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EDL/Casuals in relationship breakdown

IHTF | 09.06.2012 19:38 | Anti-racism | Repression | Workers' Movements | South Coast | World

The deepening rift between the arseholes of the EDL and the cunts of the Casuals looks set to widen after key figures on both sides line up to dish the dirt on each other as Yaxley gets billed for Marsh gas' second fuck up in Brighton

After the Casuals had their arses handed to them for a second time in Brighton it would appear that the EDL are less than happy with Joe "The Mouth" Marsh especially as the diminutive dickhead from Luton has been handed a bill by the police for the operation to save Marshy's worthless arse from anti-fascists and the ordinary people of Brighton who quite rightly objected to a load of lager swilling idiots befouling their town
The unexpected bill has led to condemnation from official EDL sources of Marshy as a coward who leaves demo's he has organised as early as 2pm via the safest backdoor of a pub that he can find leaving the rest of his lads to cover for him in the face of a large group of hostile anarchists intent on christening the dodgy div's trainers.
It would appear that the bollock-brain from Barry is out of favour with the rest of the EDL after running from his own demo, leaving other fascists to face the music and now expecting Uncle Tommy to pay for his mistakes from his coke fund.
Accusations and counter accusations abound from all sides heated all the more after a disastrous day for the far right as both the BNP demo and the EDL in Rochdale fail to make a dent in the nation's conscience with only approx 35 turning up to the BNP do and less than 500 at the EDL's equally damp squib
Info can be found here
More ot come!



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More is here

09.06.2012 19:57

It would appear that after dissing mouthy Marsh - after Mouthy Marsh dissed him on ShitBook - the Infidels have stuck a load of flyers around Rochdale highlighting the time Tommy Peado Robinson tried to internet flirt with a 15 year old Muslim girl. Mind you, with Liam "also a Paedo" Pinkham on board it would appear that accusations of noncery is one glass house the Infidels should not be throwing stones in.
All it needs now is for fatty Griffin to wade in fists flying and we have a four way punch up between the main contenders for the "far right fat farty old fuck ups of the weekend" award.
Just for a bit of a giggle


The truth of the anti-protest EDL/NF.

09.06.2012 21:21

"edl don,t want power just to make life difficult for reds"

Andrew Chambers · Top commenter · Worker at JAPAN AIRLINES

So we have the thruth then. the EDL are not interested in Sharia law or anything even remotely to do with Islamics or Muslims.

The EDL are a political group setup to oppose the Socialists in the UK. They are an anti-protest group and are officially anti-Indymedia too.

They have only one interest and strategic aim. To keep people from protesting on the streets of Britain. All this crap about the Caliphate is exactly that...crap.

The EDL ARE NOT fascists...if you beleive that go and join the EDL. The EDL ARE NOT defending Britain...if you beleive that go and join them. The EDL are not opposed to Muslims or Islam...they are OPPOSED TO YOU.

They are here to prevent protest, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of movement. They are almost certainly a part of the current Governments anti-protest agenda. They were probably setup with the help of Conservative funding.

They are here to OWN protest.



09.06.2012 21:30

Also they have some istory with that lot in Ukraine too.


The right wing fringe....

10.06.2012 00:52

of all denomination are obviously encouraged by mainstream parties as an ugly alternative to mainstream politics.
Or should I say , look what you would have if you didnt vote for our brand of right wing policies.
They act as a deterant for the above mentioned reasons (to scare new protest) , and as the ugly alternative to Labour/Tory shamocracy , making them seem almost reasonable , acceptable or even normal.
Very clever way way of maintaining the status quo.


Energiser - WARNING, Do not short circuit. May get hot or explode.

10.06.2012 10:00

******** They are here to prevent protest, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of movement. *********

Which would explain why their stated cause is so easy to pull apart. Its a scam.

And as for the antifa, all they do is legitimise the edl by continually showing up to oppose them - on the edl's terms!!!!!!! The antifa are more concerned about keeping their own movement together than actually opposing real fascism.

The edl are an anti-protest group and a part of the heirarchy. They should not be posting articles here on IMC. Our stated aims are not in accordance with the reality of the edl.

Tommy Robinson is a political loyalist. Every time he has appeared for interview he has mumbled incoherently about Islam and fundamentalism but hasn't managed to string so much as a single coherent sentence together. Its the classic sign of a man who has a hidden agenda.

The edl are not fascists, they are nationalists and a tactical wing of the heirarchy.

So the edl are pro-war, pro-heirarchy, pro-rascism, pro-Israel and pro-Capitalism.

They are a complete fraud.

Chief of the Jaguar Clan.

Brighton on June 2nd

10.06.2012 10:07

As an antidote to some of the wilder versions of events doing the rounds (we don't want end up as bigger bunch of gobshites as the EDL do we?) I found this to be a reasonably accurate version of what happened in Brighton on the day

Bangers and Fash
Brighton 2 - EDL 0

Brighton – June 2nd

“You asked for it”– “you sowed the wind, now you'll reap the whirlwind” , “no women and kids this time” “We are coming back to Brighton IN NUMBERS and you dirty lefty child abusing cunts will be dealt with” - These were just a handful of the online threats made by EDL supporters in the wake of the humiliation of EDL splinter group March for England on April 22nd.

The EDL’s football hooligan division, Casuals United, had been boasting on their blog that they would be returning to Brighton in numbers and strength to take revenge on local people. Six weeks previously, hundreds of locals stood side by side against right wing racists who had tried, and failed, to parade around the city under the banner of ‘March for England’.

Weirdly, Casuals United named 2nd June the day for their action, but decided to keep the details quiet. They were obviously caught between the stools of either keeping the whole thing completely offline and having tiny numbers or advertising it and having to deal with police and anti-fascists. In the end they plumped for calling the whole thing a 'social', as if coming to Brighton, the South Coast's biggest tourist town, and buying a pint while in disguise was an achievement of some sort.

Brighton anti-fascists decided against an extensive counter-mobilisation on the grounds that the Casuals weren't going to pull the numbers and a big call out would simply be crying wolf on their behalf.

Nonetheless on the Saturday around a hundred anti-fascist activists assembled in Brighton’s main shopping area, Churchill Square. This was to support the Brighton Uncut Great Brighton Street Party and the regular Palestine Solidarity campaign stall. They anticipated the arrival of some kind of flash mob as the fash gathered in Hove and around Palace Pier. (Well, most of them – two were nicked at Hove train station for cocaine possession). However all we saw were EDL spotters, at least two using their wives as cover. Police numbers were huge so the spotters were just politely encouraged to fuck off.


By 3pm the stalls and street party were winding down – co-incidentally this was exactly as we received reports that the fash had stopped skulking in pubs and in an astounding display of both Dutch and Colombian courage had sallied out of the pubs into Kemptown* to throw bangers around and make homophobic remarks. It was presumably at this point that well-known local EDLer Stephen 'Sugar Plum Fairy' Sands got nicked for letting off fireworks – something we all no doubt enjoyed when we were fourteen but possibly a little immature at 44.

*the thriving heart of Brighton's gay community™

In response anti-fascists set off for an impromptu march down North Street, towards Kemptown behind a large 'NO FASCISM' banner. After dealing with a police roadblock and attempted kettle most of the anti-fascist crowd made it down to the Old Steine where the first face-to-face confrontations with the Casuals occurred. Mostly due to the numbers of cops these were confined to slanging matches but there was at least one exchange of blows. There were skirmishes along Old Steine and in Pool Valley bus depot. Anti-fascists were arrested and four were held for public order offences and one (ridiculously) for assault of a police officer.

The whole time this was happening more local people joined the mobile protests. Brighton Anti-fascists distributed a leaflet to explain their actions:

“Fascism grows if we let it. We are here to challenge the racism, Islamophobia and fascism of the EDL, Casuals United and the March for England. This has no place in our city or anywhere else.”

By 4pm police rounded up the majority of the Casuals, (around 35 of them) and marched them to the station where they were forcibly placed on a train and dispersed out of town. They were harangued by anti-fascists the whole way. A few more were arrested at this point for 'racist chanting'. By the end of the day the fash had taken thirteen arrests meaning that even if we take their inflated estimate of a turn-out 100 at face value then one in seven of them were nicked. The spread of towns they came from means that this really was an attempt at a national mobilisation... oh dear.

In an effort to save face Casuals United have said that the vast majority of their supporters stayed hidden and undercover – moving around in small groups. Unfortunately for them, travelling to the City-by the Sea with all their racist and homophobic baggage meant that they did, in the end, reveal their true colours.


For those disappointed by the end of this year's season of Game of Thrones there's always the mystifying fantasy world of Suzy from Casuals United.

Their fantastic account of the weekend started with spotting “loads of UAF” up at the train station.

Actually there was no demo so we're guessing that some of the idiots just ran into the crowd heading up to the Fatboy Slim effort at the football stadium and jumped to conclusions.

In the morning they came across “some unwashed anarchist scum on the beach in sleeping bags”..ermm do you mean homeless people? So much for the Soldiers off the Streets campaign.

Later, despite “not seeing a Commie all day” the Casuals apparently beat loads of us up.

“Ten people were arrested during these scuffles, mostly ours as several Anarchists were knocked out. A lot of ours then went to the police station to make sure those arrested were ok.”

In boring mundane reality no-one from either side was 'knocked-out'. Even more hilariously not a single EDL supporter went to Hollingbury police station where their arrestees were being held (as Milton Keynes EDL member Darell Hobson found when he was released).

In the last analysis Suzy is still defiantly pretending that there were hordes of undercover Casuals in town but rather gives herself away with the last sentence “I know some people had genuine reasons not to turn up, but some people said they were going, didnt say they werent and didnt turn up. They should be ashamed and next time they say anything it will be treated as the shit it is.” Temper, temper dear.

The fascists present in Brighton on 2nd June will of course know that this is BS of the highest order and will perhaps begin to lose faith in their organisations and then hopefully, their politics.

SchNEWS reader

Falling from grace.

10.06.2012 10:17

"we don't want end up as bigger bunch of gobshites as the EDL do we?"

No platform for the heirarchy.

Get with the program.

Foxtrot Oscar.

Do you people actually believe the crud you write lol

10.06.2012 11:21


Hel growler and donna the pikey kicking off them being told to shut up is NOT a rift



10.06.2012 14:08

"Hel growler and donna the pikey kicking off them being told to shut up is NOT a rift"

No but poster campaigns against by the Infidels calling Yaxley a paedo, an internet slanging match between marsh gas and Yaxley where old marsh-pants threatens to throw his toys out the pram andYaxley accuses Marshy-pants of being a coward and Yaxley threatening Nick Griffin with a straightener is.


It would

10.06.2012 16:44

probably be less of a waste of time discussing the nefarious relationship between the far right, the police and the prison service.

Fuck em

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photo of edl thug

10.06.2012 20:50

here`s one of the edl angels division causing trouble in hebden bridge


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10.06.2012 20:59


please remove @fer's post

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Photo of "EDL thug" is fake

11.06.2012 08:38

That photo posted by "fer" is actually an anti-fascist - see comment here

Moderators, please remove!


Jeff Marsh

12.06.2012 22:56

One thing we can be sure of in this context is that Jeff Marsh IS a fucking coward

Dean Baker

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