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playing redwatch at their own game

n | 06.06.2012 10:24 | Anti-racism

Photos from the recent confrontation between anti jubilee protestors and the NF/EDL and infidels

red watch photographer
red watch photographer

Members of NF
Members of NF

Members of NF
Members of NF

Photos have already emerged on the red watch page of many protesters attending the anti jubilee protest in Newcastle last Saturday the photo were taken by the man seen in the photos on this page (does anyone know his name) also included are member of the NF who stood around monunment for an hour before attempting to attack the anti jubilee protesters. Saturday was a disgraceful day seeing anti-facist heavily outnumbered and it highlights the need for a strong anti facist network throughout the uk.



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Bottom photo, one on the left

06.06.2012 21:36

David Appleyard. If they are digging up walking zombies like him the Nazi's really are in trouble and have to do violent nasty stuff like this because no one is listening to them.


do they look like they're bothered?

07.06.2012 00:18

They don't look to me as if they're bothered about people knowing who they are (no bandanas or balaclavas or even baseball caps and sunglasses)...
They also don't look like the sort of chaps who would think twice about giving someone a good kicking ...


Good work

07.06.2012 00:39

Trawl the NF / Infidels etc Facebook pages for an ID


Zombie Pie Eating Massacre [ see link ]

07.06.2012 09:46

Not convinced its Appleyard TBH...he's usually filling his face with double chips and a pie and got a syringe sticking out of his arm , last we heard of him he had been sleeping with a corpse and was so fucked up on smack he didnt realise she was dead...

Concerned of Gipton

Excellent work.

07.06.2012 09:58

Excellent work y'all.

Redwatch is a terrible thing because its tantamount to political proscription by neo-Nazi's. They did the same sort of thing in Germany in 1932 but the images were posted on lampposts and taverns. When this sort of thing goes on it really is the sign of social collapse and political proscription.

Which makes it seem especially odd this fucking idiocy is now on Indymedia!!!

"Oi johnny boy, go up there on that bridge an pretend like you're a red spying on us, take us picture and we can turn Indymedia into anuvver version of Redwatch. He he he, JOB DONE EH BOYZZZ. HE HE E E E D ELL, E E E D ELL


zombie attack

07.06.2012 20:30

I wasn't sure the one in Scarborough was the same Appleyard, as it's a common Yorkshire name. He is of course from Scarborough, but the photo from the ASBO (lol btw if it is him) didn't look like his younger days, unlike the one above.

That was a couple of years ago, maybe he's got himself together enough to carry out organised racist attacks, rather than the ones he appeared to have been undertaking all by himself in Scarborough.



07.06.2012 22:11

the photo from Scarborough is only year old , its definitive our old chum as I've had many a run in with the beast from Batley...Which person dod you think it is on the photos ? I really don't see anyone who remotely resembles him but I'm prepared to be corrected ,it would be an interesting development to see the likes of Appleyard and Whatmough all hanging out together and not long before they all fall out and start snitching on each other, regards

concerned of gipton


08.06.2012 00:06

Whether or not Fascists are too thick to be bothered about being publicly identified is missing the point. The point is whether these people are identified ACCURATELY, then HOW we use that information afterwards

The issue is we need to make sure we can actively prove any identifications are genuinely accurate


Jamming the airwaves.

10.06.2012 10:07

"edl don,t want power just to make life difficult for reds"

Andrew Chambers · Top commenter · Worker at JAPAN AIRLINES

So we have the thruth then. the EDL are not interested in Sharia law or anything even remotely to do with Islamics or Muslims.

The EDL are a political group setup to oppose the Socialists in the UK. They are an anti-protest group and are officially anti-Indymedia too.

They have only one interest and strategic aim. To keep people from protesting on the streets of Britain. All this crap about the Caliphate is exactly that...crap.

The EDL ARE NOT fascists...if you beleive that go and join the EDL. The EDL ARE NOT defending Britain...if you beleive that go and join them. The EDL are not opposed to Muslims or Islam...they are OPPOSED TO YOU.

They are here to prevent protest, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly and freedom of movement. They are almost certainly a part of the current Governments anti-protest agenda. They were probably setup with the help of Conservative funding.

They are here to OWN protest.


Jock Shearer - Redwatch Photographer

12.08.2012 16:35

Jock Shearer has a long history within the far-right. Until recently he was the BNP organiser in Oldham but now he is knocking around with the NF and Infidels ect.
I took this grab from his facebook page a short while ago where he admits taking photos for redwatch.

Cheers John.

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