettle.
the 'march' was delayed and diverted through blockading! they are still annoyed!

- Homepage:


25.06.2012 15:53

A much more interesting version of the day's events can be found here,-BANG,-WALLOP/

Kev Carroll's lucky spoon

Preview of Bristol UAF counter demo

25.06.2012 17:31

Here is what the Bristol UAF counter demo will be like:

Bristol resident