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Indymedia Removes Comments Function

IMC UnKollected | 01.04.2012 09:00 | Indymedia

Indymedia UK has decided to remove the comments function available on the UK Indymedia website. Although the ability to comment on articles was originally felt to be vital in fostering inclusion, a sense of empowerment and to facilitate intelligent debate amongst activists unable to talk face to face, the comments pages are now felt by the collective and many users to be obsolete, if not downright destructive.

It is undeniable that over the past couple of years, Indymedia moderation has on occasion allowed itself to be subjective, partisan and to assist with the agenda of cliques and commentators in suppressing information, mediating discussion through its ability to hide comments and in allowing non-pacifist struggle abroad and in the UK to be consistently denigrated. Moderators have repeatedly removed comments which express solidarity with insurrectionary and revolutionary ideas, whilst leaving comments up which attack those ideas and the attacks which result from this tendency.

As anarchists, it is important that we reflect continually on our own projects and that we are flexible enough to change them or dissolve them when we feel they are no longer useful or are felt to have become damaging to social struggle. It is obvious to us that sincere revolutionaries in this country have by and large ceased to make use of the comments pages precisely because they are so routinely censored by being hidden on the pretext of an ‘editorial guideline’. It is equally obvious that this function is now being used almost singularly by the security services, fascists, and reactionary liberals to sow discontent and to demoralise people. Indymedia has become the vector of a psychological operation waged by the state. The moderation is now apparently so fully infiltrated and it’s larger function so subverted, we have taken the strategic decision to remove the ability to make comments on articles, communiqués and news items. We will also be reviewing the editorial guidelines, for example the guideline against questioning IMC decisions. No one should be above questioning, not least us. We accept at this juncture that as a collective, we have to be more accountable and our interventions more transparent.

Our decision to alter the nature of the website is also because, while we agree to use technology to spread news of struggle against the current social order, our evolution both as individuals, anarchists and as a species requires that we learn discretion and the intelligence to know when to stop. The contemporary fetish for social networking sites merely encourages the kind of faceless, mediated, rude and dangerous interactions and bullying that we have seen emerging through the comments pages on Indymedia. We have seen the havoc that indiscriminate and cynical use of technology can wreak, in our personal lives and in the larger society. We have no way of knowing who is using our site and who is commenting and this is why it is such a spectacular weapon in the hands of the state. We are against civilisation and without removing the tool of Indymedia completely, we will not allow our alternative media to continue to be used by those who want to destroy us.

Please feel free to use Indymedia to disseminate news and particularly your action reports.

The Comments Function will be disabled some time later on April 1st.

IMC UnKollected
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LOL, check the date...

01.04.2012 09:39

Dispite this being a joke there is a serious point here — all sorts of pro-establishment, pro-war disinformation trolling takes place here and the admins of the site struggle to keep up with removing all the comments which clearly are designed specifically to demoralise, dissuade and divide activists.

This is not a new problem, back in 2005 we changed the way comments work because of this, "Some comments seem to be designed to discourage, disinform and undermine activists." And Sheffield Indymedia added an additional Pro-Establishment Disinformation editorial guideline to address this, "Articles or comments which are designed to undermine criticism and critiques of the ruling class agenda" may be hidden.

If there are comments posted to an article which need removing please email the UK Indymedia collective. Using either the private Contact List or the public Moderation List (this has public archives and anyone can join it) — using the comments to post requests for or complaints about moderation isn't the right way to do it, please use the lists.

1 admin


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Lame attempt at April fools joke

01.04.2012 09:03


The joker

Happy April 1st!

01.04.2012 09:10

Nuff sed!

Town End Boy


01.04.2012 10:34

i almost wouldn't mind comments being disabled since there are so many terrible ones.

got me!


01.04.2012 15:29

'No one should be above questioning, not least us. We accept at this juncture that as a collective, we have to be more accountable and our interventions more transparent. '

Sadly, this is only something Indymedia UK can say on April 1.


Jokes for Jokers.

01.04.2012 16:17

On the whole it wouldn't be such a bad idea to kill off the comments section of this site because it is clearly being used as a vehicle for the state and those who happen to be the states loyalists.

But its also a good opportunity to garner opinion on any given subject and that must mean that all comments are allowed even from those who have nothing credible to say on a given topic or who are clearly up to no good. If you're ideas and knowledge of a subject are good and you have a rounded wholesome sense of what is good and bad in this world, its a no brainer which ideas and opinions are good and which are clearly drivel.

As somebody on this site said in the comments section previously, Indymedia's output is not judged by the comments which follow an article. You do not determine the validity of a subject based on the rantings of anonymous users who have supposedly clinical expertise on a subject, but who still do not have the confidence to post under their own names. The simple fact of it is that the comments sections are little more than a chance to post a reaction to an article, whether that reaction stands up on legs of its own is down to who agrees...and the validity of the idea in question.

As far as trolls are concerned, well, this place looks like a killing jar for them on some days. I've seen trolls not just go down in flames, but diced and quartered and left for dead by some of our more dilligent users!

What it is not ever safe to do, is to assume that the commentators are representative of the general readership. Its a well known fact that modern online communications are terribly abused by those who have no honesty or decency but only want the world in their own image. Both the 'left' and the 'right' are the nub of that particular problem. They care little for genuine representation, choosing instead to build the world using their own stones, to design that fits their own planning with tools that can only be handled by their own apprentices.

This is the very essense of heirarchy and inequity. This failing world, is the world they built. There is as much dishonesty and hypocracy in the 'left-winger' as there is in the 'right-winger', and that, is the broad basis of the problem we have in the comments sections.


noted said:

01.04.2012 16:46

"Sadly, this is only something Indymedia UK can say on April 1."

Yet there has always been a way of raising issues about moderation with the collective, and it is clearly outlined in the editorial guidelines:

"Concerns about editorial guidelines or queries about moderation are dealt with on the imc-uk-moderation list. These issues are not dealt with through the newswire, and newswire posts on these topics will be hidden."

The choice not to use this is with the user.

Bearing in mind that there is no doubt that the comments section is abused by cops and others with intentions that fall outside of the sites ethos, there is no reason to fill the site with the nonsense of the trolls who clearly are setting out to undermine the site.

So, if you've got a complaint, the list is there. If you can't be bothered to use it, then you have no right to expect accountability.

another admin