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Police plan operation for EDL's Bristol march

Cut and Paster | 14.06.2012 12:55

Cut and Paster
- Original article on IMC Bristol:


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Ban the occupy movement NOT the EDL

14.06.2012 13:17

The EDL are far more popular than the occupy pillocks who have terrorised London for the past 8 months and cost tax payers hundreds of thousands of pounds. The occupy pillocks are so stupid that they targeted St Paul's Cathedral instead of the nearby stock exchange. They laid siege to that cathedral for months shouting abuse at passersby and leaving tons of rubbish pilled up in the courtyard. The government should ban the occupy movement!


Very Funny

14.06.2012 14:26

Love the above post, shall we tell him that the occupy camp isn't there anymore, hasn't been for sometime, or would that make him look stupid?


The failure of Loyalism.

14.06.2012 14:42

The EDL movement has always been a short straw and has always been more parasite than movement.

It never managed to get anything going in realistic form and has never been able to shrug its reputation as being a loose movement of hooligans and nationalists. Few if any supporters from outside the criminal classes have ever materialised. The EDL is the poverty stricken cousin of our very own Black Bloc.

By comparison, the Occupy movement is truly international in scope and has seen hundreds and hundreds of thousands march through it ranks. Spain, Tunisia, Russia, Germany, France, the US, Israel, Canada, the UK and numerous other localised actions have seen the Occupy movement secure a truly international standpoint.

To compare the two is like trying to convince the people that a mountain is the same size as a molehill.

The nationalist classes are a dying breed. They just were'nt able to bring anything to the table that people could identify with.

Another poster stated that the EDL were never part of the global movement, they were more nationalists and loyalists who saw themselves as an enforcement brigade operating against the organising power of the left by threatening violence against minority groups. The Occupy movement is not part of the left, neither is the anti-war movement or the anti-Capitalists or even the anti-Globalists. The EDL are rallying against something they have never been able to properly identify, naturally they have failed.

This is the consequence of loyalty that is blind.

Castle Gate.

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Probably the Zionists fault

14.06.2012 23:24

As regular readers will already know... Israel is to blame for everything


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