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Red salute to Comrade Godfrey Cremer, 1943-2012

CPGB-ML | 06.04.2012 10:34 | Anti-racism | Workers' Movements

It is with the greatest of sadness that the CPGB-ML and Proletarian announce the death of one of their staunchest comrades on 26 March.
The local Gazette has also published a tribute: Ealing mourns its champion of racial equality

Godfrey Andries Cremer
Godfrey Andries Cremer

It is with the greatest of sadness that the CPGB-ML and Proletarian announce the death of one of their staunchest comrades in the early hours of 26 March from pancreatic cancer and further complications arising therefrom. Although he was diagnosed as suffering from this lethal disease only two months ago, it was already in a very advanced state.

The political career of Godfrey Cremer started in the late 1960s, since when he worked exceptionally hard in the cause of the emancipation of the proletariat and the oppressed peoples of the world. His name is indelibly connected with the movement for solidarity with the people of Vietnam, the people of Korea, China, Palestine, southern Africa (in particular Zimbabwe), Ireland, Libya, Syria and Iran.

Godfrey Cremer was an internationalist through and through, as he fully realised that the struggle of the proletariat in the imperialist countries for its emancipation from exploitation could never be accomplished without rendering unreserved support to the liberation struggles of the oppressed nations and people against imperialist oppression, war, brigandage and super-exploitation. From this stance he never wavered, treating with disdain and contempt the opportunist faint-hearts in the working-class movement who pursue a line of conciliation towards their own imperialist bourgeoisie.

He stood for the defence of the gains of the working class in socialist countries. His defence of the gains of the glorious Great October Socialist Revolution, the construction of socialism in the USSR under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin, and the mighty achievements of the Soviet Union, in fields ranging from the economic through to the cultural, scientific, diplomatic and military, knew no bounds. In the aftermath of the collapse of socialism in the former socialist countries, he refused to go along with the prevailing torrent of anti-communist propaganda unleashed by world imperialism – a propaganda that swept off their feet many weak elements in the working-class movement.

He was also a leading figure, in his political and professional capacity, in the struggle against racism, realising fully that racism is an instrument used by the bourgeoisie to weaken the working class by undermining its class unity.

It had been the ardent desire of Godfrey Cremer to build a principled and truly revolutionary party of the British proletariat. He grasped with joy the opportunity that presented itself to form such a party when, along with a number of other comrades, he became the founding member and one of the leading lights of the CPGB-ML in 2004. He devoted his all to the defence, consolidation and development of this party.

In his ardent desire to serve the working class, no job was beneath him. He was a dedicated organiser, possessed of great ideological and technical competence, and a keen eye for detail. Without his work, it is doubtful whether Proletarian, the party’s newspaper, or the anti-imperialist bi-monthly Lalkar, would have ever got off the ground.

He was a great, warm-hearted comrade, a loyal friend and a loving husband and father. His dedication, cheerful disposition and wit will be missed, not only by comrades of the CPGB-ML, but even by our opponents. All those who had any occasion to be with him and to know him had their lives enriched by the experience. He shall be sorely missed.

A communist farewell and red salute to Comrade Godfrey Cremer.

[A more detailed obituary will appear in the next issue of Lalkar.]

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06.04.2012 22:55

Hierarchy: The newswire is designed to generate a news resource, not a notice-board for political parties or any other hierarchically structured organizations. The CPGB-ML is a political party and a hierarchically structured organization, even worse, for all his apparent good points, this guy was a Stalinist, therefore someone who supports the principle of imprisoning and murdering libertarians and even left-socialists



06.04.2012 23:00

He was also a member of the Stalin Society


Indy Mods

07.04.2012 10:16

Anyone dying is tragic, but that includes the victims of Stalinism, remove this thread

quad core

Poor Show

07.04.2012 14:20

In the picture, Godfrey is snapped describing the size of the CPGB-ML, itself being a marvellous vehicle and opportunity for working class lads and lasses to seize the means of production and turn it towards the historic use of the dignified proletariat to furnish this new society once again with a mass industrial class producing 25 hours a day tractors and engines and furnaces and shovels free from the humiliations and degradations heaped upon it by the barbarous capitalist class and their lickspittle running dogs.

No ill will towards his wife and kiddies in their loss but being a fossilised Stalinist in 2012 shows a serious error of political judgement and er...taste.



09.04.2012 21:22

un-fucking-believable HYPOCRISY of indy-moderators to choose to ignore their OWN editorial guidelines in this case

IMC has its uses, but truly, these people don;t know their arses from the elbows, stalinists like this would literally have us all shot
