Anti-Prison Gathering timetable
Anti-Prisoners | 17.04.2012 10:17 | Policing | Repression | Social Struggles
Here's the schedule for the antiprison gathering to be held in Nottingham at the Sumac Centre on the 28th of April.
Breakfast, Lunch and dinner will be provided, as will accommodation on Friday and Saturday night.
On Friday night the Zounds will be playing at the Sumac, so come along to that if you can.
Breakfast, Lunch and dinner will be provided, as will accommodation on Friday and Saturday night.
On Friday night the Zounds

In the morning
Introduction to Anti-Capitalist perspectives on the prison system. Presentation by Autonomous Nottingham.
The Industrial Prison Complex- Privatization and the profiteers. Presentation by Corporate Watch.
Dissemination of anti-prison ideas- How can we spread the struggle, connect it to the growing social struggle. Open Discussion.
In the afternoon
Individual Cases of Repression and how they link up to the wider context. Short presentation by NDC, with space for other groups to talk on specific examples.
Detention Centers and how they connect to wider prisoner struggles- presentation by No Borders London
Solidarity is our weapon- Solidarity actions, What do they mean? What are they for? How will they spread? What can we learn from the last two years of more generalized struggle? How can antagonism against the prison industry help us further this struggle? Open discussion