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Frack Off: Activists Blockade Fracking Drill

Frack Off | 18.06.2012 08:50 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis

Anti-fracking group, Frack Off, is blockading the site of Cuadrilla Resource’s drilling rig. Twenty people descended on the site at 5am and are blockading the entrance. The site is owned by PR Marriot who is Cuadrilla’s lead drilling contractors.

The action is stopping work on the drill which is being worked on in preparation for more fracking exploration in Lancashire. Frack Off is highlighting the threat posed by the tidal wave of extreme energy extraction methods that are being pushed by the government and a number of mostly US and Australian companies. The action is the beginning of a concerted campaign by people across the country to stop the introduction of these dangerous practices before it is too late.

Despite the mounting evidence from the United States that the exploitation of unconventional fossil fuels such as shale gas and coal bed methane (CBM) threatens to poison the environment, further destabilise the climate and is implicated in rising toll on human health including increasing cancer rates, corporations and governments are doing all they can to push through the introduction of these new energy extraction methods in the face of growing public opposition.

Last month the Energy and Climate Change Minister Gregory Barker announced in parliament that the "Government will continue to seek full economic recovery of UK hydrocarbon resources, both conventional and unconventional", a position which amounts to a declaration of war on the people and environment of the British Isles. Full economic recovery will involve coating the countryside with drilling sites and pipelines while poisoning the air and water and the emission of vast quantities or carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

The main justification used for the need for this destructive course of action is that we face an energy crisis and need this gas to "keep the lights on". In reality unconventional fossil fuels are very expensive to extract and the amount that could be extracted is a small fraction of the gas from the North Sea that we have squandered over the last 40 years. The choice we face is between continuing to feed our addiction to increasing expensive and dangerous fossil fuels or putting a stop to the vicious economic system that requires them.

There is a gaping disconnect between the green rhetoric that is thrown around by governments and corporations alike and the dirty, dangerous and impoverished future that they are actually advocating in their quest for a quick buck. This prioritising of corporate greed over the interests of people and ecosystems while pretending to care about them, has no better poster child than the Rio+20 Earth Summit that starts on Wednesday.

Twenty years after world leaders met in Rio de Janeiro and promised to address the environmental and social problems afflicting the planet they will meet again, to promise, again, to do something about the now even worse problems we face. As with twenty years ago they have no intention of actually doing anything that would put a check on the system of corporate exploitation that is destroying the ecosystems we rely on. This is why ordinary people must take a stand to stop the destruction if anything is every going to change.

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Good work!

18.06.2012 09:54

Well done. Let's not allow anyone to believe that fracking in the UK and Ireland will go ahead unopposed. It really would be an environmental and social disaster.

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Keep it up!

Jim No To Fracking
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18.06.2012 10:10

happy blockading! solidarity.



18.06.2012 12:18

I see the protester in question is wearing plastic. The hypocrite is exposed for all to see. They want the resources but they aren't willing to pay the price. Typical. Just like the animal rights lot that moan about vivisection but gladly accept animal tested drugs when they are ill.

Don't even start mumbling about renewables and wind power given that the metals used in their construction are ripped from the ground that used to be the Amazon rainforest.

If these protesters don't like progress they should move to the arse end of nowhere live in mud huts and eat plant roots for survival.

Fracking = progress

See the future

18.06.2012 15:39

'If these protesters don't like progress they should move to the arse end of nowhere live in mud huts and eat plant roots for survival.'

We will all be doing that sooner than you think mate!!!

Aunty Fracker

@Fracking = progress

18.06.2012 20:56

"Don't even start mumbling about renewables and wind power given that the metals used in their construction are ripped from the ground that used to be the Amazon rainforest. "

Which metals would they be then?
Can you evidence this for me please?

Thanks in advance.

Silent Bob


18.06.2012 21:28

Steel and Copper - and lots of it. And plenty of other metals.
Here ya go

With regard to the comment about the protestor in the picture wearing plastic.
I'd say she is protesting against fracking, not oil in general. There is a distinction.

Its like protesting about the treatment of cows in farming, doesn't mean you are against eating meat in general.


sad old troll

19.06.2012 09:25


It's easy to criticise people who aren't 100% squeeky clean from the comfort of your armchair - a good excuse for doing nothing. Life is complicated, full of compromises. Get over yourself. At least people are trying to make the world a better place.

Solidarity with you - amazing action (any updates?). Thanks

sad old

"Life is complicated, full of compromises"

19.06.2012 16:32

Exactly, we need energy that's why we need to get the fuel out of the ground. In an ideal world energy would be delivered free by unicorns every morning but it isn't so compromises need to be made, fracking is one of them.

Frick Frack


19.06.2012 23:28

So PR Marriot were forced to cut down a large section of their fence and then still get pissed off as the bigger lorries couldn't get into the yard. In the end though the activists decided to leave.

The cops bizarely tried to threaten the activists with a section 14 (which is about them placing conditions on a protest) and then got confused between different sections around aggravated trespass, but in the end no one got arrested! Everyone walked away ready for the next action.

A very successful action.

Frack Off
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20.06.2012 05:23

The poster here with the smug attitude we have come to expect from the environmental lobby describes the days events as,

"A very successful action." when in fact it was nothing of the sort. Public opinion remains unaltered, production continues just as it was before the protest started and all that resulted was some Middle Class Ruperts and Jemmia's going home with a warm feeling to Daddies well heated six bedroom mansion.
