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Beaten up & disabled by far right thug - 5 witnesses but police refuse to charge

Friday Drivetime | 21.05.2012 01:03 | Flotilla to Gaza | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Policing

Friday Drivetime - BCfm’s weekly politics show
At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page.

37:00 - Cliff Hanley from Bristol’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign was beaten up and disabled in Bristol city centre by a far right drunk on Good Friday 2011. Although the attacker has allegedly been identified by six eyewitnesses, the police will not charge the man. How to fight a war without hurting anyone. Bristol’s Lincombe Barn wargaming society hold their annual table-top sale between 10am & 1pm on Sunday. Use of the new US magazine Modern War as propaganda, perpetuating myths & covering for US black ops such as Iran starting a war in the Middle East. Modern wars increasingly being fought not by Generals but by colossal NATO computers such as the one at the Corsham Computer Centre (CCC) housed deep underground near Copenacre in the old stone mines between Bath and Chippenham.

01:00 - Reconnaissance around global and intelligence news stories: Dictators’ dinner and liars’ lunch hosted by the Queen & Prince Charles at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. Do these figureheads have any real power? Kings and Queens are The Spanish Order of the Golden Fleece which goes back to Medieval times and takes its name from the Greeks’ legendary Golden Fleece from the ram-god Krios’ which was on the island of Colchis which was a charm for prosperity in Homer’s stories of Jason and the Argonauts. G8 summit at Camp David followed by NATO summit in Chicago. Remembering the British military coup attempt against Prime Minister Harold Wilson in 1975 as recorded in ’The Pencourt Files’ by Barrie Penrose & Roger Courtiour. Russians threaten to destroy NATO’s missile defence shield in Poland and Romania. NATO ramps up tension against the Chinese in the Spratly islands in the South China sea but who stands to gain from increasing tension? Are our arms firms and their foreign dealings encouraging terrorism here in Britain? Privatising AbbeyWood MoD procurement with arms manufacturers BAe Systems in the running. The Olympic Torch trail from Greece was started in 1936 by the Nazis for the Berlin Olympics. Queen of Disco Donna Summer believed her lung cancer was caused by inhaling New York’s 9/11 dust. Sex, spies and seven suspicious deaths: The murky waters of the intelligence world – coincidence or conspiracy?

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21.05.2012 12:14

what an absolute disgrace what kind of feeble minded people would attack someone for simply having a different point of view

liberty is precious

let me think

21.05.2012 14:17

"what an absolute disgrace what kind of feeble minded people would attack someone for simply having a different point of view "

er how about half the posters on here?

Just a quicky, if the person ws violently assaulted to the point that they were paralised (life changing injury) the matter of charge would have to be heard by the CPS not police for charge (basic charging standards).
You dont say how many of the eyewitnesses made a statement and would be prepared to go to court, how many of them were indipendant of the two parties.

Great headline but like with most of the tripe screamed from the rooftops it lacks actual substance



21.05.2012 16:36

You are amusing that attack was in answer to what was being said.
Sorry - but drunk people attack people all the time. I doubt it is for what was being said
