Alternistas Fly True Colours
Dada Meinhof | 15.06.2012 14:11 | Culture | History | Social Struggles | Oxford
Mind you, Cllr Benjamin, whilst lord mayor, showed everything that needed to be said re the Green Party when she trotted off to the repats of the Ukanian SS coming home in the bodybags they deserved.
But then again, this wee pseudoevent does have a kind of semantic overkill:
The evocation of a nonexistent 'community'
I well remember the response at a commemoration (no ... I think the twats actually styled it a 'celebration') of the 84-5 Miners' Strike when I noted that no-one would have gathered, from the proceedings, that the miners were defeated; I was told that this was not the point, that 'there was a great spirit of community'.
The posturing subjectivism
As if the cultural meaning of an event is changed by the - alleged - feelings/motivations of its participants - 'we're not really celebrating 60 years of monarchy, but just having a ball'.
The fake multiculturalism
Middleclass pros all, and all white, and all bien pensants who doubtless agonise over sorting their trash into the right boxes. And all would doubtless wet their pants were the cold classwar to hotten up.
But then again, this wee pseudoevent does have a kind of semantic overkill:
The evocation of a nonexistent 'community'
I well remember the response at a commemoration (no ... I think the twats actually styled it a 'celebration') of the 84-5 Miners' Strike when I noted that no-one would have gathered, from the proceedings, that the miners were defeated; I was told that this was not the point, that 'there was a great spirit of community'.
The posturing subjectivism
As if the cultural meaning of an event is changed by the - alleged - feelings/motivations of its participants - 'we're not really celebrating 60 years of monarchy, but just having a ball'.
The fake multiculturalism
Middleclass pros all, and all white, and all bien pensants who doubtless agonise over sorting their trash into the right boxes. And all would doubtless wet their pants were the cold classwar to hotten up.
Dada Meinhof