Daily Mail openly supporting Fascism
The Maquis | 21.04.2012 20:01 | Anti-racism | Culture | Social Struggles
The Daily Mail, the newspaper that famously supported Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists, has published an article openly supporting French Fascist candidate Marine Le Pen. In an article that appeared beside a photo of child-killing mass-murderer Anders Breivik, despite admitting that Le Pen’s economic policies "are both foolish and futile", Richard Waghorne claims that "the only responsible vote in France... is a vote for Marine Le Pen", because the National Front "has highlighted the country's right to defend its national identity".
The UK's Daily Mail, the newspaper that famously supported the traitorous aristocrat Sir Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists (also known as The Blackshirts) in the 1930s, has published an article openly calling on readers to support French Fascist and National Front candidate Marine Le Pen. In an article that appeared beside a photo of child-killing right-wing mass-murderer Anders Breivik, despite admitting that Le Pen’s economic policies "are both foolish and futile", Daily Mail correspondent Richard Waghorne claims that "the only responsible vote in France... is a vote for Marine Le Pen", because the National Front "has highlighted the country's right to defend its national identity".
The only (indirect) allusion Richard Waghorne makes to the National Front's concept of "national identity" being one defined by Fascism is his statement that Marine Le Pen's efforts "to regulate the political instincts of her party mitigate without cancelling-out present reminders of its unacceptable past" - referring to Marine's father, the convicted racist, convicted Holocaust-denier and alleged torturer Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has visited Britain as a guest of both BNP chairman Nick Griffin and of Griffin's openly Nazi predecessor John Tyndall.
Because French voters don't generally read British tabloids like The Daily Mail, Richard Waghorne's analysis is unlikely to make much difference to the French election, but WILL provide huge positive reinforcement for the likes of the UK's own National Front and British National Party. In terms of his own motives, Richard Waghorne gives the game away in letting-slip the name of Friedrich August Von Hayek - the right-wing Austrian economist, whose wild distortions of "libertarian" philosophy had (alongside those of his colleague Milton Friedman) a critical influence on Margaret Thatcher's Monetarist economics and on the policies of Chilean Fascist, mass-murderer and torturer General Pinochet.
http://richardtwaghorne.wordpress.com/contact/ (strange as this may sound, be polite, use IP shielding)
The 2nd photo here shows Daily Mail proprietor Viscount Rothermere posing with Adolf Hitler
The only (indirect) allusion Richard Waghorne makes to the National Front's concept of "national identity" being one defined by Fascism is his statement that Marine Le Pen's efforts "to regulate the political instincts of her party mitigate without cancelling-out present reminders of its unacceptable past" - referring to Marine's father, the convicted racist, convicted Holocaust-denier and alleged torturer Jean-Marie Le Pen, who has visited Britain as a guest of both BNP chairman Nick Griffin and of Griffin's openly Nazi predecessor John Tyndall.
Because French voters don't generally read British tabloids like The Daily Mail, Richard Waghorne's analysis is unlikely to make much difference to the French election, but WILL provide huge positive reinforcement for the likes of the UK's own National Front and British National Party. In terms of his own motives, Richard Waghorne gives the game away in letting-slip the name of Friedrich August Von Hayek - the right-wing Austrian economist, whose wild distortions of "libertarian" philosophy had (alongside those of his colleague Milton Friedman) a critical influence on Margaret Thatcher's Monetarist economics and on the policies of Chilean Fascist, mass-murderer and torturer General Pinochet.
http://richardtwaghorne.wordpress.com/contact/ (strange as this may sound, be polite, use IP shielding)
The 2nd photo here shows Daily Mail proprietor Viscount Rothermere posing with Adolf Hitler
The Maquis
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Marine & Jean-Marie Le Pen + Nick Griffin
21.04.2012 20:13
Full text of the article -
21.04.2012 20:29
"Despite her flaws, the only responsible vote in France next Sunday is one for Marine Le Pen"
Richard Waghorne, Daily Mail, 20 April 2012
Caption: "Marine Le Pen, who heads France's NATIONAL FRONT party, has highlighted the country's right to defend its national identity". France’s politics would appear to be in deceptively rude health. As Sunday’s first stage of the country’s two-round presidential election approaches, the vital indicators return vivid signs of life. Mass meetings in Paris and elsewhere have drawn numbers and passion hard to imagine in some parts of an exhausted Western Europe. Online politics has made an impact for the first time. There is a choice on the ballot paper of ten candidates, ranging as fully from right to left as from plausible to eccentric. France’s rarely quiescent intellectuals have offered their customary profusion of commentary on the country’s choices.
What France has not confronted honestly is the likelihood that this is the final French election for some time in which the country will vote on its future with an acceptable degree of control over its own destiny. The erosion of French self-government has been commissioned from within and awaits to be ratified from without. Nicholas Sarkozy has campaigned on the theme of a ‘Strong France’. His speeches consciously allude to the Fifth Republic’s founder General de Gaulle, praising an ‘Eternal France’ Sarkozy himself has never been in danger of embodying. Rather, he is the latest architect of the decline of French democracy to something bordering on irrelevance.
The most urgent, the most assiduously avoided challenge facing France is the erosion of its self-government. Sarkozy’s European policy has abetted the long-desired European federalism of the French political class, through means of government by decree from Brussels and the outright replacement of recalcitrant governments in Greece and Italy. In other European countries, the surface pretence of politics as usual has only been perpetuated by the craven compliance of hostage governments, as in Ireland. The fundamental deceit is that France herself is immune from the consequences of her president’s betrayal of other ancient European nations.
As the election campaign has demonstrated, this is not so to any extent which would return decisions over economic matters and identity to the French people. France’s banking system is critically exposed to the debts of the delinquent European margins, confirmed in Sarkozy’s last year in office by the trauma of a sovereign downgrade in a country where banks hold a status akin to proxies of the State. This very central standing in French public life, with its implicit expectation of support in crisis, was not enough to convince ratings-agencies of their durability - precisely because it is in question whether the French State possesses the capacity to deliver such support if required.
Although it is unlikely that this will come to pass, should Sarkozy secure re-election he would in all probability find himself faced with the appalling question of whether France herself could survive the humiliation of direction from Berlin and Brussels in the threatened eventuality of Spanish or Italian default. Much as FRIEDRICH HAYEK caustically referred to ‘socialists of all parties’ in the age of British muddy centrism shared between Labour and the Conservatives before the rise of Margaret Thatcher, one might see the choice of leading candidates in France as that between Eurofederalists of various parties. Neither Nicholas Sarkozy nor the likely victor Socialist François Hollande differ in their deference to ever-closer union. Much of their respective programmes must accordingly be discounted entirely as the outlines of an agenda they would never give themselves the liberty to execute.
The insurgent hard-left challenger Jean-Luc Mélenchon numbers the old French Communist Party within his alliance, calls for revolution in Europe, and speaks to supporters who bring Soviet flags to his rallies. The only other candidates polling in double figures, save one, is the centrist François Bayrou who combines many of his opponents’ defects with few redeeming virtues of his own. IN PRESENT CIRCUMSTANCES, GIVEN PRESENT CHOICES, THE ONLY RESPONSIBLE VOTE IN FRANCE NEXT SUNDAY IS A VOTE FOR MARINE LE PEN, LEADER OF FRANCE'S NATIONAL FRONT. This requires to be immediately qualified in several important respects:
Marine Le Pen believes France should leave the single currency in a bid to dodge any further fallout from the Euro crisis. Le Pen’s protectionist economic policies are both foolish and futile. Her campaign has often been poor and indistinct. This is particularly culpable during a European crisis which ought to have given her party an opportunity unparalleled since inception and suggests serious limits in her own capabilities. Her efforts to regulate the political instincts of her party mitigate without cancelling out present reminders of its unacceptable past, most notable among which are her vocal and hot-headed father Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Her stalwart defence of France’s right to perpetuate its national identity has forced Nicholas Sarkozy to give the issue a seriousness of attention he failed to grant it while office, but has sometimes been made by appeal to the lower instincts of the French electorate rather than the higher. Marine Le Pen remains, among an imperfect choice in urgent times, the only candidate capable of saving France’s control over her finances, borders, and identity. She is the only candidate available to conservative voters advancing the case for an exit from the Euro, the one measure which if executed carefully might yet save France from being swamped by foreign debts amassed elsewhere in a European project largely of its own making.
While Nicholas Sarkozy raises the prospect of securing French borders through withdrawal from the Schengen area, she possesses the requisite disdain for European entanglements which he all too comprehensively does not. Her defence of French national identity in the country with Europe’s most numerous Muslim minority is credible, whereas Sarkozy’s betrays his increasingly impotent opportunism. France next elects a president to the Élysée Palace in 2017. The most urgent question in this election ought to have been whether the next will matter much. There is no good reason as things stand to believe that France will escape the impotent slide into the morass of multiculturalism and bankrupt late European social democracy.
I was in the Olympics you know!
21.04.2012 21:38
France like the UK is embroiled in a war against the muslim world. Multi-culturalism has got nothing to do with it.
All this talk of decency surrounding the right wing because they hold views that are emminantly 'sensible' is a red herring. This is the failure of something much larger. It isn't France that is having a 'moment', it is Europe settling with the notion that the UK/US alliance is no longer working. Nationalism no more has the answer to this than the left leaning Socialista.
Whether we like it or not, this is a globalised world and the problems we have are global in scope.
Nationalism won't fix anything. All it will do is aggravate the situation and accelerate the decline. Even worse, it will bring about protectionism and split Europe into its component nationalist parts.
Guess who the winner is in that little game?
Anyway, this is all academic, Hollande has it in the bag.
Sally Gunnell.
Arse about face
22.04.2012 09:46
In fact elements of Islam with a perverted view of the faith are in a war against the UK and France (as well as anyone else who disagrees with them)
Glad not to be a Daily Mail reader
Marine Le Pen Saluting
22.04.2012 10:14
Mike Cowan
French Multiculturalism
22.04.2012 10:19
The Grand Mosque in Paris was built in gratitude for the Muslim sharp-shooters who fought for the French against the Nazis during WW2 - 100,000 Muslims died helping defend France against the same Fascism that the Le Pen family covertly support
it`s a racist organisation
22.04.2012 12:33
weyman Bennett
Homepage: http://www.theantifaschista.blogspot.co.uk/
22.04.2012 16:03
Dan Factor
Black is white, white is black.
22.04.2012 16:10
But they don't have a military paid for at the public expense. We do, the French do, the Americans do.
Only a fool (or somebody secretly concerned with our internal destruction), is going to say its a justified act to send the military against fanatics just because they have a bad interpretation of their own faith.
Under that logic we should have committed to a ground invasion of Northern Ireland in the 70's along with a multi-national arial bombardment of Belfast just because a few Republicans wouldn't play ball!
Personally, i couldn't care less what foreign fanatics think of us...the army is to be used against other armies and in a defensive role only, nothing else.
If foreign fanatics still feel the need to strike at us, well, then its time to figure out why that is and its time to casually dismiss out-of-hand anything that hasn't the mental capacity to help with that.
22.04.2012 16:20
Sarkozy is a British ally as well as being a died-in-the-wool Capitalist. If Sarkozy goes then Britain loses its biggest EU ally and that influences the trans-atlantic relationship we have with the yanks. In yanky eyes, we are weaker, and our ability to act as proxy for the US along with other EU states elsewhere in the world is undermined.
No more Libya's, no more Syria's. No more comfy US/EU pretend friendship.
The US is on its own.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, Hollande is a Socialist too..!
Nicholas 'Obama' Cameron-ski.
Indy Mods!!!
22.04.2012 19:45
uk fight back
22.04.2012 21:16
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