Some Inside Gossip From The English Coppers
Gavroche | 09.04.2012 14:59 | Policing | Repression
After occupying a police building in East London we were fortunate enough to find a few inside secrets from the English coppers. Not as many as are floating around on the grapevine mind...
One would hardly expect our oh so very friendly English police force to engage in some kind of police brutality. After all, they are known to be a little friendlier than the ones on the continent, except when they're shooting Mark Duggan and pushing over girls in the street, instigating riots. What is a riot but a symptom of a rotten society? It is telling that the copper involved in the shooting wasn't imprisoned for four years for inciting a riot - not that the attitude of punishment in revenge for punishment really serves much because it would only increase the extent to which the prison complex has power over society.
Ian Tomlinson, Jimmy Mubenga... Our overseers seem to have a knack of destroying all trace of their activities. How soon do the public forget about these cases whilst gossiping about the latest television shows and popular media stories. But we have proof of some things which they might find harder to hush up, and will now give you a few tantalizing insights into what the brutal MET have got away with, what remains unheard in this dungeon of lies.
Upon entering the occupied police station, the previous occupiers of whom there was some number and even amongst them some sober-minded persons, a chilling discovery was made. The upstairs rooms included a kind of cupboard, containing a bar presumably to be used for hanging up clothes. Yet it was not clothes they were hanging up, rather than their black uniforms, they were hanging up... Black people, it seems. Left upon the bars was a set of handcuffs, hanging down, and next to them a baseball bat which some suggest was bloodstained or spiked with nails upon which were written the words "British Bruiser".
Various quite reliable eyewitness testimonies are availiable to correlate this story.
Various documents, as yet unsorted, are in the hands of one of the allies of the starving masses, and were they to be released* then they would cause huge controversy. These documents give insight into the police dealings with football hooligans, rioters and others at various times. This is not to mention the various documents captured by imprisoned comrades over the course of time. The public eagerly awaits such tantalizing information, and were it to be released into their domain then it would greatly illuminate the corruption which at present goes unnoticed.
Many people believe that the police's attitude to drugs might be one tempered by regularly observing the suffering of drug addicts and people left in dire situations. Unfortunately this is not so. Various documents are in the possession of our organization which give evidence of the police's extraordinarily biased and offensive attitude towards this situation, seeking only to criminalize drug users and to create more criminals. It is clear that this attitude only serves to reinforce the power of the private security firms who run the prisons. Thereby state spending is increased, causing problems for the finances taken from the foolish masses by tax.
It would be better to follow after Thoreau and refuse to pay our taxes if the money is only to go into the hands of private corporations.
An Irish Traveller, who will go unnamed, brings us the story of being tortured at the hands of the police force. Metal poles were inserted up his nose and wires attached to his body. For the purpose of gaining information about potentially dangerous revolutionary movements, such as people who did not wish to pay rents and remain sedentary. Of course the institution of taking rents from people was only created with the Enclosure Acts, yet historical fact is conventiently ignored by the world as in the case of our state education program in which the deaths in Vietnam and due to colonial wars such as those of King Leopold II of Belgium go unmentioned.
This torture took place in - Syria, Egypt? No, in one of the "Democratic" states of Europe. This story, along with other reports of torture, can be correlated by various reliable witnesses.
* many of them already being scanned and prepared for potential electronic distribution
Ian Tomlinson, Jimmy Mubenga... Our overseers seem to have a knack of destroying all trace of their activities. How soon do the public forget about these cases whilst gossiping about the latest television shows and popular media stories. But we have proof of some things which they might find harder to hush up, and will now give you a few tantalizing insights into what the brutal MET have got away with, what remains unheard in this dungeon of lies.
Upon entering the occupied police station, the previous occupiers of whom there was some number and even amongst them some sober-minded persons, a chilling discovery was made. The upstairs rooms included a kind of cupboard, containing a bar presumably to be used for hanging up clothes. Yet it was not clothes they were hanging up, rather than their black uniforms, they were hanging up... Black people, it seems. Left upon the bars was a set of handcuffs, hanging down, and next to them a baseball bat which some suggest was bloodstained or spiked with nails upon which were written the words "British Bruiser".
Various quite reliable eyewitness testimonies are availiable to correlate this story.
Various documents, as yet unsorted, are in the hands of one of the allies of the starving masses, and were they to be released* then they would cause huge controversy. These documents give insight into the police dealings with football hooligans, rioters and others at various times. This is not to mention the various documents captured by imprisoned comrades over the course of time. The public eagerly awaits such tantalizing information, and were it to be released into their domain then it would greatly illuminate the corruption which at present goes unnoticed.
Many people believe that the police's attitude to drugs might be one tempered by regularly observing the suffering of drug addicts and people left in dire situations. Unfortunately this is not so. Various documents are in the possession of our organization which give evidence of the police's extraordinarily biased and offensive attitude towards this situation, seeking only to criminalize drug users and to create more criminals. It is clear that this attitude only serves to reinforce the power of the private security firms who run the prisons. Thereby state spending is increased, causing problems for the finances taken from the foolish masses by tax.
It would be better to follow after Thoreau and refuse to pay our taxes if the money is only to go into the hands of private corporations.
An Irish Traveller, who will go unnamed, brings us the story of being tortured at the hands of the police force. Metal poles were inserted up his nose and wires attached to his body. For the purpose of gaining information about potentially dangerous revolutionary movements, such as people who did not wish to pay rents and remain sedentary. Of course the institution of taking rents from people was only created with the Enclosure Acts, yet historical fact is conventiently ignored by the world as in the case of our state education program in which the deaths in Vietnam and due to colonial wars such as those of King Leopold II of Belgium go unmentioned.
This torture took place in - Syria, Egypt? No, in one of the "Democratic" states of Europe. This story, along with other reports of torture, can be correlated by various reliable witnesses.
* many of them already being scanned and prepared for potential electronic distribution
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Reliable witnesses my arse
10.04.2012 00:14
publish then ASAP so we can decide
10.04.2012 09:45
Publish the scanned documents via wikileaks or IMC
Special Branch ? O please...
10.04.2012 11:29
You are dreaming sunshine, in the first place 'Special Branch' hasn't even existed since 2005 when it merged with the Anti Terrorist Squad and became the Counter Terrorism Command plus when the UK is facing real terrorist threats from Islamic nutters do you really think they give a toss what a few Anarchists and Marxists write here ?
Grow up.
10.04.2012 11:58
@ a
10.04.2012 12:31
Nobody on here falls into the status of a threat.
10.04.2012 13:37
Communist Party member
Splitting the Left
10.04.2012 15:24
10.04.2012 15:52
No Anarchist or Marxist organisation has ever gotten large enough to threaten the State for the simple reason that there are not nearly enough supporters in the country. The Security Services don't need to worry about their plotting, scheming and organising because they never amount to anything that warrants a threat.
For example the following failed to achieve even 500 votes in the whole country during the last General Election
Communist League of Great Britain
Communist League (UK, 1990)
Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (backed Labour under Thatcher to vote-out the Conservatives)
Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (formed from former members of the SLP)
Communist Party of Great Britain (Provisional Central Committee)
Communist Workers Organisation
Democratic Socialist Alliance
Economic and Philosophic Science Review
International Communist Current
New Communist Party of Britain (backs Labour)
Peace and Progress Party
People's Party (formed from former members of Labour)
Permanent Revolution (group)
Red Party (formed by former members of the CPGB PCC)
Revolutionary Communist Group
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
Revolutionary Democratic Group
Socialist Action
Socialist Appeal (supports the Labour Party candidates)
Socialist Equality Party (formed from former members of the WRP)
Socialist Party of Great Britain
Spartacist League
Socialist Workers Party
Workers Power
Cutting through the crap
Election process
10.04.2012 16:38
Knot-Eyed Jaguar
I repeat...
10.04.2012 19:33
Reliable witnesses? What makes them reliable? where are they? where is the testomony? Where it the evidence?
You have nothing on show. Therefore must assume crank bullshit
remove (not a copper)
LOL @ 'Realist'
10.04.2012 20:11
So what the fuck was mark Kennedy about then?
And this:
and Fitwatch?
whos the real plonker
10.04.2012 20:49
>So what the fuck was mark Kennedy about then?
Not indymedia or keyboard warriors.
> And this:
Police can write comments too. So what? Suppose you'd complain if a supermarket shelf stacker wrote a comment too?
>and Fitwatch?
Nothing to do with indymedia or keyboard warriors
> Plonker......
So two of your comments are even relevent to indy or keyboard warriors, and the other is about a policeman writing comments. You plonker.
plonker alert
Trolls who have far too much time on their hands
10.04.2012 21:10
So remind us which of those categories Mark Kennedy, The trolling cop (who didn't "care about the keyboard warriors of IMC") and Fitwatch were involved in.
idiot alert
10.04.2012 22:01
So remind us which of those categories Mark Kennedy, The trolling cop (who didn't "care about the keyboard warriors of IMC") and Fitwatch were involved in.
So,... you actually think that is a COMPLETE list or issues we face do you?
And because Mark Kennedy doesn't fit into that list of 3 items, you are therefore proven right?
Seriously? Do i need to answer at how thick you are being?
(hint: there list is much longer than 3 items)
Its a direct ....
10.04.2012 23:20
So that'll be the issues he identified, not me.
Insulting people over the internet is obviously the work of a radical genius :-)
@ tsilaer - Gateway 303 investigation
11.04.2012 08:47
11.04.2012 09:34
Bearing in mind the desire of the state to retain all internet records indefinitely, this means that should at any point the state present Indymedia posts as evidence in a trial, the defendant would be entitled to disclosure of where the Gateway 303 and 202 posts actually came from.
As several posts contained information about activists which only the police would have had access to at the time they were made, it seems amazing that the 'librarians' and 'firefighters' all stopped posting at the same time, wouldn't you say?
So, an interesting theory but impossible to prove either way, for now.
But I get the point of the trolling on this thread. Activists have nothing to worry about, the cops are interested only in those who pose a danger to the state , which as a Realist you reckon means violent Islamic extremism, Chinese cyber threats and Russian industrial espionage within the oil & gas industry. They have no interest whatsoever in what happens on Indymedia.
And yet, I figure that I will continue to exercise caution when posting sensitive info to any internet site because I think Mark Kennedy was one of several coppers who infiltrated activist groups in the uk, a large number of the 303 and 202 posts probably did come from NETCU and FITWatch has been a response to large scale information gathering about activists by the state.
Those who believe that you are correct and that there is no interest in Indymedia users and activists who use Indymedia obviously needn't bother, because as you have pointed out there is no point.
Of course, it does occur to me that the only ones who would know with certainty what the cops are interested in would be the cops, and I wouldn't trust a cop to tell me the time of day.
As to the original post - we are asked to believe that the cops simply walked out of a police station and left lots of incriminating papers and evidence behind. There are no photos and no documents to back up these claims, and bearing in mind that the cops conduct forensic examinations of premises fairly often, I'm sure they wouldn't have thought to ensure that they had left no evidence behind when vacating this unamed cop-shop.
So while the planet collapses around us we are able to post shite on the internets, rather than take action to safeguard ourselves from the rapacious ruling class.
What meaningful lives we all lead, wouldn't you say?
How do you know this ?
11.04.2012 10:14
"posts from the 303 and 202 gateways dried up immediately after the article was published, and have not resumed." when in fact the mods stated clearly that the filter was turned off when the article was published here so you are simply guessing or lying. If however you are involved with the site here and the filter was not de-activated perhaps you could tell us why the mods lied to all the site contributors ?
11.04.2012 10:23
" If however you are involved with the site here and the filter was not de-activated perhaps you could tell us why the mods lied to all the site contributors ?"
Can you please link to this promise that Indymedia would no longer be filtering those gateways?
It clearly isn't this this:
"Sheffield Indymedia supports the use of anti-abuse features to track and remove disinformation from the site and long argued for the feature article exposing the state abuse to be published."
Sheffield ?
11.04.2012 11:32
Mind you if we are quoting other Indymedia sites why not this article or maybe this one from the site here
Finally here is an excerpt from the Guidelines under which the site is supposed to be run
"All the web servers that are used for the UK Indymedia web site are set up not to log IP adresss. This ensures the privacy of people who are browsing the site and posting news and comments to it."
In fact a select group of Mods were secretly harvesting the IP details of thousands of people who visited the site, saving them to a private file on Traven and then making assumptions about who was posting to the site.
Troll on a roll?
11.04.2012 12:12
Heres how it works - to aid your confusion:
Indymedia works through consensus decision making. Sheffield Indymedia is therefore part of the process and the quote makes it clear that they support continued use of anti-abuse measures. Therefore the quote indicates that the claim 'Realist' made that there was a promise to Indymedia users that the filter would be 'de-activated' would not have had consensus.
"Mind you if we are quoting other Indymedia sites why not this article or maybe this one from the site here"
Firstly lets deal with the northern article. Northern England IMC withdrew from adminning the uk site, and therefore were no longer involved in the consensus about the adminning of the Uk site. Secondly, Northen England IMC mods specifically denied being the author of that article, despite the fact that much of the comment was a parroting of the emails of one of their (now ex) members emails. Furthermore, besides the fact that the anonymous poster was not in a position to make any promises on behalf of the uk site, the article does not actually promise that the filters would be de-activated. So its irrelevant and des not provide evidence that there was a promise by Indymedia uk to de-activate the filters.
The second link to an uk article is a post by IMC linksunten (South-West Germany) and it doesn't take a genius to recognise that they clearly are not in a position to make and promises on behalf of the collective(s) that mod the uk site.
So, nice distraction, but no donut.
"Finally here is an excerpt from the Guidelines under which the site is supposed to be run
"All the web servers that are used for the UK Indymedia web site are set up not to log IP adresss. This ensures the privacy of people who are browsing the site and posting news and comments to it.""
And this was addressed in the Birmingham feature: (
"It is absolutely true that Indymedia does not log IPs - by which we mean the IP Addresses of those who use the website are not recorded for the purposes of protecting their privacy. However, what has never been openly stated before is that the CMS system we use has a number of anti-abuse measures which include the ability to monitor for particular IP addresses and log their behaviour. The key here is that IP addresses are never written to the hard disk - they are briefly held in the RAM (i.e. temporary) memory only. Only when particular IP addresses are identified as persistent abusers are they applied to filters. There remains no general practice of logging each and every user. Once the anti-abuse measures are turned off, any IP addresses identified are automatically wiped from the virtual memory and, as they were never written to the hard disk, no amount of forensics would ever be able to find them.
In this particular instance however, the filter for the Gateway 303 IP was manually added after site admins became aware of a post on Animal Rights Copwatch[1] which revealed that someone posting from Gateway 303 had posted to their site, posing as an Animal Rights activist. This allowed all posts from Gateway 303 to be identified and each post was flagged with an internal comment that identified it as a post from Gateway 303."
So, as was explained then and is still the case, Indymedia uk does not log IP addresses. Therefore:
"However the state chooses to respond to this revelation, the truth remains that there is no written log of IP addresses, and that no amount of duress will enable any IMC admin to reveal information that quite simply is not available to them. We will endeavour to produce an article detailing how our anti-abuse measures operate, as quickly as possible."
And so on to the stunning conclusion:
"In fact a select group of Mods were secretly harvesting the IP details of thousands of people who visited the site, saving them to a private file on Traven and then making assumptions about who was posting to the site."
Heres my theory - 'Realist' unable to provide the evidence to back up his claim, became 'confused' and then came up with irrelevant links which do not back up his assertions. Neither can be back up his claim about thousands of IP addresses being harvested in a private file - because it is a big fat lie.
Heres a way to think about it.
You leave your bedroom window open whilst you're out and you come back and someone has shat on your bed. Next day the same thing happens. How long do you leave the window open and allow this to go on? You can either say, oh well activists are being attacked by the state but so what? or you can say well we can filter the state gateway that we know troll posts are coming from and see what happens. Personally I believe that it would be wrong not to do so.
What the northern article never did is show that the posts were in fact from genuine activists who happened to work for the state. So why not sift through them (link here - and decide for yourself?
So 'Realist'/'confused' have you found a link to the promise or was it simply disinformation when you claimed that:
"If however you are involved with the site here and the filter was not de-activated perhaps you could tell us why the mods lied to all the site contributors ?"
You can read more about consensus decision making here:
And in other related news
11.04.2012 12:30
Unsubstantiated claims about SHAC. Which led to a comment that :
"In this 'movement' we operate best by attacking those who the state is after, and stabbing activists in the back.
That is definitely the way to beat the ruling class and save the planet.
In fact if you find the evidence compelling, why not visit the source and get it direct from the horses mouth?, after all "SHACWATCH will provide that balance."
NB no horses mouths were actually injured in the production of this comment."
Now, you may be wondering how this is relevant? Well it seems that SHACWatch is also a purveyor of lies about logging on Indymedia uk:
"ex IMC mod said...
What is of interest to us here at SHACwatch is Indy at last admitting that it was the logged IP details that an Indy insider passed to the police in the first SHAC trials that helped in the conviction."
Is it possible that most of the comments this morning are from the same person?
Nice try
11.04.2012 12:40
FACT - Certain members of the UK collective set up a system to catch the IP details of posters they thought were cops and then lied about it when asked.
FACT - Once said collective members were caught out they constructed a story about the 303 Gateway to provide an excuse for their IP harvesting
FACT - The story quickly fell apart when Gateway 303 was shown to be a government web access system used by nearly every public employee not just cops.
FACT - Collective members who disagreed with this fundamental dishonesty proposed a 'fork' in the collective and site so that those responsible for the spying on the readership could go and have their own indymedia site
FACT - Just before the fork was due to take place (as had been agreed by a consensus decision) the same small guilty group in effect stole the indymedia uk URL by transferring the direct to a site in Iceland run by Chris from Sheffield locking everybody else out of the site, a situation that remains today despite the universal condemnation of the global indymedia family.
FACT - Indymedia UK continues to this day to collect and store the IP details of individuals who browse and post to the site despite saying they don't.
Still no link from the confused/Realsit duo
11.04.2012 12:44
and with that the thread is now hidden as non-news/inaccurate
complaints about the decision can be directed to
11.04.2012 12:45
Hiding when you are losing, come on Roy you can do better than that.
11.04.2012 12:55
Best get the post hidden hadn't we before too many people start to ask those difficult questions again ?
I enjoyed the above, a nice afternoon's entertainment on a rainy day here as you curled yourself into a ball of lies and misinformation trying to justify what you did to the rest of us.
JimDog - for it is he
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