18 of June International Call Of Solidarity With The Spanish Strikers...
mohawk | 12.06.2012 16:51
The following communique is running wild all over the main Spanish speaking social networks and alternative media... Initially it is a nationwide call for solidarity...
Companeros and companeras, Comrades, we have just learned that eventually people from the whole Asturian mining basins (1) will take to the streets on the coming 18th of June. They are calling all of us to paralise the country. From the "Union for the share of work” we have just started to spread the voice calling for the blockade of streets, roads and general communications everywhere in the Iberian Peninsula/Spain on 18th of June. We support the miners and defend their very same interests against this system that is bleeding us out, turning us into slaves and depriving us from our freedom. THE NEXT 18TH OF MAY, TRY TO MAKE IT AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE. PEOPLE HAVE TO KNOW THAT WE ARE TRYING TO BRING THE WHOLE COUNTRY TO A HALT. Asturias is right now virtually isolated from the rest of the country: miners have blockaded the main railways and roads. Let us organise assemblies and action groups everywhere, with picket lines, to shut down roads, streets and avenues in the main locations of the state. We must turn into an engine capable of agitating, disseminate information and raise consciousness in favour of the strike against the Bank’s despotism, the financial mafia that sucks our blood and pulls the strings in the backstage. We must try linking this call with the transport general strike that may take place at the end of June and is aiming at collapsing Madrid.
Spanish version:
Compañeros/as, hemos sabido que será finalmente el 18 de Junio cuando toda la cuenca minera salga a las calles. Nos llaman a paralizar el país. Desde la Unión por el Reparto del Trabajo, hemos comenzado a difundir la convocatoria por la paralización de calles, carreteras y caminos en toda España por doquier, el 18 de Junio. Apoyamos a los mineros, y defendemos nuestros mismos intereses contra este sistema que quiere desangrarnos,relegándonos al papel de esclavos, y conseguir que no seamos libres. El 18 deJunio, difundid todos: la gente tiene que saber que se está hablando de paralizar el país. Asturias ya está virtualmente aislada del resto del país: han sido desconectadas por los mineros las principales vías ferroviarias, y hay cortes generalizados de carreteras. Que se organicen asambleas y grupos de acción en todas partes, con piquetes, para cortar carreteras y avenidas, en los principales puntos del Estado. Debemos ser un motor que movilice, agite, difunda y conciencie al máximo en favor de la lucha contra el despotismo bancario, contra la mafia financiera que nos desangra y mueve los hilos,vinculándola esta convocatoria a la huelga general de transportistas que se prevé para finales de Junio y que planea colapsar Madrid. MÁXIMA DIFUSIÓN.
Companeros and companeras, Comrades, we have just learned that eventually people from the whole Asturian mining basins (1) will take to the streets on the coming 18th of June. They are calling all of us to paralise the country. From the "Union for the share of work” we have just started to spread the voice calling for the blockade of streets, roads and general communications everywhere in the Iberian Peninsula/Spain on 18th of June. We support the miners and defend their very same interests against this system that is bleeding us out, turning us into slaves and depriving us from our freedom. THE NEXT 18TH OF MAY, TRY TO MAKE IT AS CLEAR AS POSSIBLE. PEOPLE HAVE TO KNOW THAT WE ARE TRYING TO BRING THE WHOLE COUNTRY TO A HALT. Asturias is right now virtually isolated from the rest of the country: miners have blockaded the main railways and roads. Let us organise assemblies and action groups everywhere, with picket lines, to shut down roads, streets and avenues in the main locations of the state. We must turn into an engine capable of agitating, disseminate information and raise consciousness in favour of the strike against the Bank’s despotism, the financial mafia that sucks our blood and pulls the strings in the backstage. We must try linking this call with the transport general strike that may take place at the end of June and is aiming at collapsing Madrid.
Spanish version:
Compañeros/as, hemos sabido que será finalmente el 18 de Junio cuando toda la cuenca minera salga a las calles. Nos llaman a paralizar el país. Desde la Unión por el Reparto del Trabajo, hemos comenzado a difundir la convocatoria por la paralización de calles, carreteras y caminos en toda España por doquier, el 18 de Junio. Apoyamos a los mineros, y defendemos nuestros mismos intereses contra este sistema que quiere desangrarnos,relegándonos al papel de esclavos, y conseguir que no seamos libres. El 18 deJunio, difundid todos: la gente tiene que saber que se está hablando de paralizar el país. Asturias ya está virtualmente aislada del resto del país: han sido desconectadas por los mineros las principales vías ferroviarias, y hay cortes generalizados de carreteras. Que se organicen asambleas y grupos de acción en todas partes, con piquetes, para cortar carreteras y avenidas, en los principales puntos del Estado. Debemos ser un motor que movilice, agite, difunda y conciencie al máximo en favor de la lucha contra el despotismo bancario, contra la mafia financiera que nos desangra y mueve los hilos,vinculándola esta convocatoria a la huelga general de transportistas que se prevé para finales de Junio y que planea colapsar Madrid. MÁXIMA DIFUSIÓN.