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The Black Power Mixtape - IWW May Film Night

West Mids IWW | 10.05.2012 18:02 | Birmingham

Thursday, May 17, 2012
Lamp Tavern,
157 Barford Street, Digbeth B5 6AH

Archival footage shot by a group of Swedish journalists is edited together with recent commentary by Angela Davis, Bobby Seale, and others documenting the Black Power Movement in the United States in the 60's-70's.

This critically acclaimed and award-winning movie is being shown as part of the IWW monthly movie series

West Mids IWW


Display the following 7 comments

  1. FREE — West Mids IWW
  2. black power is the same as white power — nugget
  3. All power to the people — Wob
  4. Black Power, White Power — 7600
  5. Are you making a point 7600? — 0067
  6. The colour of power — Wob
  7. bullshit — karen