Fascists talk nonce sense
anon@indymedia.org (EMAF) | 01.04.2012 08:55
In response to continued exposes of cover-ups of paedophilia within fascist and far right groups, the British Nationalist Man Child Love Association has released this message:
There has been a lot of nonsense spouted by the unwashed students of the left recently concerning the stance of British nationalists over paedophilia. Our fellow patriots in the EDL, BNP, etc. have, quite rightly, sought to attack Moslem men who prey upon white girls. "The disgusting rape of children committed by foreigners who seek to sully our gene pool with their perverted and lustful miscegenation must be opposed by all patriots.
"The reds have responded with their usual hysterical shrieks pointing to the cases of convicted nationalist paedophiles, such as Richard Price (EDL leadership), Michael Coates (EDL/North West Infidels), Brett Moses (EDL), Darren Francis (Northants BNP), Gavin Leist (Loughborough BNP), Mark Walker (BNP), Ian Hindle & Paul Wells (BNP), Nigel Hesmondhalgh (BNP), Roderick Rowley (BNP), Martyn Gilleard (British People's Party, National Front, BNP), Jon Venables (BNP supporter) and Kevin Strom (American neo-nazi and personal friend of Nick Griffin). They suggest that we are hypocritical for attacking Muslim child molesters whilst allowing them to flourish on our own side.
"This is simply missing the point.
"Comparing these pinnacles of the master race with immigrants who have come to this country to prey on our children is outrageous. These patriots are defenders of a nationalist tradition of seeking a pure love between a man and a young maiden.
"Some misunderstand this as exploitative, abusive and sick. The British Nationalist Man Child Love Association say that they are wrong.
"We want to defend the white tradition of paedophilia and assert our God-given right to dominate the earth. That is why British nationalist movements attract men who use their authority and power to pressure children into sex. We see it as our traditional right.
"We are not hypocrites. We are not sick. We are nationalists."
anon@indymedia.org (EMAF)
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Rejection Slip
01.04.2012 10:02
Private Eye
01.04.2012 15:31
far right nonces off our streets
not true
01.04.2012 23:34
This type of shit should be stopped as it makes the left look stupid and misinformed.
ill judged
re: no true
02.04.2012 10:37