The Caravan for Climate Jobs is in Sheffield
Chris @climate_caravan | 18.05.2012 13:05 | Climate Chaos | Public sector cuts | Workers' Movements | Sheffield
The Climate Caravan and supporters from Sheffield set up displays and collected petitions in Tudor Square in Sheffield on 18th May 2012. The attached audio includes interviews with Sheffield Renewables, the driver of the van, Solar Active, and the Sheffield Campaign Against Climate Change
One Million Climate Jobs – creating the future we want
A Public Meeting coinciding with the visit to Sheffield of the National Climate Jobs Caravan:
Friday 18th May 6.30pm – 8.30pm at Quaker Meeting House,
St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW, near Cathedral tram stop
Our speakers:
John Stewart is the current chair of the Campaign against Climate Change and also an active member of the Campaign against Climate Change trade union group. He has been an environmental and transport campaigner for over 30 years, in recent years chairing the coalition that successfully opposed plans for a third runway at Heathrow.
Martin Mayer is chair of the Sheffield Anti-Cuts Alliance and President of Sheffield Trades Council. As a member of Unite the Union's Executive Council and the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) he works for public transport jobs and real solutions to climate change.
Two very different futures confront us at this moment – a continued push for fossil fuel extraction by powerful corporations, or a world of useful work to tackle climate change and bring security and wellbeing to all.
The One Million Climate Jobs campaign puts forward a solution to the crisis of high unemployment and austerity. It enables us to move rapidly to renewable energy, well-insulated homes, cheap public transport, healthy local food and skills for useful work.
Here in Sheffield we've already started to build a local movement of trade unionists, campaigners and faith groups to make this happen – we want you to join us and create a future that cares for climate, jobs and communities.
At this meeting you will hear about the One Million Climate Jobs Campaign, and how trade unionists and others can add their voices. We want to involve you in the dialogue about how to take these ideas forward, so as well as speakers there will be discussion, questions and action planning.
SATURDAY: Our follow-up workshop on Sat 19th May at 9.30-12, the World Development Movement are running a workshop on 'An economy for the 99% -ideas and tools to make it happen'. We will make the links between climate jobs and a new type of economy for people and the planet- also at Quaker Meeting House – all welcome.
We face an ongoing economic crisis with unemployment heading towards three million and one in five young people out of work. We also face the prospect of catastrophic climate change which will pose an even greater threat to the future of our children and grandchildren.
We can start to tackle both these problems now by forcing the Government to create a million new jobs dealing directly with the introduction of clean sources of renewable energy and greater energy efficiency in our buildings and transport systems. By expanding cheap public transport, insulating our homes, and training people in green skills. All this can be done for a fraction of the amount the Government has put into keeping the banks afloat.
This has been shown by the ONE MILLION CLIMATE JOBS REPORT produced by the Trade Union Group of the Campaign against Climate Change and endorsed by four national unions – the CWU, PCS, TSSA and UCU. The TUC is also calling for the creation of a million green jobs. The CLIMATE JOBS CARAVAN – backed by a number of national unions and campaign groups – is a 2000 mile campaign tour of towns and cities to promote the ONE MILLION CLIMATE JOBS REPORT and raise public discussion of how jobs lost in your locality can be replaced through the creation of the new industries and services that we need to ensure an environmentally sustainable future.
A Public Meeting coinciding with the visit to Sheffield of the National Climate Jobs Caravan:
Friday 18th May 6.30pm – 8.30pm at Quaker Meeting House,
St James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW, near Cathedral tram stop
Our speakers:
John Stewart is the current chair of the Campaign against Climate Change and also an active member of the Campaign against Climate Change trade union group. He has been an environmental and transport campaigner for over 30 years, in recent years chairing the coalition that successfully opposed plans for a third runway at Heathrow.
Martin Mayer is chair of the Sheffield Anti-Cuts Alliance and President of Sheffield Trades Council. As a member of Unite the Union's Executive Council and the International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) he works for public transport jobs and real solutions to climate change.
Two very different futures confront us at this moment – a continued push for fossil fuel extraction by powerful corporations, or a world of useful work to tackle climate change and bring security and wellbeing to all.
The One Million Climate Jobs campaign puts forward a solution to the crisis of high unemployment and austerity. It enables us to move rapidly to renewable energy, well-insulated homes, cheap public transport, healthy local food and skills for useful work.
Here in Sheffield we've already started to build a local movement of trade unionists, campaigners and faith groups to make this happen – we want you to join us and create a future that cares for climate, jobs and communities.
At this meeting you will hear about the One Million Climate Jobs Campaign, and how trade unionists and others can add their voices. We want to involve you in the dialogue about how to take these ideas forward, so as well as speakers there will be discussion, questions and action planning.
SATURDAY: Our follow-up workshop on Sat 19th May at 9.30-12, the World Development Movement are running a workshop on 'An economy for the 99% -ideas and tools to make it happen'. We will make the links between climate jobs and a new type of economy for people and the planet- also at Quaker Meeting House – all welcome.
We face an ongoing economic crisis with unemployment heading towards three million and one in five young people out of work. We also face the prospect of catastrophic climate change which will pose an even greater threat to the future of our children and grandchildren.
We can start to tackle both these problems now by forcing the Government to create a million new jobs dealing directly with the introduction of clean sources of renewable energy and greater energy efficiency in our buildings and transport systems. By expanding cheap public transport, insulating our homes, and training people in green skills. All this can be done for a fraction of the amount the Government has put into keeping the banks afloat.
This has been shown by the ONE MILLION CLIMATE JOBS REPORT produced by the Trade Union Group of the Campaign against Climate Change and endorsed by four national unions – the CWU, PCS, TSSA and UCU. The TUC is also calling for the creation of a million green jobs. The CLIMATE JOBS CARAVAN – backed by a number of national unions and campaign groups – is a 2000 mile campaign tour of towns and cities to promote the ONE MILLION CLIMATE JOBS REPORT and raise public discussion of how jobs lost in your locality can be replaced through the creation of the new industries and services that we need to ensure an environmentally sustainable future.
Chris @climate_caravan
Hide the following 5 comments
a simple view
18.05.2012 17:21
By the way, I've paid out of my own low wages to insulate my house by my own free choice, because it saves me money. I currently have the democratic choice how to spend my own meager earnings, but not for long the way this lot are talking. They clearly think that they know what is better for us than we do.
I wouldn't trust the future of the planet or my freedom to the state, it's mercantilist corporations, unions or faith groups. The climate is rapidly becoming the new devil / al-qaeda / bogie man of social control.
If these people were really interested in climate change they would be wanting the state, responsible for 3/4+ of CO2 to cut back it's push economics and allow the economy to shrink naturally to meet social demand. It's not ordinary people who are the greedy bastards it's the statists with their bombs and war planes, guns and social policies that are hell bent on expansion. Most of us want nothing more than to be left alone to tend our gardens and kick a football around with our children. We are not going to have much time to do that while we are rushing around serving gods and oligarchs or eco-marxism.
green man
just another tax
19.05.2012 09:11
"Climate" is just a way of making paying tax more palettable to people in this country.
The last flights I booked, it had some kind of "do you want to offset your carbon?" checkbox that was already ticked at about £15. I unticked it and got the flights £15 cheaper!
It amazes me that people are tricked so easily into handing over money and I realise that "climate" is used as just a way of getting cash out of people. In china, they probably have other ways of getting tax out of people. Its basically just a cultural thing. 20 Years from now it will be something else.
>> By the way, I've paid out of my own low wages to insulate my house by my own free choice, because it saves me money. I currently have the democratic choice how to spend my own meager earnings, but not for long the way this lot are talking. They clearly think that they know what is better for us than we do.
Well done. The great thing is, the money you spent is on something that actually works, rather than building wind turbines where there is no wind because they get massive subsidence and so remain profitable.
The worst one i've heard is these bio-burners. They get more than wind turbines. So much so, they can actually ship in wood chippings all the way from canada to burn here and still make a profit............. absolutely barking (pun). Makes me sick that this is all done in the name of hte planet using hardworking taxpayers money which could of been spent on housing insulation etc.
>> I wouldn't trust the future of the planet or my freedom to the state, it's mercantilist corporations, unions or faith groups. The climate is rapidly becoming the new devil / al-qaeda / bogie man of social control.
Agree with you there. I believe the next one they are testing out is a "fat tax". We will be guilt ridden etc and will end up handing over tax for the "war on fat" and anyone who disagrees will be labelled as evil. The worst bit will be that the "good" foods will be things that are actually bad for you like grains etc. because they are sooooooo far behind on what is actually scientific knowledge. Most people still believe Fat makes you fat. Even a modicum of reading into current research shows that is bollox. We've been spoon fed this lie to sell us "low-fat" processed foods for profit. And the government are so stupid (i dont actually believe they deliberately do it - they are just incompetent) that they set up quangos to disseminate this as "facts" to the public. Then the next thing will be taxing us on fat food and getting us to eat "wholewheat" and other shit which actually has no scientific backing whatsoever.
>> If these people were really interested in climate change they would be wanting the state, responsible for 3/4+ of CO2 to cut back it's push economics and allow the economy to shrink naturally to meet social demand. It's not ordinary people who are the greedy bastards it's the statists with their bombs and war planes, guns and social policies that are hell bent on expansion. Most of us want nothing more than to be left alone to tend our gardens and kick a football around with our children. We are not going to have much time to do that while we are rushing around serving gods and oligarchs or eco-marxism.
I doubt a bit of military is causing climate change. The governments primary goal is to get people working so that a) they stay out of trouble and society runs smoothly, and b) they pay more tax making a better country etc.etc. Unfortunately, growth and consumerism are two great ways to make this happen.
I just hate it when some people agree with me
19.05.2012 13:59
Of cause the military don't emit CO2 and don't cost tax payers anything at all, and the military have nothing what so ever to do with social control, do they? and if they murder a few foreigners that would be good for the environment too, Right? The state just want's us to be happy, don't they. BOLLOCKS! I just wish people would think, instead of reciting the indoctrination of their preferred political wing.
green man
How many times do I need to tell people
20.05.2012 22:42
The climate of our planet has never been stable. EVER.
science facts
22.05.2012 22:48
Some obvious trolls here trying to dispute man-made global warming. Probably in the pay-purse of the energy companies. Carbon Dioxide is a man-made gas that forms a pollutant in the Earth's atmosphere. Plants do NOT "breathe", they grow from the ground using nutrients and water. Carbon Dioxide is warming the planet due to the Greenhouse effect that has been proven in science.
troll hunter