How to Deflect a Taser Attack? :
Ant I Taserman | 07.05.2012 11:55 | Health | Policing | Technology | World
How to Deflect a Taser Attack
According to a source on the internet, a taser attack can be deflected simply by “shorting out the dart probes. A simple body armour can be nothing but a piece of tin foil worn under the clothes. That would short out the electrical currents even if the darts pierce through it.
“Two or three layers of the foil would even be better if the dart probes pierced it and would provide small holes so the taser electrical arcs would short out more and faster. Even a piece of cardboard or heavy cloth wrapped in tin foil would do the trick.”
This knowledge could come in handy for activists who believe they may be at risk of police taser attack.
1 Rodney
August 19, 2009 at 3:45 am
This would work but you have to keep in mind that this will short out the taser weapon which could fry it and possibly injure the officer holding it. If apprehended you could get billed for the taser, they run anywhere from $500 to $2,000 USD. You would likely get charged with destruction of government property and injuring the cop (or intending to). Not that I would discourage anyone from this, I just wouldn’t want to see anyone going into a situation without considering the possible consequences.
A simple vest made out of a thin FIRE RESISTANT carpet or rug will shield you from a taser without damaging the weapon. Carpet armor can be worn under most loose fitting clothes and can be totally concealed by the black hooded sweatshirt. Cops are trained to aim for center mass (your torso) so I wouldn’t worry too much about sleeves. A flight or leather jacket would usually protect you from a taser but cops know this and so if you’re wearing one, they will just aim for another spot. You can also cut out and sew patches of carpet into your protest clothes to soften the impact of a police baton or asp. Above the elbows, outside of the knees and the collarbone are their most commonly targeted spots.
If you are hit with a taser and manage to get away, treat it like any electrical injury. Get hydrated and treat the injured area with burn cream. If you get away with the taser’s barbs still in you, have someone else remove them, the area immediately around the entry point is likely to be numb and you may not be able to feel the amount of damage you’re doing to yourself by ripping them out. Promptly clean and bandage the wound once the barbs are removed. If a girl gets tasered it’s recommended that she get a pregnancy test and if she is pregnant she needs to see an ob/gyn and inform them of the situation asap.

Ant I Taserman
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if you've got one lying around...
07.05.2012 12:02
same princible as this...
Water pistol
07.05.2012 13:23
Mr O
How to Deflect a Taser Attack
07.05.2012 15:08
physics 101
07.05.2012 17:08
Not really thought this through have you? Hint: British weather.
Anyway water doesn't conduct electricity because it doesnt have any free electrons.
oh dear, the state of the education
why do people get electrocuted in the bath then?
07.05.2012 19:26
Presumably because it isn't pure water, but contains impurities?
In that case, the solution is obvious - drench the afore-mentioned taser-wielding plod in salty water, or a bucket of piss! It would be entertaining anyway, even it it wasn't effective.
imc get rid
07.05.2012 20:08
utter shite
a cunning plan
07.05.2012 20:36
basic electrics
07.05.2012 20:44
08.05.2012 07:31
lets all go school, get job, get mortgage, die
08.05.2012 15:10
Sarcastic bastard.
Mr O
oh come on
08.05.2012 17:29
I've not even seen a policeman close up for about 3 years i think
Drove past a few is closest i've been. By being lawful, you'd very unlikely ever get tazored
the video link above
08.05.2012 18:46
and it would be hard for the cops to do you for wearing tin foil as its not against the law to wear tin foil at all..........
08.05.2012 20:22
08.05.2012 20:25
Thor shield
08.05.2012 20:28
material. Only the cops and military can get it. There is usually a way round these restrictions, but I cant find it.
fight em
17.08.2012 17:42
Survey of NonLethal Weapons
DoD Non-Lethal Weapons Reference Book
Non-Lethal and Discriminate Weapons and Technologies
Directed Energy Weapons
Laser Death-Ray
Radio Frequency Weapons
Protecting Personnel from Electromagnetic Fields
Electro-Muscular Incapacitation Devices (TASER)
TASER M26 Manual
Concealable Weapons
Insonification for Area Denial
Structural Acoustics: A General Form of Reciprocity Principles in Acoustics
Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons
Tear Gas UAVs
Nanomaterials in Army Research and Development
Nanotechnology and Environmental, Health, and Safety
Biological Agents and Toxins List
Chem/Bio/Radio/Nuke Materials and Effects
UK Notes on Pathogens, Toxins and WMD
Nuclear Weapons Effects
Nuclear Weapon Effects
Critical Technologies Plan
Military Critical Technologies List (MCTL)
The Magnetic Field Machine -1941
Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP)
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Alleged Suppression of Science and Censorship of Scientists
Electro Thermal Chemical Gun Technology Study
High Power Lasers
Alfalight -high-power lasers & torches
Irregular Warfare
Police Body Armor
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