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Hands Off The Middle East! Public Meeting (John Shemeld) | 15.04.2012 16:55

Nottingham Stop the War Coalition have called a Public Meeting entitled Hands Off The Middle East!

Speakers : Alan Simpson, Ex-MP for Nottingham South and a long-time anti-war campaigner

Ali Alizadeh, Iranian Opposition Activist

Fadi Al-Dairi, From Hand in Hand for Syria

Tuesday, 24 April at 7pm (note the early start!) in The Mechanics Institute, 3 North Sherwood Street (off Shakespeare Street, by the Central Fire Station).

You are welcome to join the discussion.

Intervention in the Middle East has been a disaster.

The death toll of British Soldiers in Afghanistan recently climbed past 400 and continues to climb. If, after 10 years, a country has not been "liberated" the "liberators" must be doing something wrong!

Sooner or later, the United States and its sycophantic supporter, Britain, will have to accept defeat - as they had to in Iraq. How many more lives, British and Afghani, are they going to waste first?

The United States is always tempted to use its overwhelming military strength (it spends as much on arms as the rest of the world put together) to try to make up for its relative economic decline. The current economic crisis doesn't help.

This means that the target is shifting to Iran and Syria. There are continual calls for intervention in Syria and the war of words with Iran continually threatens to boil over into a war of aircraft carriers and bombs in the Straits of Hormuz.

The main result of the failed war in Iraq has been to strengthen the influence of Iran in the area - and the United States doesn't like it!

This Public meeting has been called to argue against any more disastrous interventions. You are welcome to join in: Hands Off The Middle East!

Nottingham Stop the War Coalition

John Shemeld (Nottingham Coordinator, Stop the War Coalition) (John Shemeld)