Biafran Activist and a Gay [removed] on forced deportation on 7th June, 2012
Alphonsus Okafor-Mefor | 06.06.2012 14:59 | Anti-racism | Gender | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | World
Since being detained [removed] has admitted that he is bisexual. As a bisexual or gay man [removed] is in real danger if he is returned to Nigeria, where the criminal code punishes consensual gay sex with up to 14 years in prison. Moreover, in Muslim states applying Sharia law, homosexual sex among men is punishable by death by stoning.
Biafran Activist and a Gay [removed] is Billed for forced deportation on [removed]
[removed] (a Biafran activist and a gay) who is due to be forcibly removed to Nigeria on [removed]
[removed] fled Nigeria due to his political activities there, namely his involvement with the non-violent Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), which campaigns openly for Igbo tribe freedom and an independent state. [removed] is deeply worried about returning to Nigeria because both his father and brother were killed by authorities because of their involvement with MASSOB.
The Nigerian State is strongly opposed to MASSOB; since its formation in 1999, members of its supporters have been arrested and detained for months, and suffered ill-treatment whilst in police custody. Despite their commitment to peaceful protest, the police regularly fire tear gas and live ammunition at MASSOB rallies and demonstrations, and Human Rights Watch has reported incidents of members being killed by police, with women included amongst the victims.Just last month of May 2012, a number of MASSOB members were jailed for wearing Biafran T-shirts and others were killed in another incident this year.The links to these evidences are seen below: and
In addition, since being detained [removed] has admitted that he is bisexual. As a bisexual or gay man [removed] is in real danger if he is returned to Nigeria, where the criminal code punishes consensual gay sex with up to 14 years in prison. Moreover, in Muslim states applying Sharia law, homosexual sex among men is punishable by death by stoning.
If returned to Nigeria, [removed] would be faced with a terrifying choice: to risk persecution by the Nigerian Security Forces,jailed or tortured if not killed.The Nigerian government has officially enshrined in her constitution a jail term of 14 years imprisonment and it is worst in the 12 Northern states that have officially enshrined sharia law where same sex relationship is punishable stoning to death or death by stoning.This inevitably has made internal relocation to anywhere in Nigeria impossible as there is no protection for [removed]
What You Can Do To Help
Please, help stop this planned forced removal of [removed] to Nigeria by writing the Secretary of State for Home Department (SSHD), Theresa May to cancel his removal directions and allow [removed] to return to safety in Glasgow. If you do, please remember to quote [removed]
***Home Secretary’s Contact***
Rt. Hon Theresa May, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office,
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 7035 4745
"CIT - Treat Official"
2) Email/Fax Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister: Ask him to intervene with the Home Secretary Theresa May to stop the continued detention of [removed] and grant him leave to Remain in the UK as he would be harmed, tortured, imprisoned if not killed in Nigeria if removed. If you do please remember to include [removed]
Nick Clegg - Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Cabinet Office
70 Whitehall
Correspondence Section:
Tel: 020 7276 0527
Fax: 020 7276 0514
Please, do notify [removed] campaign groups and supporters of actions you have taken:
The Unity Centre:
[removed] (a Biafran activist and a gay) who is due to be forcibly removed to Nigeria on [removed]
[removed] fled Nigeria due to his political activities there, namely his involvement with the non-violent Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), which campaigns openly for Igbo tribe freedom and an independent state. [removed] is deeply worried about returning to Nigeria because both his father and brother were killed by authorities because of their involvement with MASSOB.
The Nigerian State is strongly opposed to MASSOB; since its formation in 1999, members of its supporters have been arrested and detained for months, and suffered ill-treatment whilst in police custody. Despite their commitment to peaceful protest, the police regularly fire tear gas and live ammunition at MASSOB rallies and demonstrations, and Human Rights Watch has reported incidents of members being killed by police, with women included amongst the victims.Just last month of May 2012, a number of MASSOB members were jailed for wearing Biafran T-shirts and others were killed in another incident this year.The links to these evidences are seen below:

In addition, since being detained [removed] has admitted that he is bisexual. As a bisexual or gay man [removed] is in real danger if he is returned to Nigeria, where the criminal code punishes consensual gay sex with up to 14 years in prison. Moreover, in Muslim states applying Sharia law, homosexual sex among men is punishable by death by stoning.
If returned to Nigeria, [removed] would be faced with a terrifying choice: to risk persecution by the Nigerian Security Forces,jailed or tortured if not killed.The Nigerian government has officially enshrined in her constitution a jail term of 14 years imprisonment and it is worst in the 12 Northern states that have officially enshrined sharia law where same sex relationship is punishable stoning to death or death by stoning.This inevitably has made internal relocation to anywhere in Nigeria impossible as there is no protection for [removed]
What You Can Do To Help
Please, help stop this planned forced removal of [removed] to Nigeria by writing the Secretary of State for Home Department (SSHD), Theresa May to cancel his removal directions and allow [removed] to return to safety in Glasgow. If you do, please remember to quote [removed]
***Home Secretary’s Contact***
Rt. Hon Theresa May, MP
Secretary of State for the Home Office,
2 Marsham St
London SW1 4DF
Fax: 020 7035 4745

"CIT - Treat Official"
2) Email/Fax Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister: Ask him to intervene with the Home Secretary Theresa May to stop the continued detention of [removed] and grant him leave to Remain in the UK as he would be harmed, tortured, imprisoned if not killed in Nigeria if removed. If you do please remember to include [removed]
Nick Clegg - Deputy Prime Minister's Office
Cabinet Office
70 Whitehall
Correspondence Section:
Tel: 020 7276 0527
Fax: 020 7276 0514

Please, do notify [removed] campaign groups and supporters of actions you have taken:
The Unity Centre:

Alphonsus Okafor-Mefor
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