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Call Out: Get involved in actions for Bradley Manning in Wales

WISE Up for Bradley Manning | 09.04.2012 11:40 | Repression

"Manning is the world's pre-eminent prisoner of conscience." John Pilger.

Accused whistleblower Bradley Manning has been held for almost two years without trial in the US accused of whistleblowing acts that have exposed the ugly truth about US activities around the world and its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Bradley has been tortured and denied his rights. If found guilty as charged he could face the death penalty. Join us in Wales between 12 and 29 April for 18 days of solidarity events and actions. Free Bradley Manning!

Bradley Manning supporters from Wales and beyond will be organising in Pembrokeshire, Cardiff and north east Wales during April. Bradley, who has Welsh roots, will be back in court at Fort Meade in the US this month (24th - 26th) where proceedings against him will continue.

We're calling for all charges against Bradley Manning to be dropped and for him to be freed immediately. A fair trial is impossible and in any case blowing the whistle on war crimes is not a crime. For whistleblowers in the US, as here, the rhetoric is protection, the reality persecution.

Join us at one of the planned events or here and here.

12 April, Cardigan
Pwllhai Market – info stall

13 April, Haverfordwest
War in the 21st Century.
Bradley Manning exhibition and event with war veterans

16-24 April, Cardiff
Bradley Manning exhibition and exhibition of photojournalist Guy Smallman’s photos of Afghanistan
at Central Library

16 April, Cardiff
An evening with Craig Murray
at the University

21 April, Cardiff
Stall for Bradley Manning
at CAAT regional campaign day, Chapter Arts

22 April, Cardiff
Stand Up, Stand Up for Bradley Manning! Comedy night, Yard Bar and Kitchen

24 April, Cardiff
Food Not Bombs: Free food! Free Bradley Manning!
Stall outside Central Market on the day Bradley’s next court hearing begins

24 April, Cardiff
Special sneak preview screening of film Incident in New Baghdad
at the University

27 April, Denbigh
Meeting for and about whistleblowers

29 April, Wrexham
Gig for Bradley Manning

WISE Up for Bradley Manning
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