RINA: Bye Bye exclusive end of monopoly
misterbean@autistici.org (Mr. Bean - interceptor ®) | 15.05.2012 16:55 | London
The italian Ministry of Transport snubs the RINA from international conferences and start contacts with two other important classification registries.
If you read the minutes of the Italian Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure (National Oil Com Tripartite committee) of 13 April 2011 comes almost laughable:
“…are requested clarification on the delegation that will participate in the preparatory work of the Second Meeting of the OIL Tripartite Committee to be held in Geneva on 12-14 December 2011. Dr. Moltoni states that participate in Geneva only representatives of governments and social partners could be accredited to work through international organizations of both workers and shipowners. Dr. Abbot of RINA calls in cause the Administration because she pronounces on the Rina's request for participation in the work of the RINA Geneva. Dr. Moltoni replied that at present the Administration does not consider to accredit any external advisers to the representatives to the Government ... " (See pdf document here reproduced and attached).
Now RINA is an impersonal and very common 'external advisor'. A real blow to the Engineer Ugo Salerno (President and CEO of RINA). Certainly after all defaillances of the Italian Naval Registry negligent could not expect anything good. In his long career as a certification body RINA has almost exhausted all the knowledge of possible shipwrecks (has also been called to answer in court for serious offenses and substantial damages). Not to bore you too much we mention in passing some of the many events who have had RINA as the protagonist: the sinking of a trawler in Mazara del Vallo (Licatin Fishing), The calamity of the Norwegian Sleipner catamaran (16 deaths), the sinking of the passenger ferry Al Salam Boccaccio 98 (1000 deaths), the tragedy of the oil tanker Erika (one of the worst environmental disasters), the sinking of the Basin Float N. 5 Yards of the Mediterranean, the disconcerting silence of RINA on several other maritime accidents (see, for example, the ship Costa Europe), the sinking of the cruise ship Costa Concordia. But the marine accidents in which is involved the name of RINA, But the skyrocketing marine incidents in which is involved the name of RINA, You can rely on our word, are many others. Recall also the involvement of the RINA in omitted control over the personnel who work illegally in Fincantieri, the ugly history of military vessels packed with asbestos that nobody - for decades - has never known anything (not even RINA), the very poor quality of working in foreign yards and the modus operandi of some predatory society (see ABB sites in Algeria), environmental certificates issued by RINA to companies that burying rubbish of every kind and poison the environment (see Smaltimenti Sud and Landfill of Tufo Colonico). Last but not least, puzzling facts that have also personally involved the Pres and CEO of. RINA Mr. Ugo Salerno and the director responsible for certification of RINA Roberto Cavanna (things of industrial espionage). Let's say that, on balance, that the one described is not a pretty picture. That said, however, RINA complains and stomps her feet like a cranky kid, because he wants to keep at all costs the broken toy and he wants to continue to enjoy all the privileges of the past. The nice thing is that the RINA want his broken toy must be accepted by all.
As you well know the market of the RINA - the marine certifications - for some time has been liberalized and there are no longer exclusives, in fact in Italy RINA is no longer the authority of the official classification. However, RINA, for undermining competition, aims also to hold in Italy preferential treatment. Since from the European Community has been banned the monopolies in these areas, look a little the devilry that RINA has invented. From now on, RINA will no longer be the institution of state with the exclusive but rather will be the Technical Board of Reference, the Only Recognized Organization. If you think we're taking the piss you are wrong. Look that the two thing are very different. Allow us to explain in two words. First, with the monopoly could only operate the sole body in charge (ie, RINA) but now, with the liberalized market, can work only recognized technical body, the Agency Technical Reference (more precisely, RINA). A graceful way to leave everything exactly as before? However, the first contact at the institutional level to develop this Machiavellian ploy there is already some time ago, as certify the minutes of the Ministry of Transport:
“Eng. Abbate RINA has reported that the Board has been authorized by the countries Liberia, Bermuda, Bahamas and Marshall Islands as a Recognized Organization (RO) to issue certificates ... A similar request has been forwarded to the Italian authorities who is proceeding to the technique investigation ... about the possibility of delegation of the certification referred to in Rule 5.1.2 and related standards and guidelines, states that the competent administrations are considering the various possible solutions and that, at present, have received two official requests from two others classification registers … ”.
As you can well imagine you too, here you will be a slight problem of honesty and transparency. With the personal story a little problematic that has RINA could certainly have easy game some foreign certification societies (never that the French Bureau Veritas or ABS - American Bureau of Shipping comes to our house to teach us how to certify security). However, RINA, which will never give up, has already unsheathed his aces up its sleeve. Building on its extensive network of relationships has unleashed her powerful lobby to reach the goal of achieving recognition in Italy as the only technical organization. In fact, a trained team of experts of RINA in these days has worked tirelessly to prepare the draft agreement be submitted to the competent organs of the various Ministries. The two drafts of "agreement" that the Eng. Ugo Salerno has brought with it in a recent trip Roman bring the evocative title:
“Agreement for the assignment of 'Technical Authority' and other tasks of an advisory nature” and also “Agreement for the delegation of certification services for ships registered in between Italy Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, the Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea of ??the Italian Republic and the RINA” (See pdf document here reproduced and attached).
We transcribe some of the salient points:
“On July 26, 2011 came into force on the Leg. June 14, 2011, n. 104 concerning 'implementation of Directive 2009/15/EC concerning common rules and standards for organizations that inspect and controls of ships and for the relevant activities of maritime administrations … therefore … retains its validity the decree of the then Ministry of Merchant Marine of 10 June 1947 which have been assigned RINA the tasks and functions in art. 3 of legislative decree. C.P.S. No. 340/147 … RINA is consequently the only technical body under applicable provisions of the abovementioned … the duties and functions entrusted to RINA are … operations or functions relating to the establishment and control of seaworthy safety of merchant ships and human life at sea, prevention and extinguishing of fires on board, ship-building and technical control over its navigation … in addition to the activities of technical organism … The Ministry relies on the RINA for the following activities of an advisory nature: technical assistance in the development of international norms and national security; Italian participation in delegations to the work of regulatory development and the international and national technical assistance for the definition of criteria of application (interpretations and equivalents) International and national legislation to the national fleet, carrying out activities on the ships, national and not , which touch the Italian ports (such as tests for Crude Oil Washing COW); support the evaluation of the technical problems inherent seaworthiness of ships subject to marine casualties and definition of technical operations, support for the retrieval and examination of the technical documentation regarding the subject of naval maritime accidents; technical assistance in evaluating the condition of stability and robustness of ships subject to marine casualties including through implementation of appropriate calculations, specialized technical assistance aimed at developing business management systems in different areas, technical assistance in developing training programs and training of technical personnel of the Ministry; technical assistance in the preparation and delivery of thematic courses of professional training of technical personnel of the Ministry ... RINA will not engage in activities that might lead to conflicts of interest… ”.
How nice. So when a ship will go to peak (and maybe you should recognize negligence and / or responsibility of RINA), the Ministry will put to investigate the RINA Services.
Wonderful, the Italian Naval Register, which investigates on itself. Nothing conflict of interest.
Doc. pdf attach.: http://issuu.com/misterbean/docs/Mintrasporti_RINA_comitato_OIL
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misterbean@autistici.org (Mr. Bean - interceptor ®)
Original article on IMC London: