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Some sanity on day of parasite worship (Sex Pistol) | 03.06.2012 12:55 | London

With 350 people gathered by 12 O'clock more are expected to swell the ranks of the republican protest. Private security stopping protesters from accessing #jubileeprotest site and the organisers are suggesting people assemble on Tooley St, opposite the Shipwrights Arms. Some are not been able to get their banners out, while others are being prevented from joining the main crowd of republicans.

The rain is on our side as Republicans from across Britain unite for the biggest anti-monarchy protest in modern times. A ray of sanity are meeting at City Hall, as the mass of people wander like zombies towards the river thames in the drizzle, not sure what there is to see or why exactly they are waving those flags. It has been hard to remember a more empty day of national hysteria and good to see at least some are prepared to show their contempt.. Republicans have a powerful and positive message about democratic values and a more imaginative and inspiring form of politics. (Sex Pistol)
- Original article on IMC London:


Display the following 58 comments

  1. when the bullshit runs out - we are just left with the cold hard facts — Corgie
  2. Queen of nothing — GFTQ
  3. Unhelpful remarks — Dan Factor
  4. anti-monarchist movement — lfgs sekled
  5. How to lose friends and alienate people — A zombie (therefore i am inferior to you)
  6. naive — shameful
  7. For goodness sake. — The Matriarch.
  8. What's not to love? — Eric Fromm
  9. @shameful — GFTQ
  10. indymedia is doomed — thereisnohope
  11. Yar. — anonymous
  12. @G — soggy backside
  13. Don't forget to buy your Pimms — and lets not forget how lovely Diana was
  14. G*d. — Damp Squib.
  15. Indymedia troll spotted and identified. — Troll spotter.
  16. Hmmmm. — Jason Bourne.
  17. joining the dots for the hard of thinking — a brain dead zombie
  18. hoho — george w bush
  19. hurrrumph — non attendee
  20. Jubilee — Jason Bourne.
  21. reasonable — troll
  22. Mugs — GodSaveTheQueef
  23. Ah the weather element — Drizzle on your parades
  24. Elitism — Dan Factor
  25. Militarism. — Wedlock
  26. Sunny again. — The Matriarch.
  27. Options are our own — Mars
  28. Elitist across the board — anon
  29. Nationalism & arrogance. — Wedlock
  30. Misguided understanding — Anarchist
  31. "overwhelming support for the Monarchy" — Sees the bigger picture
  32. Seeing things — Walking dead
  33. @ Walking dead — Sees the bigger picture
  34. sheep? — inferior little lamb with no brain
  35. Predictions — Nostradamus
  36. Post of the month by "Nostradamus" — No Longer A Regular
  37. trolls — anarchist
  38. Sheep here on Indy as well — Sees the bigger picture
  39. Laughing — Amused
  40. update — casualties united
  41. @The zionist hater — single cell lifeform with no consciousness
  42. Good to know — Owns pocket calculator
  43. haha — Republican Protestor who was there
  44. obvious troll — troll hunter
  45. State agents — regular
  46. @Obvious Trolling — Anarchist
  47. End of a reign. — Wedlock.
  48. take a walk welock — believe in the right to think for self
  49. How to think. — Wedlock.
  50. Funny how most anti-monarchists are all unemployed losers — Realist
  51. Irony — Anarchist
  52. This is a green violet. — Squaw.
  53. definitions according to an English dictionary not a Voodoo one — Anarchist
  54. Yes, well! — Squaw.
  55. Will The Last One To Leave Please Turn Out The Lights — Walter
  56. save it for the revolution — killemall
  57. Keep on, keeping on. — Squaw
  58. Loyalism is stoooopid. — Anarchist