The Houla Massacre
@medialens | 31.05.2012 15:36 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Terror War | Sheffield | World
The appalling massacre of 108 people, including 49 children, in Houla, Syria, dominated the Independent on Sunday’s latest front cover. Above a few short lines of commentary the banner headline read:
The text beneath observed:
‘There is, of course, supposed to be a ceasefire, which the brutal Assad regime simply ignores. And the international community? It just averts its gaze. Will you do the same? Or will the sickening fate of these innocent children make you very, very angry?’ (Independent on Sunday, May 27, 2012)
Readers, then, knew exactly where to direct their anger - the 'brutal' Syrian 'regime' was responsible for the massacre.
It is not quite true that the 'international community' has averted its gaze. And the Syrian government is not the only party to have violated the April 12 ceasefire. Earlier this month, four weeks into the attempted pause in fighting, the Washington Post reported:
‘Syrian rebels battling the regime of President Bashar al-Assad have begun receiving significantly more and better weapons in recent weeks, an effort paid for by Persian Gulf nations and coordinated in part by the United States, according to opposition activists and U.S. and foreign officials.’
The weapons were having an impact:
‘The effect of the new arms appeared evident in Monday’s clash between opposition and government forces over control of the rebel-held city of Rastan, near Homs. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said rebel forces who overran a government base had killed 23 Syrian soldiers.’
This kind of detail was not allowed to disturb the trans-spectrum media insistence that Assad, and Assad alone, was responsible for the slaughter of innocents in Houla. Nobody reading and watching the national media could come to any other conclusion. Also in the Independent on Sunday, David Randall wrote bitterly:
‘He is the President; she is the First Lady; they are dead children. He governs but doesn't protect; she shops and doesn't care… And one hopes that those on the United Nations Security Council, when it reconvenes, will look into the staring eyes of these dead children and remember the hollow words of Assad's wife when she simpered that she “comforts the families” of her country's victims.’
In March, US soldier Robert Bales shot dead 16 Afghan civilians, nine of them children, in a night-time massacre in a village outside a US base in southern Afghanistan. The Guardian reported:
‘Among the dead was a young girl in a green and red dress who had been shot in the forehead. The bodies of other victims appeared partially burned. A villager claimed they had been wrapped in blankets and set on fire by the killer.’
What kind of evidence would the media need before finding Barack Obama (and even Michelle Obama) personally responsible for this or any other massacre? Clearly, the involvement of US forces would need to be confirmed beyond doubt. They would need to have been acting under orders. Presumably Obama would need to have signed these orders, or at least to have been aware of them and agreed to them on some level.
But in the case of the Syrian leader, direct personal responsibility was attributed instantly, even before the killers had been identified. Within hours of the massacre being reported, a cartoon by Martin Rowson in the Observer depicted Assad with his mouth and face smeared with the blood of children. In the Independent, Assad was shown sitting in a bath filled with blood.
We challenged Rowson on Twitter: ‘On what actual evidence about the massacre in Houla is your cartoon based?’
We were asking what sources Rowson could offer indicating that Syrian forces were responsible, indeed that Assad was himself personally responsible. Rowson replied:
‘I have no more evidence than media & UN reports, like anyone else. Also used cartoonist's hunch - are you saying I'm wrong?’
We asked: ‘Would you rely on a "hunch" in depicting Obama and Cameron with mouths smeared with the blood of massacred children?’
Rowson continued: ‘Or are you saying I need New Yorker levels of verification for every story I cover? I'm a cartoonist, for f*ck's sake...'
Media Lens: ‘But shouldn't a cartoon also be based on fundamentally rational analysis, on credible evidence?'
We repeatedly and politely asked Rowson to supply some of the evidence (links to articles, quotes) that had informed his thinking. We received numerous and varied responses but no mention of evidence. Instead, Rowson erupted:
‘[Media Lens] has succeeded in riling me. Well done. If I'm proved worng I'll apologise. Meanwhile, f*ck off & annoy someone else.’
And: ‘No time for this anymore. Sorry. I stand convicted as a c*nt. End of...’
But Rowson did continue Tweeting and explained: ‘I'm answering you out of politeness…’
He finally pointed to one sentence in a BBC article quoting Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov:
‘There is no doubt that the government used artillery and tanks and this has been reported by UN observers who have visited the scene.’
This single sentence, Rowson claimed, 'seems to nail it'.
This was indeed the initial Western focus in blaming the Syrian government. Foreign Office minister Alistair Burt said:
‘We are appalled at what appears to be credible reports that the Syrian regime has been responsible for the deaths of 92 civilians in Houla, including 32 children. The UN Head of Mission has been able to confirm the numbers and also that artillery tank shells have been used. If this is the case then it's an act of pure, naked savagery and we condemn it in the most strongest possible terms.’ (Our emphasis)
But it turns out that shelling was not the major cause of deaths. Associated Press has more recently reported:
‘The U.N.'s human rights office said most of the 108 victims were shot execution-style at close range, with fewer than 20 people cut down by regime shelling.’
Also, if Rowson felt that the quote from Lavrov justified blaming Assad solely and personally for the massacre, he should have checked the previous sentence, also from Lavrov:
‘We are dealing with a situation in which both sides evidently had a hand in the deaths of innocent people…’
The exchange with Rowson is available, in full, here.
Two days after Rowson’s cartoon appeared, the BBC reported the head of the UN Supervision Mission in Syria, Maj Gen Robert Mood, as saying: ‘the circumstances that led to these tragic killings are still unclear’. Mood commented: ‘Whatever I learned on the ground in Syria... is that I should not jump to conclusions.’
The BBC’s Washington Correspondent – ‘Was Russia Actually Persuaded?... Who Knows?’
The BBC also had no doubts about culpability. Diplomatic correspondent, James Robbins, claimed on the BBC's News at Ten:
‘The UN now says most victims, including many children, were murdered inside their homes by President Assad’s militias.’ (BBC News At Ten, May 29, 2012)
Thus, in a change from the initial claims, the Syrian government was now additionally being blamed for the close-quarter killings. But this is what UN peacekeeping chief Herve Ladsous had actually said that day:
'Part of the victims had been killed by artillery shells, now that points ever so clearly to the responsibility of the government. Only the government has heavy weapons, has tanks, has howitzers. But there are also victims from individual weapons, victims from knife wounds and that of course is less clear but probably points the way to the (pro-Assad) shabbihas, the local militia.' (Our emphasis)
This gave the lie to Robbins' emphatic claim on the BBC's highest profile news programme. We emailed him asking for alternative sources but received no reply.
According to the BBC, even the Russians agreed with the Western view that the Syrian government was wholly to blame. The BBC’s Washington correspondent, Jonny Dymond, commented on a UN meeting in response to the massacre:
‘Going into the meeting, Syria's big-power ally, Russia, made it clear that it needed to be convinced of the Syrian government's culpability for what had happened at Houla. It appears to have been persuaded.’
Activist and filmmaker Gabriele Zamparini challenged Dymond, asking: ‘Was Russia persuaded?’ Zamparini quoted from the Guardian:
‘Russia said it is unlikely government forces would have killed civilians at point-blank range and suggested there was a third force – terrorists or external agents – seeking to trigger outside intervention.’
Also in the Guardian:
‘Lavrov said “both sides” were to blame for the deaths of innocent civilians in Houla.’
Dymond responded:
‘Dear Gabriele,
‘Thanks for writing.
‘Who knows the truth of Great Power diplomacy? People are still arguing about the intentions of Metternich.
‘Going into the meeting the Russian deputy ambassador to the UN said he needed to see proof (I paraphrase). According to diplomatic sources Major General Mood said there was a direct link between the deaths from shelling and Syrian government forces. The UNSC then issued a statement making that link, to the surprise of some that believed Russia would veto such criticism of Syria. Was Russia actually persuaded? Does it really need persuasion or is this part of a diplomatic dance entirely unconnected with the truth or the lives of those in Houla? Who knows[?] But I wrote that it "appears" (the qualification is important) to have been persuaded because to an observer of the process, that's the story of the day, and I stand by it.
‘Thanks again for taking the time to write in touch.
‘Jonny’ (Email, forwarded to Media Lens, May 28, 2012)
And so, on the BBC website, Dymond asserted that Russia ‘appears to have been persuaded’ that the Syrian government was responsible. And yet, on the same day in response to an activist, Dymond asked: ‘Who knows[?]’
This is typical of the propaganda that issues forth from the BBC. Under the headline, ‘Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows,’ the BBC website published a picture of a young child jumping over a huge number of white body bags. But the picture was actually taken on March 27, 2003 of a young Iraqi child jumping over bags of skeletons found in a desert south of Baghdad. The photographer who took the picture, Marco Di Lauro, said he nearly ‘fell off his chair’ when he saw the image being used to illustrate a story from Syria:
‘What I am really astonished by is that a news organization like the BBC doesn't check the sources and it's willing to publish any picture sent it by anyone: activist, citizen journalist or whatever.’
In similar vein (to select at random), offering literally no serious supporting evidence at all, two Guardian articles casually reported claims that the Syrian government was behind the massacre:
'Syria's fragile peace process is in shreds after what was claimed to be a regime-backed massacre left 32 children among more than 90 dead and triggered a wave of international revulsion.'
'Although long-planned, the visit gained new urgency following the weekend massacre in Houla, when more than 90 people, including 32 children, were killed in an attack claimed to have been backed by the regime of Bashar al-Assad.'
The Case For Critical Thinking
There are reasonable grounds for questioning the claim that the Syrian government, and Assad personally, was wholly responsible for the massacre. First, as the Sunday Telegraph noted:
‘Damascus has long accused activist groups of exaggerating and falsifying accounts to draw international attention to their plight, a charge that independent observers say has sometimes been justified.’ (Ruth Sherlock, Colin Freeman, Richard Spencer, Magdy Samaan, ‘Massacre of the innocents,’ Sunday Telegraph, May 27, 2012)
A rare dissenting view was offered by the highly respected Syria analyst Alastair Crooke, founder and director of Conflicts Forum. On responsibility for Houla, Crooke commented:
‘We don’t know for sure yet… But one thing that stands out quite clearly, and which is very important, is that the methodology, this type of killing - of beheadings, of slitting of throats, slitting of throats of children, too, and of this mutilation of bodies - has been a characteristic, not of Levantine Islam, not of Syria, not of Lebanon, but really of what happened in the Anbar province of Iraq. And so it seems to point very much in the direction of groups that had been associated with the war in Iraq against the United States, who have perhaps returned to Syria, or perhaps Iraqis who have come up from Anbar to take part in it…. But this whole process of mutilation is so very much against the tradition of Levantine Islam that I think it’s very hard to see this will have come either from soldiers or even from others who might have been bent on revenge… I don’t think this speaks of soldiers going on the rampage.’
Crooke added:
‘This is very much a possibility; that what we’re looking at here is a deliberate and cold-blooded attempt to cast Syria into civil war, to initiate civil war, to bring Western intervention, if possible. But simply, again, to bring down the regime. And it is clearly, I think, perpetrated in the interests of those external parties and groups at the end of the spectrum of the opposition, which are jihadi groups, who want no part in the peace process but who want to bring down the system and for Syria to turn into civil war.’
Crooke believes ‘al-Qaeda-like groups’ were to blame. (Crooke, RT, May 29, 2012)
John Bradley, author of After The Arab Spring: How Islamists Hijacked the Middle East Revolts, wrote in the Daily Mail:
'The expressions of outrage over Houla and the consequent threats of military action all feed into the conventional Western narrative of the Syrian crisis whereby Assad is portrayed as a bloodthirsty tyrant and the rebels as heroic freedom-fighters trying to liberate the Syrian people from oppression. It is a picture that has been sedulously cultivated by the anti-Assad opposition, who are masters of manipulative propaganda aimed at gullible Western politicians, broadcasters and protest groups. But the truth about the violence in Syria is far more complex than Assad’s enemies would have us believe.'
Massacres and crises of this kind (real, imagined, or manufactured) have been used to justify Western armed intervention in the past. In 1999, the contested Racak massacre provided the trigger for Nato military intervention in Kosovo. In 2003, as the Downing Street memo made clear, the US and UK conspired to manufacture a trigger event to justify war on Iraq. Britain and the US did not use UN diplomacy as a way to avoid war, but as a way to lure Iraq into supplying a casus belli for war. Last year, the alleged threat of a massacre in Benghazi was used to trigger an attack on Libya. Clearly, Syrian rebels are hoping for a ‘Benghazi moment’ enabling Western intervention in Syria.
Emails leaked by WikiLeaks from the influential risk analysis group, Stratfor, noted that 'most of the opposition's more serious claims have turned out to be grossly exaggerated or simply untrue'. Stratfor argued that Syrian government massacres against civilians were unlikely because the ‘regime has calibrated its crackdowns to avoid just such a scenario. Regime forces have been careful to avoid the high casualty numbers that could lead to an intervention based on humanitarian grounds’.
So why would the Syrian government order the one action that risks triggering Western intervention, regime change and the fate suffered by Gaddafi in Libya? Perhaps Syrian government forces, or allied militias were responsible. Would that mean the Syrian government, and Assad himself, ordered, or knew about, the killings? Might the killers be rogue supporters of the government acting independently? These would be natural questions if the finger of blame was pointing at the US or UK. They are almost unthinkable, now, when the latest official enemy is being targeted for destruction.
Sharmine Narwani, Senior Associate at St. Antony's College, Oxford University, quotes from the US 2010 Unconventional Warfare (UW) Manual of the US Military’s Special Forces on the dark art of generating regime change.
‘First, there should be local and national “agitation” – the organization of boycotts, strikes, and other efforts to suggest public discontent. Then, the “infiltration of foreign organizers and advisors and foreign propaganda, material, money, weapons and equipment.”
‘The next level of operations would be to establish “national front organizations [i.e. the Syrian National Council] and liberation movements [i.e. the Free Syrian Army]” that would move larger segments of the population toward accepting “increased political violence and sabotage” – and encourage the mentoring of “individuals or groups that conduct acts of sabotage in urban centers.”
‘Now, how and why would an uncommitted – and ostensibly peaceful - majority of the population respond to the introduction of violence by opposition groups? The UW manual tells us there is an easy way to spin this one:
‘“If retaliation [by the target government] occurs, the resistance can exploit the negative consequences to garner more sympathy and support from the population by emphasizing the sacrifices and hardship the resistance is enduring on behalf of “the people.” If retaliation is ineffective or does not occur, the resistance can use this as proof of its ability to wage effect combat against the enemy. In addition, the resistance can portray the inability or reluctance of the enemy to retaliate as a weakness, which will demoralize enemy forces and instill a belief in their eventual defeat.”’
We recognise the bloody ruthlessness of the Syrian Baathists, epitomised by Assad's father and continued now by his son, Bashar. Whatever the truth of Houla, the reaction of the corporate media has, yet again, made a mockery of the claim that it is a 'free press'. Rather, it has propagandised relentlessly in promoting the US-UK view of the conflict. Once again, war in pursuit of regime change is the real goal behind the 'humanitarian' deceit.
With its usual depth of sincerity and compassion, Murdoch’s Times commented:
‘This newspaper is as wary as anyone in Britain of becoming once again involved in foreign struggles.’
Tragi-comically echoing John Lennon, the editors sighed:
‘We wanted and argued to give peace a chance… But what kind of country would Britain be, and what kind of people would young Syrians take us for, if we allowed the slaughter to continue?’ (Leader, ‘Responsibility to Protect,’ The Times, May 30, 2012)
War, again war, always war - endless war! But then corporate greed is a form of eternal war in pursuit of profit. We are living, very clearly, in a pathologically violent and structurally insane society.
The goal of Media Lens is to promote rationality, compassion and respect for others. If you do write to journalists, we strongly urge you to maintain a polite, non-aggressive and non-abusive tone. Please write to:
John Mullin, editor of the Independent on Sunday
David Randall at the Independent
Martin Rowson at the Guardian
via Twitter: @MartinRowson
Alan Rusbridger, Guardian editor
Steve Herrmann, BBC News online editor
Helen Boaden, BBC news director
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Syrien: FSA-Rebellen-Massaker von Houla
31.05.2012 17:30
Diskussion - Massaker von Hula - wiki
Im Folgenden die Übersetzung des Transkripts eines russischsprachigen Videobeitrags, der weiter unten eingebunden ist.
Augenzeugenberichte: Während unserer Reise nach Al-Hula in der Provinz Homs haben wir Berichte von ca. einem knappen Dutzend Augenzeugen der Attacke auf die Stadt Al-Hula vom 25. Mai 2012 auf aufgezeichnet und dokumentiert. Der Angriff erfolgte durch eine Einheit bewaffneter Kämpfer aus Ar Rastan. An ihr waren mehr als 700 bewaffnete Rebellen beteiligt. Sie brachten die Stadt unter ihre Kontrolle und begannen mit einer Säuberungsaktion gegen regierungstreue Familien, einschließlich alter Menschen, Frauen und Kinder. Die Toten wurden von den Banden der UNO und der Weltöffentlichkeit als Opfer der syrischen Armee präsentiert; damit verfolgte man das Ziel, Druck auf die Staatengemeinschaft auszuüben und die schnelle Verabschiedung einer „geeigneten“ Resolution gegen Syrien durch den UN-Sicherheitsrat „durchzudrücken“.
Heute feuern die bewaffneten Banditen zielgerichtet praktisch auf jeden, der ihnen vor die Läufe kommt. Nur eine Stunde vor unserem Eintreffen wurden zwei gepanzerte Fahrzeuge der UN-Beobachter beschossen, als diese versuchten, zu einem Kontrollpunkt der Armee in Taldou zu gelangen; das haben wir auf Video dokumentiert. Auch auf uns wurde eine MG-Garbe abgefeuert, obwohl klar zu erkennen war, dass wir nur ein Filmteam sind, das aus unbewaffneten Zivilisten besteht. ........ M E H R: Von Juergen Meyer ...
Picture: Diskussion:Massaker von Hula (Syrien) .........
" Gesetze sind wie Spinnweben, die kleine Fliegen fangen, aber die Wespen und Hornissen entkommen lassen. " Jonathan Swift
Peter Mirkel
US-Saudi sponsored death squads committed Houla massacre
31.05.2012 20:59
A Russian news team has been collecting statements from Houla villagers, documenting that the Houla Massacre was perpetrated by the rebels.
The originalinterviews are on:
(use Google translate)
On Youtube, with Russian sound:
Translations on:
summary by Marat Musin 31.5
On Friday May 25, several hundred rebels attacked Tal-Dow village, killed government-loyal inhabitants, and destroyed houses, police station and a hospital.
Later the bodies of the victims, as well as rebel casualties, were brought to the mosque in Houla - children first - and presented as victims of "shelling" by the Syrian Army.
This "shelling" story was brought Saturday morning by rebel websites, Gulf media, BBC and most Western News organisations.
Originally, the rebels claimed that they had about 100 dead and 300 wounded from shelling.
Only when observers pointed out that the victims had been stabbed or shot, the rebels changed their story.
Interview with old woman and villagers:
Grandmother of Al-Hula .
“There was a massacre, and we want Al Jazeera to show what had happened in reality, not something that they are told by unknown people.
They attacked the block office of law enforcement.
All the soldiers were killed, then they attacked our villages, torched a hospital in Al-Hula.
Bandits killed our pharmacist next to the clinic for the fact that he has treated a wounded soldier.
No one except the Army will help us. In anticipation of the arrival of Kofi Annan, there has been escalation of violence, and the number of terrorist
attacks has increased.
Our children can not go to school, we can not go to our fields, our gardens and on the job.
What happened yesterday - it’s an unbelievable cruelty. Thousands of militants from the Al - Rastan attacked the town, killed all the soldiers at the checkpoints, burned the city hospital.
Local resident: I’m from Tal - Dow and Al-Hula. yesterday came armed bandits, they told us:
“Either you are with us will kill the soldiers and policemen, or we will kill you.” They killed our wives and children, were all killed.
They killed the soldiers and policemen. I wish that the army came and cleaned our village from bandits.
I want us to live as before in the security and stability.
Local resident: I am a resident of Tal - Dow and Al-Hula.
Armed groups attacked the checkpoints and they were all killed. They told us to go with them, or they would kill us.
They burned our house and started filming the neighborhood and talking on phones, to pretend that supposedly there were airstrikes.
They killed and burned soldiers. We want to be rid of these gangs, they can no longer be tolerated.
Local woman: We are from the villages of Al-Gaunt, which is located next to the Al-Hula. Nine of my relatives were killed by terrorists in the field.
The bandits set fire to our houses and we fled into the Al Gor, but there were bandits who kill us, we have a martyr, who was burned alive.
Why, by what law did they die? Is this Islam? Is this justice? All this from Hammad from Qatar. Hamad is now satisfied? ”
Second report 30.5:
"During a trip to the province of Homs Al Hula we interviewed and documented the testimony of more than 10 witnesses to the May 25, 2012 attacks on the city of Al-Hula by Wahhabi militants from Ar-Rastan, whose number exceeded 700.
Militants seized the town and began to clean it from all government-loyal families, including elderly, women and children.
Killed people, and tried to present them to the UN and the international community as victims of the Syrian army, to put pressure to "push" through the adoption in a hurry of a UN Security Council resolution about Syria."
Here is an interview with our first witness, which reveals the details and chronology of this crime against humanity:
Marat Mursin (MM): What happened on 25 and 26 May in your native village of Tal-Dow, which you saw with your own eyes?
A resident of Tal-Daw: I am a resident of Tal Dow, and I now live in Tal-Dau. On the first day of the event on Friday, they attacked the army of the
mortar checkpoints on the outskirts of the city. The army responded and wounded in the leg of a man who fired at them from the mortar. The bandits took him to a field hospital and now he is alive and well. His name is Syed Talha Al Fayez Iksh. We in the Tal-Dau call his family Talha.
Even two days before the attack on May 25, they (the supporters of bandits - ANNA) told us that the hour is approaching X.
We heard it from the local gangsters. They are constantly told that we should raise a big fuss. But I did not expect it so do it.
Prior to that, they constantly bombarded army checkpoints, every Friday after prayers. Shootings were a couple of hours, all returned to their seats.
Some fighters have cameras, and they constantly filmed everything that happens. They also had telephones, radios (trunked radio - ANNA), and we constantly in the house heard them talking among themselves.
As of Friday, after prayers at about 14.00 May 25 a checkpoint was attacked, and the army responded to this fire. The second group of bandits led by
Nidal Bakkur and another group had gathered to attack the second checkpoint, located on the mountain.
The second group of bandits was from the clan of Al Hallyaka known we have named Hassan al. They had a plan to capture the top outpost and a second,
lower blockhouse, which was located inside the village. Because they wanted to dominate at the height where was the first checkpoint, so it's easy to control the lower blockhouse. Nidal Bakkur who called - and then asked them to send him to a group of fighters from other people. He called, even when it's only just begun. When the insurgents attacked a checkpoint, they had killed more than 25 people.
MM: How do you know the number of dead militants?
Answer: Because when they came to the UN observers, the bandits have collected their casualties and put their bodies in front of UN personnel, saying that they were civilians who were killed by the army. I myself heard it from them when they say observers, that this peaceful people, whose bodies they found in their homes.
By 15.30, they captured the top outpost. One soldier from that checkpoint had his throat cut by the bandits and was thrown from the third floor.
Before his death, he said: I'm from the city of Batna Kafar (a suburb of Damascus - ANNA), a Sunni, like you.
They said: You're just now remembered that you are - Sunni.
They captured two soldiers. One of them was called Abdul from a sort of Bedouin Shaui of Der-Zor. He was burned alive. I myself have not seen,
as it burned, but all around mention that burned soldier. It was about 18.00. And what happened with the second soldier, I do not know.
But a gunman, whose name is Ikram Al Saleh said: let us not kill him, and we will show tomorrow, as a man who passed on our side.
Soon they took over the checkpoint and the department of law enforcement agencies in the city. On the opposite of this house they killed families, and all the children. They killed all the children of the clan of Al - Saeed. Only three families and 20 children.
They killed people, and also from the clan Abdul - Razak, only 10 people. They were killed because they were loyal to the government.
From the clan of Al-Sayed, killing seven brothers Abdullah Al Mashlab - third person in the Syrian parliament.
He was appointed on Thursday the 24th, and the next day, the 25th they had killed his brother's entire family: himself, his wife and three children.
At 19.00 the head of the brigade Al Farooq "Syrian Free Army" Abdul Razak Tlass appeared. With him came more than 250 fighters from the town of Ar-Rastan.
With him were two groups - a group from Akraba villages headed by Yousef Al-Yahya and a group from Farlaha villages.
During the attack on the outpost, Nidal Bakkur asked a militant to stand near the mosque and from there to make a few shots by RPGs and mortars toward the army to provoke a military response to release bombs on a mosque. The army responded with fire from the BRDM, and hit the mosque.
After they captured the outpost, they carried the bodies of their dead fighters as well as the bodies of people and their children to the mosque.
They carried their bodies to the KIA pickup.
By 20.00 May 25 corpses were already in the mosque. The next day at 11 o'clock in the morning in the mosque the UN observers arrived.
The army evacuated the residents of several houses, who lived near the checkpoint in the safe zone. During the attack the bandits commanders constantly
were screaming their fighters, so that during their telephone conversation with Al Jazeera there was an intensive shooting.
By night the shelling stopped. The next day, Saturday, from their conversation on the radio I heard someone say, let before the arrival of the observers some of of the military insurgents put on the Syrian army uniform (to look like they had sided with the rebels - ANNA), and let the second part wear civilian clothes. And then we come to the mosque. They set fire to several houses and fields, to accuse the army of the bombing.
The Observers, I saw only from afar. They were surrounded by thugs, uniformed as the Syrian army, and not disguised as bandits.
Too many people were there and watched it all. But there was no one from the power of loyal relatives of people killed by bandits.
All cried out: We want to overthrow the regime. And with them were relatives of militants.
They (the rebels) came to our house and said - get out of your house, go away and leave because the city is transformed into a battlefield.
We're not gone, but many left after this. And after the arrival of the observers, militants took them to the empty house, and then discharged them where
gone, gunmen evicted people. Observers say that the refugees.
MM: How do your brothers and parents look at these events?
A: My father was already dead, but I have a mother, brothers and sisters. All we hold the same views.
MM: Is there in your village people who share your point of view?
A: Yes. Most share my opinion, but they are afraid to death of retaliation by the insurgents.
Previously, there even were people who went to a demonstration in support of the government and wrote slogans on the walls in the village:
Down with the Syrian Free Army, curse the inhabitants of the town of Dara (from which all began, and events).
And gangsters retaliated to all who wrote such a slogan.
MM: What are your relations with the inhabitants of neighboring villages, and why they were attacked by militants?
A: They never brought us harm do not conflict with us, we have maintained good relations with them.
On the contrary, the militants attacked them constantly because they belong to another religious group.
There is even a terrorist, whose name is Haitham al Hallyak who kidnapped a few people from neighboring villages and asked them for ransom - a few million
pounds. And one more militant named Abu Yasir, who was also kidnapped from the neighboring village of the general staff of the company for electricity,
because they belong to another religious group. This is one of the stolen Haytham killed, and the second took a shot of fuel oil.
You can find him in the hospital of the city of Homs.
These bandits were engaged in peace-time smuggling. Past our village is a fuel oil pipeline, and they always put a pipe directly to the taps, which are
powerful pumps. And everyone in the village were aware of these facts. Most of these people - ordinary bandits. Among them, only a few had passed grade 8.
They basically steal from all those who belong to other faiths, and those who have money.
In our village there was a woman born in Lebanon. She lived in our village with three children and worked as a cleaner at the police station.
She was abducted, raped, hanged and then thrown into a field where her body was gnawed by dogs. It was very sad and terrible sight, she was completely naked.
You can not call these people Muslims and Arabs, they are beasts. There was another time when they captured the public schools in the country - schools,
hospitals, clinics, administrative management. They burned everything, and do not let children to school. There are four of the clan of Al Abbara, and one
of the clan, the Al Yousif, who suffered from AIDS and who are now dead. They raped a woman in the clan Nayla, and infected her with the disease.
She had a 3-month-old baby. After the rape, she fed him breast and the baby died.
There have been cases in the beginning of the unrest, when they attacked a hospital, and took blood that was used in the demonstrations.
That blood they poured on the person allegedly killed or injured to fabricate scenarios for Al-Jazeera and Al Arabia.
We are peaceful people and want calm to return to our village and our homes. We do not want outside interference, we want peace.
Jeffrey Feldtman is the main responsible for US Middle East policy:
Unconventional warfare
"The Ugly American just got uglier. And within these intifadas raging in the region, any Arab population that does not shut itself off from this foreign infiltration risks becoming a foot soldier in an unconventional war against themselves.Vis mere
Fort Bragg Special warfare:
"The US has organized several committees in order to implement the new plot in Syria, which include political, military, and security committees.
The political committee comprises US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as supervisor; Derek Chollet, as the executive manager;
former US Ambassador to Syria Robert Ford; Fredrick Hoff as a member, and Jeffrey Feltman as the coordinator.
Feltman, according to the report, also controls another political group whose members include Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal, and Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim.
Feltman also oversees a Doha-based office for special security coordination in Syria."
"NATO'S "MEDIA WARFARE": Syrian Government Blamed for Atrocities Committed by US Sponsored Deaths Squads"
Webster Tarpley: Western policies doomed to fail in syria/
Corporate bosses seek world dominance by Nato:
Pepe Escobar:"NATO will never win Afghan war"
The Zionists are to blame
01.06.2012 03:43
Knoteyed Jaguar
Brilliant work.
01.06.2012 12:48
I will spend the next few hours following up the info you have presented and perhaps add some more.
dubious sources
01.06.2012 20:55
I feel these sources are extremely biased based on their process history
PressTV is Iranian (they dont get on very well with America). And GlobalResearch has never got a single nice thing to say about America which is a bit telling as nothing can be 100% bad.
Can you provide any more independent sources?
anti american
02.06.2012 08:47
It is the pro-american sources we should be most suspicious of!
The normal state of affairs is for there to be an anti-american stance, this is a direct consequence of the decades of brutal, murderous oppression that the middle east (amongst other places) has been subjected to, by america.
So just being anti-american does not mean that it is an unreliable source.
My experience of the middle east (which is considerable) is that the anti-americans do not need to exaggerate or make things up. All they need to do is tell the truth, because the truth is so bad.
Once again, it is the pro-americans we should not trust..... why on earth would anyone in the middle east be pro-american? Money and power are the most likely answers.
In the western media there is a myth of balance. However by presenting an unbalanced situation as balanced, then the picture created (and subsequent linear debate) is unfair and inaccurate.
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