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Bark & Co Solicitors - Working Together With The Met Police To Screw Clients

Cowboy Solicitors | 04.06.2012 23:29

Bark & Co Solicitors - High Profile Fraud solicitors use ex bent police to setup their clients.

Changing Faces Of Corruption
Changing Faces Of Corruption

These solicitors mop up the High Profile fraud cases in UK. They then use their highly regarded position with The Met and other Police forces to release sensitive info about their clients thus creating successful convictions for the Police force's concerned. A blatant abuse of client/solicitor trust. Bark & Co employ ex flying squad officers who have already been suspended from the force.

Bark & Co Slap Injunction and gagging order on Rick Kordorski the founder of Solicitorsfromhell. Bark & Co can’t stand to be embarrassed, they are London’s City No.1 Law firm but does this make them Lawyers who honour client integrity and trust. Bark & Co control the London Judiciary, well actually they don’t anymore.

The hacktivist group Anonymous, who have gained some notoriety in recent months for bringing down Mastercard and Visa websites (among others) to support Julian Assange and Wikileaks, are now directing their efforts toward supporting Bent Lawyers and Corrupt Big Brother prosecutions. Bark & Co we’re watching you, not only are we watching you we’re watching all those around you; Kweko, Asil, we will show the criminal underworld your true colours. We don’t need to bring your website down that would be too easy.

No Bark & Co we’re going to release details of every client, every Barrister, every solictor, and every QC you have fucked over during your rise to power. You can’t bully us with your connections to the criminal underworld because we know everyone whose worth knowing, you can’t Bully us with your dodgy Dubai contacts because we are respected by the Prince of Dubai and your connections in the banks well forget it; everyone and mean everyone has be warned!

Bark & Co are disease and we people are a cure, a cure to stamping out this evil treacherous firm of lawyers whom breed corruption in the grandest scale.

Cowboy Solicitors
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I heard The Same

05.06.2012 12:17

Yes I agree my friend was exposed by this firm, they helped Police convict a peaceful protest organiser. People should boycott this firm.

John Millington
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