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Bristol: The City That Said No to Advertising

Nik Kieboom | 09.04.2012 16:55

Dear Bristolians,

In an increasingly commercialized world people should have the freedom to choose when they are exposed to advertising. In public spaces we should be free from private and commercial interest but instead we are bombarded with messages that encourage us to run ever faster on the treadmill of modern consumer life with damaging consequences.

The removal of advertising in public spaces, such as billboards, would free us in our outdoor environment from the pressure to consume and allow us to appreciate previously obscured parts of our city. Any remaining empty spaces can be filled with art, poetry and inspiring social campaigns (e.g. volunteering, encouraging recycling).

Be part of Bristol: The City That Said No to Advertising and sign the ePetition calling for a ban on outdoor advertising. Six Bristol City Councillors already have!

Or join us on Facebook.

Please forward this as widely as possible to anyone who lives, works or studies in Bristol!

Many Thanks,

Bristol: The City That Said No to Advertising

Related Link:

Nik Kieboom
- Original article on IMC Bristol:


Hide the following 7 comments

Marx is hiding behind the billboard

09.04.2012 19:16

So no "privet" messages in public places, eh?
But government messages ok though? Like images of our "dear leader", right?

It's a public place, anyone should be allowed to publicise anything they want for free, so get fly posting! for something useful!


What about charities?

09.04.2012 22:27

Should a ban on advertising in public places apply to charities too? What about those charities that have a serious message to get across? Like the NSPCC's stop child abuse ads.

Dan Factor

That's not fascism, it's democracy.

10.04.2012 09:35

>>'Not sure you can go around telling people what they can and can't do on their own property.'

No, but the state can, and if we can get the government to do it for us, we can force anyone to do anything we want.


Take control of your life

10.04.2012 11:24

"In an increasingly commercialized world people should have the freedom to choose when they are exposed to advertising."
>>> They are, you are free to ignore any advert. I ignore thousands every day, why don't you ?

In public spaces we should be free from private and commercial interest but instead we are bombarded with messages that encourage us to run ever faster on the treadmill of modern consumer life with damaging consequences.
>>> Do you have no self control ? Is it that easy to influence you, take what you want from advertising, ignore the rest.

The removal of advertising in public spaces, such as billboards, would free us in our outdoor environment from the pressure to consume
>>> What pressure, nobody is forcing you to consume anything. Where is your will power ?

Any remaining empty spaces can be filled with art, poetry and inspiring social campaigns (e.g. volunteering, encouraging recycling).
>>> What is stopping you doing that ?

Has eyes open

Leader ?

10.04.2012 13:27

Arrogant tit,

"We have a duty as politically aware individuals to make these decisions and lead campaigns for the greater good"

Who put you in charge ?

No Gods, No Masters

more laws

10.04.2012 15:55

The country has got someone in charge that is why it is going to hell. Everyone thinks that they can solve problems by using force and coercion. Remember we invaded Iraq for the greater good, Afghanistan for women's rights, the war on drugs is all about protecting people from their own free will.

We don't need any one in charge at all, what we need is people to take responsibility for themselves. Demanding more laws only ever makes problems worse.


not wanting anarchy

10.04.2012 19:42

>> We don't need any one in charge at all, what we need is people to take responsibility for themselves. Demanding more laws only ever makes problems worse.

Well, not necessarily. The right laws are good. eg. Murder, Theft, GBH, Rape, Fraud etc.
I'd hate to be here if we didn't have a lot of the laws we have.

Without laws, the strong would feed on the weak, as there is nothing to say that a 6'6" guy can take things off a 4"10' guy by force

I can take responsibility for myself, but that means jackshit when faced with a stronger opponent.
