Holland&Barrett picket to stop workfare in Catford
anon@indymedia.org (Sol Fed) | 06.04.2012 10:55 | London
As part of the national day of action against workfare and the IWA days of action, South London SolFed picketed the health food shop; Holland & Barrett along with 20 other locals in solidarity with a day of action around the country. This was a protest against workfare and the way the government is forcing people into work for no or little pay.
A heavy security presence in Lewisham Shopping Centre was outwitted when protesters moved down the road to Catford where a noisy demonstration began outside the local Holland & Barrett. The store closed as 20+ SLSF and comrades chanted, sang and dished out leaflets. Many people passing supported the need to take action against forced labour, particularly in a borough which has one of the highest unemployment rates in the country.
After an hour the store was partially opened but few customers entered. Protesters vowed to keep coming back until Holland & Barrett reject workfare in all it’s insidious forms and pay their staff a proper wage.
See also:
"Communication Workers Union HQ picketed in protest against workfare at Royal Mail" on SolFed site
anon@indymedia.org (Sol Fed)
Original article on IMC London: