Message from recentley released Antifascist Ravi Gill
Ravi Gill | 17.05.2012 03:53 | Anti-racism | Other Press | Social Struggles
I just hope this can even show 1% for the love I feel for those who supportted me, I'll never forget you and love you always. NO PASARAN!
As reported, yes I was releasd on Friday. I just wanted to take this opportunity to try and thank everyone who supportted me while I was inside. If ever I had any doubts on whether prisoner support had any effect I can say in total honesty that they’ve been quelled.
Throughout my sentence I was able to stay positive, strong and focused which I believe was down to the post and contact I got.
Honestly it was the wierdest thing but just the post was like a daily kick in the arse to remind me Im not alone. So please accept my heartfelt thanks for all the support, letters. cards, mags, money, leaflets, etc etc. If anything positive came out of the this experience (Apart from your support), I have seen with my own eyes the fallacy of a fair British (or worldwide) justice system. The whole thing is run by bullies with their own agendas, committing crimes in the name society.
Im now just getting back into normal life but wont forget our brothers and sister still incarcerated, even they wrote to me and Im proud to say Ive made a lot of new friends bothg inside and outside of the prison system.
Please if you’ve everv thought about writing to a prisoner, take it from me the letters make such a difference, for me it was the difference between getting depressed or making a stand against prison policies that were clearly wrong and sometimes illegal! Throughout my sentence though alone I felt I was on my own, it was the words of the kind people that wrote to me that kept me going, as Im sure governers Rielly and I’anson will confirm (sorry lads but ya never beat me!).
Letters make all the difference in keeping the mind strong, so please just send that letter. There are many comrades still inside worldwide so the battle goes on, of course my freedom is a source of joy but I hope you’ll excuse me if I dont celebrate to much as many people I now know, love and respect are still hostages of a corrupt system.
Thank you all Ill love you always. By the way I have a list of all who promised me a pint so will be collecting, its better you come to me HA! HA!
Till all are free, Till the walls fall in a pile of dust.
We’ll drip like water and make the locks rust.
Draw your weapons and beat us senseless,
yet still we smile for our battle is relentless.
We fight for for what is right, you fight for a wage.
Thats why we stand proud, feel our rage.
For each you kill 10 more grow like a tree
because none are free till all are free
Throughout my sentence I was able to stay positive, strong and focused which I believe was down to the post and contact I got.
Honestly it was the wierdest thing but just the post was like a daily kick in the arse to remind me Im not alone. So please accept my heartfelt thanks for all the support, letters. cards, mags, money, leaflets, etc etc. If anything positive came out of the this experience (Apart from your support), I have seen with my own eyes the fallacy of a fair British (or worldwide) justice system. The whole thing is run by bullies with their own agendas, committing crimes in the name society.
Im now just getting back into normal life but wont forget our brothers and sister still incarcerated, even they wrote to me and Im proud to say Ive made a lot of new friends bothg inside and outside of the prison system.
Please if you’ve everv thought about writing to a prisoner, take it from me the letters make such a difference, for me it was the difference between getting depressed or making a stand against prison policies that were clearly wrong and sometimes illegal! Throughout my sentence though alone I felt I was on my own, it was the words of the kind people that wrote to me that kept me going, as Im sure governers Rielly and I’anson will confirm (sorry lads but ya never beat me!).
Letters make all the difference in keeping the mind strong, so please just send that letter. There are many comrades still inside worldwide so the battle goes on, of course my freedom is a source of joy but I hope you’ll excuse me if I dont celebrate to much as many people I now know, love and respect are still hostages of a corrupt system.
Thank you all Ill love you always. By the way I have a list of all who promised me a pint so will be collecting, its better you come to me HA! HA!
Till all are free, Till the walls fall in a pile of dust.
We’ll drip like water and make the locks rust.
Draw your weapons and beat us senseless,
yet still we smile for our battle is relentless.
We fight for for what is right, you fight for a wage.
Thats why we stand proud, feel our rage.
For each you kill 10 more grow like a tree
because none are free till all are free
Ravi Gill
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17.05.2012 08:01
Stop making out this violent tosser is some kind of hero
Current bun
17.05.2012 09:16
Hurting those who wish to hurt others, is this really thuggish? or are you just a moron?
we're all the same
17.05.2012 09:20
::::Getting the retaliation in first was he ?
is this really thuggish?
::::: Yes, why can't you see that ?
are you just a moron?
::::: No, are you ?
He's a cheap ignorant street thug who got caught, did his time and with luck will grow up now.
Current bun
Current Bun?
17.05.2012 09:23
The British state and their nazi-fascist allies spent plenty of energy for FUCK ALL.
The only good cop/fascist is a DEAD one.
More like Soggy Biscuit brigade
not familiar with the situation
17.05.2012 09:28
My point is. I feel that a nazi getting hurt (if they do openly support nationalistic socialism) is much more preferable to an antifash getting hurt.
easy peasy decision really.
Do you not agree?
hate racists, the human race is one.
Don't kid yourself
17.05.2012 09:29
I shouldn't think either give a toss mate. He was and is a nobody who neither the cops or boneheads will remember a week from now. The only people getting hard over him are fellow travellers like you.
Current bun
Nice one...
17.05.2012 18:20
You're funny!
18.05.2012 07:22
Ravisin' Ravin' Ravster Gill
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