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Occupy Nottingham Call Out (Occupy Nottingham) | 10.04.2012 12:55

Occupy is essentially a think tank for the generation of ideas through public discourse and debate, to enable social, economical and environmental change, it is also an umbrella type group for all causes, groups and people, linking and bringing them together in common cause. All opinions and policies of Occupy are made by group consensus. The first true Peoples Democracy of Nottingham has begun at Occupy Nottingham's public assemblies in the Market Place just as past citizens traditionally met in the same location, will you join the people and add your body and voice to the assembly?

Occupy Nottingham Call Out


Calling all the anarchists, antifa, activists, campaigners, protesters, demonstrators, occupiers, squatters, punks, hippies, students, unionists, socialists, and communists.


Occupy Nottingham have been sat in the Market Place for six months now and they have had continual support from members and groups such as Notts Uncut, Veggies, Aut Notts, Notts Freespace, Sumac Centre, Nott'm Class War, Nott'm Zeitgeist Chapter, Anonymous, Notts Students, Notts Anarchists, Notts Green Anarchists, Notts SOS, Nott'm UAF, East Mids Active, Nott'm Afed, Nott's Critical Mass, Neds Coop, Notts Climate/Eco Campaign, Nott'm Animal Rights, Notts Solidarity Network, Notts Squatters, Socialist Party, Communist Party, the Quakers, several Churches, various Unions and more have supported us.

So far we are one of the longest lasting continual camps in the UK and the entire World! If we are evicted we intend to carry on if we still have the solidarity of the Citizens of Nottingham. We have worked hard at putting Nottingham on the map, but we need your help, only through your continued support will we be able to carry on for another six months and beyond.

We ask all community, faith, art, political, campaign groups and members to link with us and begin to develop a unified community within Nottingham.

We need your groups info, contacts, events, flyers, leaflets, booklets, papers and posters to be displayed on our tables and boards. Please bring as much along as you like (although if its substantial a table would also be helpful).

We are facing eviction, and ask all groups in and around Nottingham to make public statements in solidarity and support of us, Nottingham Quakers and Sherwood Methodist Church have already done so and we thank them very much for their solidarity and unity that they have shown with the people of Nottingham.

Our society attempts to divide us by our sex, age, continent, nationality, ethnicity, region, hometown, postcode, street, residence, religion, faith, belief, ideology, politics, opinions and then to separate us even further into sub-factions. We must not let them do this to us 'united we stand, divided we fall'.

If for example there are 50 different political campaigns of different causes being conducted with 10 people in each group, but if all 50 campaigns linked up and supported each other there would be 500 people campaigning for 50 different causes which would significantly increase their effectiveness. That is what Occupy is doing worldwide and what Occupy Nottingham is working at doing in our communities, city, county & region.

By respecting each others needs take on board the concerns of others so that what is important to you is important to me and vice versa, then together we can stand strong and make a difference to everything that needs addressing.

Ask all your friends when in town to pass by say hello, voice support, visit our stand, read our boards, stop for a chat and attend our assemblies.

Bring your input and opinion to the public assemblies and add your voice to the people of Nottingham and help show the authorities of Nottingham that the people of Nottingham will not stand for being pushed around any longer, but instead will stand together in strength and unity.



The Occupiers have been sat in the heart of the commercial and political Centre of Nottingham in what is essentially an enclave built on socialist/anarchist/communist principles and ideals by the group consensus of all the people involved. This in some respects is a trial run for the real thing, in others is the beginning of it, by contributing to a small encampment and working together there, we will be better informed, equiped, experienced to be able to cope and achieve the same in a larger society.

I would say that Occupy Nottingham has done much to effect direct action, link communities, groups and people of all backgrounds, help those who've fallen through the cracks in the system, take the focus to the root of the problem, raise awareness and highlight the fundamental issues we and the world face today and bringing this to the attention of the general public in the last six months.

The movement has chosen to drop labels and stereotypes to bring everyone together. It realises that by clinging to these often self-restricting stereotypes, we risk alienating and frightening away the vast majority of the members of the public who unfortunately believe all the propaganda and lies portrayed by the government and the media. Images of violent mask wearing anarchists, labels such as anti-capitalist just serve to compound these problems and further distance the very people we need to get our message across to.

It is not always what they are against that matters, but what we are for and in agreement on that is important. Taking out of the mix that which we know is unjust, unequal, immoral and simply is proven to not work, adding in all that is just, equal respectful and proven to actually work. Also it matters not what specific end result we each as individuals desire for society at this point. What does matter is that we if we embark upon the path that will lead us there.

Firstly we must put our differences of opinion and ideals aside, come together, find common ground and expand from there, it will be a long journey of likely many years, but unless we begin it will be even longer still if it will happen at all. Once we have united and removed the power from the elite, then we can discuss the specifics of the society we would all like, but by that time no doubt the foundations of such a society would be well in place and we would have clearer ideas of how it would function..


Call To Action

Unified long term sustained hard work, is what is needed to effect permanent social change.

One day actions, protests, demos, occupations, although important in spreading messages, do not in themselves effect long term social change, consistent long term campaigns do. It is also blatantly obvious that violence is not the way either, the authorities are far better equipped for this and public support is lost as the media portrays stereotypes, apart from when necessary within reason for self defence. These are the old ways, we must discard the previous methods and embrace this new method of engaging with people, not just sticking within comfortable circles, this way, which is perhaps the oldest of all, but been out of practice for many years. Occupy has rekindled the peoples gatherings and encampments in the Market Places of old, it is up to us to continue it and to carry it forwards forcing them to listen.

Spring is upon us, the summer of discontent is around the corner, will you join the occupiers?



We rocognise that it takes a certain amount of commitment to live on the front line in a tent and although new camp members are always welcome, there are many more ways that you can support the movement without staying in a tent, for one there is nothing that requires you to do so, every aspect of the protest can be accomplished without the need for everyone to stay in tents. There are many active working groups within the protest, check out the list on our website.

On camp things you can do to help are running the info stand, maintaining the camp, making tea for the people, cooking meals, assisting the night watch.

Off site assistance for the camp in the transportation of batteries to and from charging, rubbish removal to the tip, water collection, firewood and donation collection, laundry washing and drying.

Off camp there are also many external aspects of the protest that can be done outside of the camp, such as helping with admin side; minute taking, typing up minutes, outreach events and communication etc.

We also need donations of foodstuffs, drinks, kitchen and cleaning supplies, stationary, firewood, tents and money for gas, printing, photocopying and transport.


Occupy is essentially a think tank for the generation of ideas through public discourse and debate, to enable social, economical and environmental change, it is also an umbrella type group for all causes, groups and people, linking and bringing them together in common cause. All opinions and policies of Occupy are made by group consensus. The first true Peoples Democracy of Nottingham has begun at Occupy Nottingham's public assemblies in the Market Place just as past citizens traditionally met in the same location, will you join the people and add your body and voice to the assembly?


Unite & Occupy!

Occupy is where its at, this is where everyone comes together to find common ground and work together for change, where we stand united on the front line against the system, where we show what democracy looks like.

The Occupiers have lasted six months on the Square with some support from the Nottingham Community, are you going to join them?

Public Assemblies; Mon, Wed, Fri 12 & 6 pm + Sat roving assembly announced weekly.

Solidarity Saturday every week, come & show your support at camp.


Strike! Occupy! Resist!


Occupy Your Heart

Occupy Love

Occupy Yourself

Occupy Your Mind

Occupy Your Consciousness

Occupy The Present Moment

Occupy Your Feelings

Occupy Truth

Occupy Honesty

Occupy Your Home

Occupy Your Life

Occupy Your Family

Occupy Your Street

Occupy The Buildings!

Occupy The Streets!

Occupy The Parks!

Occupy Your Community

Occupy Respect

Occupy Creativity

Occupy The Food Supply

Occupy The Services

Occupy The Economy

Occupy The Square!

Occupy Your Town

Occupy The Nation!

Occupy Society

Occupy The World!

Occupy Change

Occupy Together



We Are The 99%

We Are Legion

Expect Us...


Occupy Nottingham (Occupy Nottingham)


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Call out

10.04.2012 13:20

"Calling all the anarchists, antifa, activists, campaigners, protesters, demonstrators, occupiers, squatters, punks, hippies, students, unionists, socialists, and communists."

So that's 15 of you. What will happen after you all get together.

Call Out Calvin

Accuracy issue

10.04.2012 22:25

We Are The 99%
We Are Legion
Expect Us...

You are 'not' the 99% because you've just written a big article calling on other people for help.
The 0.001% more like

stupid article