'Save our NHS' rally - this Saturday, 7th April, Bristol!
imcvol | 05.04.2012 16:55

Join us this Saturday in the centre of Bristol for a protest and march against the privatisation of the NHS!
Recently, in Lansleys own words, the NHS has made efficiency savings of £8billion! The NHS has halved cancer screening turnaround times, massively reduced morbidity regarding heart disease, and improved access to dentistry. Lansley says this is about patient choice, but we believe choice can be given to patients without the need for privatisation. We don't need privatisation, we need to reinvest that money into frontline services where it's needed. Of course, this is what he says he's doing, but we think this Bill will lead to a two tier healthcare system, at a greater cost to the poorer people of society, much like America. Research has shown that if you look after the health of the poorest of society, EVERYBODY benefits, this is in your interest!
Meet us at the fountains, 13:00, bring your whistles, megaphones and make some noise about how passionate you are for these important life-saving services! There is also a theme for those that wish to dress up - resusitation!! Bring your scrubs, lab coats and wheelchairs. The protest may march at some point, to be announced.
You can see the flyer here: http://www.bristolanticutsalliance.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/SAVEOURNHS.pdf
Further about the cuts here: http://www.bristolanticutsalliance.org.uk/
AND a great article about what we can do next here: http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/apr/02/fight-for-the-nhs
These protests are NOT just about NHS pensions, they are about fighting for our right to a universal healthcare system, one of the best and efficient in the world. We cannot let this go!
Original article on IMC Bristol: