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India joins nuclear club, world doesn't care as india has minimal oil reserves

flipflop | 19.04.2012 09:29 | Anti-militarism

India has successfully test-launched a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile able to carry a nuclear warhead. It's range is believed to be 5000km, enough to put it in striking distance of China for example.

Iran is the 4th greatest producer of oil.

India is the 23rd greatest.



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19.04.2012 12:33

"India has successfully test-launched a long-range intercontinental ballistic missile able to carry a nuclear warhead. It's range is believed to be 5000km, enough to put it in striking distance of China for example. "

The launch that took place is about India sending a message to China due to China's recent expansionist actions in the southern Asian sea-lanes around the southern tip of India. Its a muscle flex.

It has nothing to do with us. It should do, but unfortunately our government seems more concerned with ponsing about losing in Syria.
