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To the UN Security Council and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:

stoap it noo | 05.06.2012 13:10

Petition calling for more UN action in Syria

To the UN Security Council and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon:
As citizens of every country of the world, we call upon you to immediately commit to sending at least 3,000 international monitors to Syria with a mandate to protect civilians, and to move fast to define a political transition plan. In the wake of the vile massacre of dozens of children in Al Houla, only such a presence can prevent the killing of innocent children and families, and only an urgent plan with a clear road map can put an end to the Syrian conflict. We have a responsibility to protect the Syrian people and the world can no longer look away.
Sign the petition

stoap it noo


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US-Saudi-sponsored death squaqds committed Houla massacre

05.06.2012 15:56

A Russian news team has been collecting statements from Houla villagers,, documenting that the Houla Massacre was perpetrated by the rebels.

The original interviews are on:

(use Google translate)

On Youtube, with Russian sound:

Translations on:

summary by Marat Musin 31.5

On Friday May 25, several hundred rebels attacked Tal-Dow village, killed government-loyal inhabitants, and destroyed houses, police station and a hospital.

Later the bodies of the victims, as well as rebel casualties, were brought to the mosque in Houla - children first - and presented as victims of "shelling" by the Syrian Army.

The "shelling" story was brought Saturday morning by the Gulf media, BBC and most Western News organisations.

Originally, the rebels claimed that they had about 100 dead and 300 wounded from shelling.

When observers pointed out that the victims had been stabbed or shot, the rebels changed their story.
In fact, Al Jazeera and Al Arabiya brought too different stories.

The "shelling" story reached most newspapers in the West.

Interview with old woman and villagers:

Grandmother of Al-Hula .

“There was a massacre, and we want Al Jazeera to show what had happened in reality, not something that they are told by unknown people.

They attacked the block office of law enforcement.

All the soldiers were killed, then they attacked our villages, torched a hospital in Al-Hula.

Bandits killed our pharmacist next to the clinic for the fact that he has treated a wounded soldier.

No one except the Army will help us. In anticipation of the arrival of Kofi Annan, there has been escalation of violence, and the number of terrorist
attacks has increased.

Our children can not go to school, we can not go to our fields, our gardens and on the job.

What happened yesterday - it’s an unbelievable cruelty. Thousands of militants from the Al - Rastan attacked the town, killed all the soldiers at the checkpoints, burned the city hospital.

Local resident: I’m from Tal - Dow and Al-Hula. yesterday came armed bandits, they told us:

“Either you are with us will kill the soldiers and policemen, or we will kill you.” They killed our wives and children, were all killed.

They killed the soldiers and policemen. I wish that the army came and cleaned our village from bandits.

I want us to live as before in the security and stability.

Local resident: I am a resident of Tal - Dow and Al-Hula.

Armed groups attacked the checkpoints and they were all killed. They told us to go with them, or they would kill us.

They burned our house and started filming the neighborhood and talking on phones, to pretend that supposedly there were airstrikes.

They killed and burned soldiers. We want to be rid of these gangs, they can no longer be tolerated.

Local woman: We are from the villages of Al-Gaunt, which is located next to the Al-Hula. Nine of my relatives were killed by terrorists in the field.
The bandits set fire to our houses and we fled into the Al Gor, but there were bandits who kill us, we have a martyr, who was burned alive.

Why, by what law did they die? Is this Islam? Is this justice? All this from Hammad from Qatar. Hamad is now satisfied? ”

Second report 30.5:

"During a trip to the province of Homs Al Hula we interviewed and documented the testimony of more than 10 witnesses to the May 25, 2012 attacks on the

city of Al-Hula by Wahhabi militants from Ar-Rastan, whose number exceeded 700. Militants seized the town and began to clean it from all government-loyal of families, including elderly, women and children. Killed people, and tried to present them to the UN and the international community as victims of the Syrian army, to put pressure to "push" through the adoption in a hurry of a UN Security Council resolution about Syria."

Here is an interview with our first witness, which reveals the details and chronology of this crime against humanity:

Marat Mursin (MM): What happened on 25 and 26 May in your native village of Tal-Dow, which you saw with your own eyes?

A resident of Tal-Daw: I am a resident of Tal Dow, and I now live in Tal-Dau. On the first day of the event on Friday, they attacked the army of the

mortar checkpoints on the outskirts of the city. The army responded and wounded in the leg of a man who fired at them from the mortar. The bandits took him to a field hospital and now he is alive and well. His name is Syed Talha Al Fayez Iksh. We in the Tal-Dau his own family Talha.

Even two days before the attack on May 25, they (the supporters of bandits - ANNA) told us that the hour is approaching X.

We heard it from the local gangsters. They are constantly told that we should raise a big fuss. But I did not expect it so do it.

Prior to that, they constantly bombarded army checkpoints, every Friday after prayers. Shootings were a couple of hours, all returned to their seats.

Some fighters have cameras, and they constantly filmed everything that happens. They also had telephones, radios (trunked radio - ANNA), and we ar econstantly in the house heard them talking among themselves.

As of Friday, after prayers at about 14.00 May 25 a checkpoint was attacked, and the army responded to this fire. The second group of bandits led by Nidal Bakkur and another group had gathered to attack the second checkpoint, located on the mountain.

The second group of bandits was from the clan of Al Hallyaka known we have named Hassan al. They had a plan to capture the top outpost and a second, lower blockhouse, which was located inside the village. Because they wanted to dominate at the height where was the first checkpoint, so it's easy to control the lower blockhouse. Nidal Bakkur who called - and then asked them to send him to a group of fighters from other people. He called, even when it's only just begun. When the insurgents attacked a checkpoint, they had killed more than 25 people.

MM: How do you know the number of dead militants?

Answer: Because when they came to the UN observers, the bandits have collected their casualties and put their bodies in front of UN personnel, saying that they were civilians who were killed by the army. I myself heard it from them when they say observers, that this peaceful people, whose bodies they found in their homes.

By 15.30, they captured the top outpost. One soldier from that checkpoint had his throat cut by the bandits and was thrown from the third floor.

Before his death, he said: I'm from the city of Batna Kafar (a suburb of Damascus - ANNA), a Sunni, like you.
They said: You're just now remembered that you are - Sunni.

They captured two soldiers. One of them was called Abdul from a sort of Bedouin Shaui of Der-Zor. He was burned alive. I myself have not seen, as it burned, but all around mention that burned soldier. It was about 18.00. And what happened with the second soldier, I do not know.

But a gunman, whose name is Ikram Al Saleh said: let us not kill him, and we will show tomorrow, as a man who passed on our side.

Soon they took over the checkpoint and the department of law enforcement agencies in the city. On the opposite of this house they killed families, and all the children. They killed all the children of the clan of Al - Saeed. Only three families and 20 children.

They killed people, and also from the clan Abdul - Razak, only 10 people. They were killed because they were loyal to the government.

From the clan of Al-Sayed, killing seven brothers Abdullah Al Mashlab - third person in the Syrian parliament.

He was appointed on Thursday the 24th, and the next day, the 25th they had killed his brother's entire family: himself, his wife and three children.

At 19.00 the head of the brigade Al Farooq "Syrian Free Army" Abdul Razak Tlass appeared. With him came more than 250 fighters from the town of Ar-Rastan.

With him were two groups - a group from Akraba villages headed by Yousef Al-Yahya and a group from Farlaha villages.

During the attack on the outpost, Nidal Bakkur asked a militant to stand near the mosque and from there to make a few shots by RPGs and mortars toward
the army to provoke a military response to release bombs on a mosque. The army responded with fire from the BRDM, and hit the mosque.

After they captured the outpost, they carried the bodies of their dead fighters as well as the bodies of people and their children to the mosque.

They carried their bodies to the KIA pickup.

By 20.00 May 25 corpses were already in the mosque. The next day at 11 o'clock in the morning in the mosque the UN observers arrived.

The army evacuated the residents of several houses, who lived near the checkpoint in the safe zone. During the attack the bandits commanders constantly were screaming their fighters, so that during their telephone conversation with Al Jazeera there was an intensive shooting.

By night the shelling stopped. The next day, Saturday, from their conversation on the radio I heard someone say, let before the arrival of the observers some of of the military insurgents put on the Syrian army uniform (to look like they had sided with the rebels - ANNA), and let the second part wear civilian clothes. And then we come to the mosque. They set fire to several houses and fields, to accuse the army of the bombing.

The Observers I saw only from afar. They were surrounded by thugs, uniformed as the Syrian army, and not disguised as bandits.

Too many people were there and watched it all. But there was no one from the power of loyal relatives of people killed by bandits.

All cried out: We want to overthrow the regime. And with them were relatives of militants.

They (the rebels) came to our house and said - get out of your house, go away and leave because the city is transformed into a battlefield.

We're not gone, but many left after this. And after the arrival of the observers, militants took them to the empty house, and then discharged them where

gone, gunmen evicted people. Observers say that the refugees.

MM: How do your brothers and parents look at these events?

A: My father was already dead, but I have a mother, brothers and sisters. All we hold the same views.

MM: Is there in your village people who share your point of view?

A: Yes. Most share my opinion, but they are afraid to death of retaliation by the insurgents.

Previously, there even were people who went to a demonstration in support of the government and wrote slogans on the walls in the village:

Down with the Syrian Free Army, curse the inhabitants of the town of Dara (from which all began, and events).

And gangsters retaliated to all who wrote such a slogan.

MM: What are your relations with the inhabitants of neighboring villages, and why they were attacked by militants?

A: They never brought us harm do not conflict with us, we have maintained good relations with them.

On the contrary, the militants attacked them constantly because they belong to another religious group.

There is even a terrorist, whose name is Haitham al Hallyak who kidnapped a few people from neighboring villages and asked them for ransom - a few million
pounds. And one more militant named Abu Yasir, who was also kidnapped from the neighboring village of the general staff of the company for electricity,
because they belong to another religious group. This is one of the stolen Haytham killed, and the second took a shot of fuel oil.
You can find him in the hospital of the city of Homs.

These bandits were engaged in peace-time smuggling. Past our village is a fuel oil pipeline, and they always put a pipe directly to the taps, which are powerful pumps. And everyone in the village were aware of these facts. Most of these people - ordinary bandits. Among them, only a few had passed grade 8.

They basically steal from all those who belong to other faiths, and those who have money.

In our village there was a woman born in Lebanon. She lived in our village with three children and worked as a cleaner at the police station.

She was abducted, raped, hanged and then thrown into a field where her body was gnawed by dogs. It was very sad and terrible sight, she was completely naked.

You can not call these people Muslims and Arabs, they are beasts. There have been cases in the beginning of the unrest, when they attacked a hospital, and took blood that was used in the demonstrations.

That blood they poured on the person allegedly killed or injured to fabricate scenarios for Al-Jazeera and Al Arabia.

We are peaceful people and want calm to return to our village and our homes. We do not want outside interference, we want peace.

Jeffrey Feldtman is the main responsible for US Middle East policy:

Unconventional warfare

"The Ugly American just got uglier. And within these intifadas raging in the region, any Arab population that does not shut itself off from this foreign infiltration risks becoming a foot soldier in an unconventional war against themselves.Vis mere

Fort Bragg Special warfare:

"The US has organized several committees in order to implement the new plot in Syria, which include political, military, and security committees.

The political committee comprises US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as supervisor; Derek Chollet, as the executive manager;

former US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford; Fredrick Hoff as a member, and Jeffrey Feltman as the coordinator.

Feltman, according to the report, also controls another political group whose members include Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal, and Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim.


Feltman also oversees a Doha-based office for special security coordination in Syria."

"NATO'S "MEDIA WARFARE": Syrian Government Blamed for Atrocities Committed by US Sponsored Deaths Squads"

Webster Tarpley: Western policies doomed to fail in syria/


Ah Yes Avaaz

05.06.2012 16:04

That "activist" network that has been active in Syria since before the uprising sending Danny Dayem and others to train Syrian Sunnis in propaganda techniques and stir up sectarian divisions by calling on Sunni Arabs to join in the conflict against the Alawite heretics. I think the UNSG can safely add this petition to his ignore list.
