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World Week for the Abolition of Meat: 21-27 May (meat-abolition) | 12.05.2012 22:55 | London

The World Weeks for the Abolition of Meat (WWAMs) are intended as a means of promoting a political debate around the idea of abolishing the production and consumption of sentient beings and other animal products.


World Week for the Abolition of Meat: 

21-27 May 2012

This year has seen
increased participation in the January World Week for the Abolition of Meat and the demand for the abolition of meat continues to attract media interest.

Remember that 99.99% of animals exploited are exploited for meat.


The next WWAM will be held from 21 to 27 May, and we hope it will be an opportunity for a larger worldwide mobilisation.

On 2 June 2012, a large demonstration, the March for the closing down of slaughterhouses, will take place in Paris. This will be an occasion to address the public and proclaim that the production and consumption of meat (and "fish" as well as other animal products) cause immense harm to animals, are not morally defendable, and must therefore be abolished as soon as possible.

We hope that demonstrations such as these will soon be organised around the world and will foster a rapid increase in awareness: the animal question is a crucial moral and political question which must be taken into account on all levels of society.

We are delighted that monthly events for the abolition of all forms of animal exploitation -- which explicitly demand the abolition of animal farming, hunting, and fishing -- are now organised in France and Switzerland.

The Veggie Pride March that will be held in Marseille, France on 19 May 2012 will also explicitly place itself within the framework of the demand for the abolition of meat.

You can listen to interviews we have given in French and English in order to detail the reasons why we lay emphasis on this demand.



How to advance the worldwide promotion to abolish meat?

You can support which receives no government subsidies.

You can also order activist materials such as T-shirts, pins, stickers, and flyers.

And of course send us your logo and website address, join us on Facebook and remember to announce your events.

If you use some or all of this call, please cite the source.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Worldwide promotion of the demand for the abolition of the production and consumption of animal flesh;
that is to say, the prohibition of products that come from hunting, fishing and farming
because they require the exploitation, suffering and death of sentient beings.

Short introductory texts:
For a world-wide movement for the abolition of meat
Frequently Asked Questions

Detailed brochure:
"Meat Abolition"
====================================== (meat-abolition)
- Original article on IMC London:


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13.05.2012 09:49

So are you guys gonna stop me from killing an animal to provide meat for me and my family?

I'd like to see you try it!

One could even argue that to do such a thing makes YOU viable prey.

To do such a thing is to deny the very nature of the planet in which we inhabit. If any of you veggies were taking a stroll through the jungle, and a hungry lion sees you, do you think he will go hungry because of moral issues? Survive or die.

The way of our world is quite simple really. It is not nice, nor comforting to many but it is ours.


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Dying campaign

13.05.2012 15:39

A campaign that gets less and less support every year. Give it up, the world eats meat and likes it.

Enjoys a steak

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13.05.2012 18:08

While it is true that numbers have fallen (as they have for most Vegan or Vegerarian campaigns) that does not mean we should give up. It is up to us to recruit a new generation of supporters to the cause and reverse the trend of young people to abandon Vegetarianism in their twenties.


meat eaters

13.05.2012 19:37

If you eat meat and/or dairy you are helping the planet to die. Does that make you feel tough? Are your taste buds that important? If you think it's natural for mankind to eat meat try and catch with your hands any animal you like to consume. Not easy is it? But I have a brain that I can use to catch the objects of my greed you say. If using that arguement I can use my brain to catch you and enslave/molest/kill etc. Or using nukes is fine as we can etc etc.
Go vegan and you can tell your kids that you chose to be compasionate and did your bit to save the world(and yourself). It's easier than you think.


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rather die

13.05.2012 20:33

than turn vegan.

It'd be like being in a mental prison.

Go out and catch animals with my hands?

Fortunately, I have ancestors who have developed means and ways to catch animals. Rabbits, deers, grouse and such things are relatively easy to nab.
Make a fire, a spitroast, and you've got yourself a nice meal. Much more nutritious and filling than leaves would be. - personal choice i suppose.


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my choice

13.05.2012 20:50

It's my personal choice to cut your throat hunter-that's life I guess.


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gets your facts straight

13.05.2012 20:58

>> If you eat meat and/or dairy you are helping the planet to die. Does that make you feel tough?
Thats not true. That is a made up lie to try and persuade people to stop eating meat. There is no scientific evidence to support that. Eating meat is not helping the planet die.

>> Are your taste buds that important?
Not just taste buds. Health benefits. Check out the Paleo lifestyle. I can't follow it if i don't eat meat - thats the whole point.

>> If you think it's natural for mankind to eat meat try and catch with your hands any animal you like to consume. Not easy is it?
Actually it is. It is called hunting and gathering. Something humans did for thousands of years before they got into farming for about the last 10,000 - which is a blink of an eye in comparison. Go and read some history books. Agriculture is the unnatural part of our evolution. Eating meat from huntering and gathering is natural because we did that for much longer by a 1000 fold.

> But I have a brain that I can use to catch the objects of my greed you say. If using that arguement I can use my brain to catch you and enslave/molest/kill etc. Or using nukes is fine as we can etc etc.
You what? Nonsense.

> Go vegan and you can tell your kids that you chose to be compasionate and did your bit to save the world(and yourself). It's easier than you think.
No. It is a death sentence for my health.

before posting nonsense

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13.05.2012 21:06

>> It's my personal choice to cut your throat hunter-that's life I guess.

Thats rubbish. Do some research because your argument is full of holes.
It is against the law to kill a person. But it isn't to kill an animal for food (if done within the law).

People have been eatin meat for 100 of 1000s of years. Who are you to dictate what they can and cant do.


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13.05.2012 23:03

Hey dumbfucks justifying meat eating-you quote history when you weren't there. Do you believe everything you read in the bible? Obviously you won't mind when your prey fights back right? Or if they can't for whatever reason somone fucks you up instead? Same question for you child molesters.

get me out of here

The Vegan choice

14.05.2012 06:28

Although the ethical and climate change arguments for a Vegan lifestyle can seem strong it is important to state the risks of one for certain individuals. The lack of a number of key vitamins and minerals as well as animal protein (that can be obtained from milk or cheese) can be dangerous. People falling into the following categories while perfectly safe adopting a vegetarian food choice should NOT become Vegans:

Pregnant woman
Pre-pubescent girls
Individuals with very low body mass (below 14)
Men and Women over 65 years age

The healthy choice for all is a vegetarian diet.

Vegetarian Doctor

Veggie is as bad as flesh eating.

14.05.2012 07:36

I don't see much difference between Vegetarians and dead flesh eaters, as long as they both consume the product of animal murder then they are equally guilty. The health issues of this for human animals are immaterial. If people live a little less time through a Vegan diet as opposed to a dead flesh based diet then so be it.

We do not eat people, we do not drink the milk of humans other than our own mothers, we do not make food from the flesh of people or steal their milk to make cheese why should we do the same for Cows, Goats, Horses, Sheep etc ?

Vegetarianism is a stage (and it should be a short one) to becoming Vegan not a final point. If you eat dead flesh or the products of animals you are a murderer and a rapist, it really is that simple.


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"Veggie is as bad as flesh eating"

14.05.2012 08:12

Agree completely, I'm sick and tired of Veggies refusing to make the move to Veganism for "health reasons" as though their health is somehow more important than that of other animals.

Can't understand why everyone isn't Vegan

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Why we change

14.05.2012 08:58

I tried to live as a Vegan for nearly a year at university and gave up because of the incredible boredom of living that way. Food becomes nothing more than fuel rather than an enjoyable social event enjoyed with friends.

I am aware of the moral issues involved but now I am older and more mature I understand the more complex issues involved and am now quite comfortable eating meat. I understand the numbers of people maintaining a Vegan lifestyle for more than 18 months is less than 10% of those who start.

former Vegan

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"Veggie is as bad as flesh eating"

14.05.2012 10:44

And I'm "sick and tired" of Vegans attempting to bully the overwhelming majority of the population who view eating meat as perfectly acceptable and reject the amorphousness of animals.


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ignore this article

14.05.2012 17:13

There is a massive amount of censorship on the comments on this article so:

1) The article and visible comments don't convey true public opinion

2) It is a form of cyber bullying

bad manners

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