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12 May / Meet the 1% / Global Spring

OccupyLSX | 04.05.2012 14:03

On 12 May people around the world will rise up again responding to the global call for action that marks the birth of the indignados movement. It’s time to face the 1 per cent. And guess what? They are right here in London!

We'll visit those who gambled with our pensions and savings, created financial nonsense to make money out of thin air, paid hundreds of thousands to wine and dine with our ‘elected’ representatives, were bailed out, evaded billions in taxes and secured 40% of the world’s wealth for themselves.

They are doing everything they can to keep the status quo. But it’s time for an economy that puts people’s well-being and the environment we live in before corporate profits. And they are in our way.
More details to be announced and a map will be made available before 12 May.
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