20 people turn-up at Class War demo in Cambridge
Weir | 17.06.2012 13:00 | Analysis | Culture
20 people turn-up at Class War demo in Cambridge... and Ian Bone stops blogging....
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Class War
17.06.2012 13:04
17.06.2012 13:15
Let me take a wild stab in the dark - you sat in the pub and had a pint afterwards and patted yourselves on the back about how amazing you were.
Concerned Citizen
Class war split in 1995 when most of them became Reclaim The Streets
17.06.2012 13:27
Maybe his book sales are drying up?
17.06.2012 13:39
So long suckers.... and thanks for all the cake
Time to move efforts onto other ventures?
Ian Bone' Ego
king anarchy
17.06.2012 18:07
At least Cambridge was a step up from his gang of pensioners standing outside a school and screaming abuse at 13 year old boys.
Cam FM interviewed him yesterday and he went on a rant where he claimed everyone at the university was upper class, when asked for some facts and statistics to back his insane nonsense he launched into a foul mouthed tirade and stomped off like a 6 year old having a tantrum. Embarrassing to listen to actually.
He predicted thousands would turn up and babbled on about portents and storms, when in actual fact it was a nice day out for a handful of pensioners. Humiliation has made him give up blogging. Nobody will miss a word the egotistical lunatic has to say
Inane Boner
17.06.2012 18:54
Ian Bone. 22nd May. Cambridge News.
The idiot has always been deluded.
a nun
Arse war
17.06.2012 20:04
Next up... Ian Bone's just talks and talks and doesn't let anyone get a word in edgeways. It is a monologue of little pet phrases that are repeated over and over. This reminds me of the sheep in Animal Farm. The idea of Ian getting into a sensible dialogue is an impossibility.
That's it - I'm done.
Why the gloating?
17.06.2012 21:18
I have some criticisms of his approach, but he tries his best, ffs.
He reaps what he sows
17.06.2012 23:07
He is out of touch, out of ideas, and out of time. An anachronism who hasn't evolved one bit in half a century of feeding his over inflated ego.
Oh, and if you seriously believe he ever gave a shit about a swan on the River Cam then you are in need of as much psychiatric help as he needs
Bone Apart
What do you expect?
17.06.2012 23:21
We live in a conservative country by and large, and the toffs/middle class swarm against some initiatives, such is the realities of political life and this thread.
Ians not defeated, or rather, he's been as effective as the rest of the movement put together. The class war continues...
Class War
let's all laugh at boner
18.06.2012 09:35
Good luck with fighting your class war with an army of 12. Twelve people out of 65 million? haha, you're not even treading water, you're going backwards.
It's the 21st century and you jokers are stuck in the past with your mentally insane rhetoric and adherence to an ideology which was meant for Russian peasants working in fields and who travelled by horse and cart.
Effective? 12 OAPs on a day trip to Cambridge has no effect on anybody and is all the proof you need that you and boner are the most irrelevant 'political' minority in Britain, and always have been.
You don't instill fear, you instill raucous laughter, in ALL classes and creeds. Happy retirement from blogging boner, you humiliated loser
Rheumatoid Bone
Arrogant posh boys killed london anarchism not ian bone
18.06.2012 10:18
But to those who ask:
“where have all the protesters gone?”
“hope someone else will pick up the baton but I can’t imagine who – perhaps some of the young ‘uns will step forward?”
you only have to look at the story of ALARM to see where the problem lies. A potentially great organisation stifled almost at birth by the bullshit of a few lazy self-serving “anarchists”.
All the decent anarchists in that group (and by that i mean those who are willing to roll up their sleeves and actually put some work in) were forced out by the arrogant posh boys and their litany of hangers-on who simply wanted a social scene and a place at the top table. No interest in actually putting their politics into practice. All they craved was a bit of shock-value publicity from the tabloids and a pub to drink in. They still hang around “being anarchist” while London burns and genuine anarchist voices like Ian Bone have to call it a day.
“A blunder and a shame” as martin eden once said, “A blunder and a shame”
Estate Edge
retire old man
18.06.2012 14:12
Kill the rich. Swear word, swear word, swear word. Toffs. Oiks. And any other old fashioned words I can think of.
Fuck. Bollocks. I'm working class cos I swear.
Do you like my fake Mockney accent? You wouldn't have thought I was actually brought up in the country would you? I used to sound like a bumpkin, then I saw Ben Elton and realised you could make it by pretending to be a Cockney.
I even went to university at a time when most working class people left school at 14 and had never even heard of university. I only got in cos of my dad's boss Lord Snooty of Snootville who put in a good word for the butler's son.
Did I mention that I swear? I'm so working class that I have NEVER had a proper job in my entire life yet I lecture working people on what they should be doing. I also censor comments so don't even dream of trying to have a different point of view from me.
Oh and I arrange protests where I promise to bring 4,000 people and only 20 of us turn up. Some idiots actually think that, even though I've been doing this for fifty years, 20 people turning up at MY stunts/oops I mean protests is a success. I am king of anarchists. I am your leader. All hail me and fuck off.
Disclaimer: Any similarity to the nearly septagenarian Ian Bone is totally fucking intended.
incubussed in
Small Moves
18.06.2012 14:52
Internationalist Observer
Thurrock Heckler response to the day
18.06.2012 15:12
Thurrock Heckler blog
Invading enemy turf…
After yesterday’s doom and gloom post about the economic crisis lurching ever closer to the edge, it was off up to Cambridge today to join Ian Bone and company for some light relief and general toff baiting. The action in Cambridge was initially sparked by a swan that in the act of defending its nest on a number of occasions was attacking rowers who got a bit too close to it - the swan in question gained the nickname ‘Mr ASBO’. The rower’s response was to get Mr ASBO’s wings clipped and to have him transported far away from Cambridge. You know the attitude…I don’t like something so I’ll simply click my fingers and the problem will be solved for me…arrogant, spoilt little sods!
Anyway, that was the initial motivation for the protest but over the weeks it developed into an action to have a go at elitism and the Oxbridge dominance of establishment institutions from politics and government through to the media. See this post on Ian Bone’s blog for a fuller explanation - http://ianbone.wordpress.com/2012/06/03/master-of-fitzwilliam-attacks-class-war-view-of-cambridge/ The date of the action, June 16th was picked to coincide with the last day of the Cambridge ‘Bumps’ which as you can gather from the name is when teams of rowers take to the River Cam in races which frequently result in collisions and considerable disturbance to the birdlife along the river…
So on the day, around twenty of us assembled in the heart of Cambridge on Trinity Street opposite Senate House complete with a newly commissioned Class War banner - we were taking it right onto their turf… It was a good humoured protest with plenty of banter along the way and photo stops outside colleges along the route. Opposition? Well Ian Bone’s blog received a fair few promises that people would turn out to have a go but that’s the Internet for you! The reality was one pillock walking alongside us making a few snide, superficial comments and another giving us the two fingered salute…and that was pretty much it…
From the heart of Cambridge it was onto Midsummer Common for the rally on the banks of the Cam dead opposite the university boathouses. The rowers assembled on the balcony spied us coming and all of them slunk away inside where they could be out of earshot of our taunts and heckling. These are people who one day aspire to take leading positions in society yet when confronted with any form of opposition to their privilege, simply haven’t got the bottle to even listen to a few verbal jibes. There were only twenty of us and we had that impact…imagine what a hundred or more could have achieved…
There were a couple of wannabe journos from the local student radio along for the ride getting in as many interviews as they could. Yours truly gave one, plugging the Thurrock Heckler and talking about our brand of class politics. Quite what they’ll make of our contributions I don’t know… Anyway, there certainly know that the working class do exist and that a fair few of us aren’t prepared to take it anymore…
Then it was time for some liquid refreshment in a riverside pub – taking it right onto their turf also means drinking in their pubs. Anyway, after a good natter with some really inspiring people, one comrade produced an inflatable swan decorated with Class War insignia so it was back down to the river bank to give our own Mr ASBO a launch along with some more heckling and banter aimed at the rowers opposite. After that, it was a tactical retreat to a city centre boozer for a review of the day and some more inspiring chat…
The point about actions like this is to show we have the nerve to take it onto what is to all intents and purposes, enemy turf. They get to know in no uncertain terms that we exist and that we’re angry and it makes them feel uncomfortable. It’s just one tactic among many that should be getting brought into play now as things start to fray and crumble around us as the economic crisis lurches ever closer to the edge… All it needs is for people to have the bottle to say - ‘sod it, I’m not taking it anymore and I’m going to show the bastards exactly what I think!’ – and then organise a few mates and go out to take action…simples!
Your leader is hiding in shame
18.06.2012 15:56
Nobody is taking any notice at all of the mad lunatic with the deranged look in his eye. We are, however, laughing at this ridiculous moron's latest humiliation because it is funny as fuck. Even funnier than when he hung around the school gates insulting 13 year old schoolboys and they all showed him up for the incoherent, ranting madman he really is by flooding his blog with sensible, rational and logical arguments which the only way he could answer was by swearing and threatenng them. What a credible leader you slavishly follow lol..
When some idiot blogs about how thousands of people will shut down Cambridge and only 20 show up, and all of them getting on in years, how exactly is that worrying the establishment? Your leader is finished.
Incubussed in
18.06.2012 16:51
4,000! Only 20
4,000! Only 20
These are clearly not comments from the state or cambridge students but just the one troll.
Quick to say mad and deluded whilst themselves presenting like a crazed stalker.
If you listen carefully you can hear the heart ventricles begining to buckle under the strain of maintaining such an obsessive hatred.
after me
18.06.2012 16:58
Salute to Ian!
No War but the Class War!
laughing hard at the haters
He tries his best!!!!!!!!!!
18.06.2012 19:05
working class hero
18.06.2012 20:48
Shout, Shout, Shout and Shout some more
19.06.2012 12:40
Trolls and right wing morons
19.06.2012 13:15
Anyway, a final comment at 'anarchist' who said this 'Trouble was with everything he touched he couldn't seem to get beyond the level of a victorian panto with his toffs and Dickension vision of the working class. Kind of a punch and judy opposite of Boris Johnson. Now that would be hilarious.. (but again, strictly for the music hall).'
Its confused and confusing commentary passing as analysis such as this which is partly the problem. There is a hugely important street theatre tradition in british working class history, and a real ambitious movement will be a living & entertaining one. Not a stale and boring orthodox one, which i suspect the 'critic' forwards.
Northern Class War
erm ok
19.06.2012 13:36
I think you will find that most people slagging bone off are either anarchists or from other sections of the far left. Being a divisive sort of person, not to mention a mouthy, egotistical and ranting nutter, kind of ensures that after decades of slagging everybody else on the left off you will have more enemies than friends.
@ Northern Class War
19.06.2012 17:09
Anarchist not 'anarchist'
look there's a flying pig
20.06.2012 10:50
They refuse to see that in the real world even so called middle class people have to work in shitty jobs in order to survive and many so called working class kids go to Oxbridge. If Marx were to turn up today he wouldn't recognise which class was which and would most likely revise his thoughts somewhat. Yet those who today slavishly follow his and others 200 year old theories have never even tried to evolve them for the modern world one bit.
Do they expect modern 21st century people to suddenly ditch everything they've ever known and return to some primitive hunter/gatherer society? Good luck with essentially having to change billions of people's mindsets. How many generations will that take? and will people even let you attempt to regress their world into some primitive utopia? which will essentially be men toiling in fields with horses and carts... oh no we're back to where Marx came in aren't we? oops. Ahhh, but then Darinin's evolution will kick in and the strong will start to prey on the weak, and... oops back to square one....DAMN.
And you people wonder why nobody in the real world listens to you. Haha.
@Estate Edge
21.06.2012 22:49
As a movement that has self-evidently failed to deliver however, radicalism needs to seize all opportunities to evolve and to reinvent itself
Ian Bone’s blog: gone but not forgotten
26.06.2012 21:04