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Rally for Julian Assange taking place now at Ecuador Embassy, London

WISE Up | 20.06.2012 13:06 | Repression | Terror War

People are gathering at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London now in solidarity with Julian Assange who took refuge there yesterday and is seeking political asylum in Ecuador.

photo from recent solidarity vigil at the Supreme Court
photo from recent solidarity vigil at the Supreme Court

Address of Embassy:

Flat 3B 3 Hans Crescent
London SW1X 0LS.
Tel: 020 7584 1367
Nearest Tube: Knightsbridge

More information:

- e-mail: wiseupforbm [at]
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People are gathering

20.06.2012 15:28

As the picture clearly shows, two of you.


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seriously **** asange

20.06.2012 17:51

Even his defence admits what i'd consider rape... sweden have indicated that asange would be protected from extradition to the US by EU courts anyway.

take from sian and the crooked rib (assuming the author wont mind the repost):

"Assange is currently waiting to hear the results of his appeal against extradition to Sweden on two charges of sexual assault. Now, there has been a lot of debate in the lefty liberal media about whether what he allegedly did was actually sexual assault. So here’s a reminder of what the defence said at his appeal hearing:

‘AA felt that Assange wanted to insert his penis into her vagina directly, which she did not want since he was not wearing a condom … She did not articulate this. Instead she therefore tried to turn her hips and squeeze her legs together in order to avoid a penetration … AA tried several times to reach for a condom, which Assange had stopped her from doing by holding her arms and bending her legs open and trying to penetrate her with his penis without using a condom. AA says that she felt about to cry since she was held down and could not reach a condom and felt this could end badly.’

The defence also tried to explain how, despite being asleep, and therefore unable to consent, AA actually did consent to sex with Assange:

'They fell asleep and she woke up by his penetrating her. She immediately asked if he was wearing anything. He answered: "You." She said: "You better not have HIV." He said: "Of course not." She may have been upset, but she clearly consented to its [the sexual encounter's] continuation and that is a central consideration.’

Now, if you don’t believe that someone penetrating another person when they’re asleep isn’t sexual assault, isn’t rape, then you have a pretty poor understanding of what constitutes a violation of someone’s bodily autonomy. The same goes for the first description. Remember, this isn’t the prosecution talking. This is his defence. His defence is trying to redefine rape.

The prosecution said:

“they did not freely consent without coercion" but agreed to sex because of physical force, or consented "already having been trapped into a position where they had no choice, and they submitted to Mr Assange's attentions".”"

not the writer
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enjoy jail arse-ange

20.06.2012 17:55

Definitely not the actions of a guilty man... The filthy beast has practically admitted his guilt with this cowardice.


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20.06.2012 18:09

Running like a coward is the action of a guilty man. If he really is innocent like he claims he should use his day in court to expose the politically motivated charges. The fact that he's running shows he's guilty and is afraid of being punished. I have no sympathy and hope he's arrested and deported the Sweden the moment he steps outside the embassy.

Former wikileaks supporter

Not so simple

20.06.2012 19:10

This is not as simple as the UK media wants us to think. Assange is wanted for questioning by the Swedish PROSECUTOR, not the Swedish government. Normally the UK government would not grant extradition based on a claim by the prosecution, but recently the UK government signed an EU agreement that would allow this because of a mis-understanding of the meaning of the act. The terms “judicial authority” and "autorité judiciaire" were treated as equal when this was put to Parliament, but the French term has a wider meaning that the English one does not.

According to English/UK law, “judicial authority” would not mean a prosecutor but rather a judge. The French term has a wider meaning and includes a prosecutor. Furthermore, the acts Assange is accused of in Sweden would not be classified as rape in almost any country, including the UK. So, the British government is extraditing Assange based on something that would not be a crime in the UK by virtue of a mis-translated act of Parliament.

The British media has been swift to condemn Assange, and also swift to belittle and berate Ecuador. Thank goodness Mr. Assange was able to speak out when he did. I wish him luck with his plight and hope that he does not face the same fate as the Welshman Bradley Manning.

Law student

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How can anyone support this man?

20.06.2012 19:24

So, we have parts of the left supporting a man wanted for rape.
Sweden is a liberal society, he will get a fair trial.

Or as the supporters of this man say, all the women are working for the CIA/Mossad?

He is a sexual predator, with plenty of evidence supporting this, if he is a rapist, well, that is why he must face trial.

Shame on those supporting this man in his efforts to avoid facing his accusers in court.


Human rights and wrongs

20.06.2012 20:36

The right-wing British media and obedient public seem to have an interesting set of double standards when it comes to extradition. In the case of Abu Qatada, who used European law to avoid deportation, there were calls to leave the EU, rip up the convention on human rights and create a new British constitution. In the case of Assange, who is appealing to English law, the decision is to follow EU law, using a French interpenetration in favour of English and to deport him to socialist Sweden. Murdoch, UKIP and the Daily Mail should be protesting against the extradition of Assange if they followed their own logic. But alas larger forces seem to be at work here. As Marx noted, "Between equal rights, force decides".

O. Contraire

and where do we go ??

21.06.2012 01:05

The meek shalt inherit the earth -

think about what it means in both negative and positive terms ...

coz if you let the suckers roll over you, they will bury you and walk on by ...


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oh dear

21.06.2012 01:23

filthy rapist. rot in jail


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Why the moderation?

21.06.2012 18:03

Can one of the mods explain to me what editorial guidelines are apparently broken by every comment even a little critical of Assange? Seems a bit censor-y, no?

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yeah but

23.06.2012 14:37

here’s a reminder of what the defence said at his appeal hearing:

‘AA felt that Assange wanted to insert his penis into her vagina directly, which she did not want since he was not wearing a condom … She did not articulate this. Instead she therefore tried to turn her hips and squeeze her legs together in order to avoid a penetration … AA tried several times to reach for a condom, which Assange had stopped her from doing by holding her arms and bending her legs open and trying to penetrate her with his penis without using a condom. AA says that she felt about to cry since she was held down and could not reach a condom and felt this could end badly.’

The defence also tried to explain how, despite being asleep, and therefore unable to consent, AA actually did consent to sex with Assange:

'They fell asleep and she woke up by his penetrating her. She immediately asked if he was wearing anything. He answered: "You." She said: "You better not have HIV." He said: "Of course not." She may have been upset, but she clearly consented to its [the sexual encounter's] continuation and that is a central consideration.’

Now, if you don’t believe that someone penetrating another person when they’re asleep isn’t sexual assault, isn’t rape, then you have a pretty poor understanding of what constitutes a violation of someone’s bodily autonomy. The same goes for the first description. Remember, this isn’t the prosecution talking. This is his defence. His defence is trying to redefine rape.

furious feminist

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