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Sussex Police and the Green Party heap praise on Smash EDO

Oedipus Complex | 07.06.2012 01:09 | Smash EDO | South Coast

Love, peace and mutual understanding spread throughout Brighton

Oedipus Complex


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07.06.2012 10:14

When Sussex Police start to praise you it's time for Smash EDO to ask what they are doing wrong!

Jon B


07.06.2012 11:34

It is clearly just a new kind of tactic by the plod to present their friendly face and also create impressio of some sort of "trust" between them and protesters. During the demo their liasion officers had been ignored when they tried to talk to people and pushed repeteadly out of the crowd, so Mr.Plod is talking poo-poo.


justice at last

07.06.2012 19:16

Well the police should be happy with smash edo, after all edo make murder weapons and the police are anti murder, aren't they? Ye right! Next you'll be telling us the police have arrested all the staff and seized the factory as evidence:)

doubting thomas

inaccurate understanding of the law

07.06.2012 22:37

"Well the police should be happy with smash edo, after all edo make murder weapons and the police are anti murder, aren't they? Ye right! Next you'll be telling us the police have arrested all the staff and seized the factory as evidence:)"

you are basically saying that anyone who makes a weapon should be arrested.
totally stupid comment. making weapons is not illegal if done within the law.
Smash edo are well known for causing trouble and being desruptive they get what they deserve.They just cost us, the taxpayers, money.

Law and Order

law and order?

10.06.2012 05:36

no fool we understand "the law". it's "the law" thats the problem. a country that has made its fortunes on war and oppression would make it legal to make weapons of mass destruction.... other wise they might have to buy their bombs from china.
