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HMP Britain

newsmedia | 02.04.2012 22:29 | Repression

The answer to ALL UK security and crime problems ...

So the UK government wants to monitor all citizens telephone calls, text messages, emails and Internet activity whether or not the persons concerned have committed or are even suspected of having committed 'unlawful' activities.

In a move that is akin to the actions of the most repressive nations on the planet, Britain will, if this proposal gets approval, wipe out individuals' rights to privacy in one fell swoop.

Surely it would be more cost effective and much much more secure to simply enclose the UK in barb wire, prevent anyone entering or leaving, shut down the telephony and Internet services, the Royal Mail and just to be sure, make speech illegal to utter or listen to.

That way everyone in the country is assured of security and protection from terrorists and criminals because in one move they can ALL be terrorists and criminals.



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04.04.2012 16:02

The state has always been a prison, ever tried leaving without parole papers, sorry I mean passport.



04.04.2012 21:58

The best trained legal minds in britain can't even tell you how many laws there are, let alone what they are, so everyone is suspected of having committed 'unlawful' activities. That's quite handy for the political parasite class, becuse they can selectively enforce 'laws' for the benefit of their cronies. The law is just an opinion with the threat of state violence.
