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Demo Against AXA in Bristol

Bristol Animal Rights Collective | 26.03.2012 20:55

Activists from Bristol Animal Rights Collective (BARC) visited the offices of AXA in Bristol on Monday to protest against their continued involvement in the barbaric vivisection industry. AXA is a primary investor of AstraZeneca, a pharmaceutical company who test on animals, as well as being a major customer of Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS); the largest animal testing laboratory in Western-Europe.

BARC brought placards, megaphones, chants & anger to the door steps of this sadistic company to remind them of the dangerous game they've involved themselves in. These protests are part of a Global Week of Action against AstraZeneca and it's suppliers organised by Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC).

We started the day by visiting AXA's offices at Marlborough House where we used megaphones and chants to inform the public, and those working inside, about the horrific vivisection industry and how companies like AXA and AstraZeneca help fund it. We received a positive response from passers-by who seemed shocked and appalled by AXA's practices.

As we left we promised to return soon and we will do, again and again, until AXA deinvests in AstraZeneca and stops funding animal torture.

AXA like to make out that they are an 'ethical' company. On AXA’s web site, Henri de Castries (Chairman of the AXA Group's Management Board), writes on AXA’s “Business Ethics” page:

“For us, becoming a global leader means not only being on the podium in each country where we operate for our technical, commercial and financial performance, but also setting the standard through exemplary business practices and ethical behavior"

How can a company who invest in animal torture at AstraZeneca and HLS claim to be 'ethical'? 500 animals are killed every day at Huntingdon Life Sciences and it's only possible due to the continued investments by companies like AXA.

Bristol Animal Rights Collective will continue to protest against AstraZeneca and AXA until they cut their ties with the hideous animal testing industry and stop investing in Huntingdon Life Sciences. If you would like to learn more about our campaign or want to get involved in animal rights issues in Bristol then please visit our website or e-mail us.

Related Link:

Bristol Animal Rights Collective
- Original article on IMC Bristol: