Israelis and Iranians Against War
Joe Gallini | 26.03.2012 11:22 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | History
Israelis aren't all like Netanyahu and Knesset extremists like him. Most want peace, not war. On March 24, Haaretz headlined, "Hundreds of Israelis march in Tel Aviv to protest war with Iran," saying: A Ronny Edry/Michal Tamir "Israelis against a war with Iran" Facebook campaign linked anti-war Israeli and Iranian citizens. It inspired protesters after it went viral, saying: "The newspaper headlines tell the tale: The prime minister is trying to legitimize an Israeli attack on Iran, which is expected soon." Another post read: "Most of the Israeli public is opposed to an adventure of this sort that may have catastrophic consequences. Many experts warn of the results an attack on Iran and a declaration of war of this sort may bring. Iran is expected to respond, meaning there would be many Israeli casualties." Quotes from supportive prominent Israelis were added, including former Mossad head Meir Dagan opposing an attack.
An Israeli doctoral candidate posted her photo and cat with a Farsi sign, saying:
"We love you, people of Iran."
Another Facebook photo of a man with his daughter holding a poster, read:
"Iranians, we will never bomb your country, we (heart) you."
Still another was a mock Netanyahu post, saying:
"Iranians I love you. I truly love you. It's my people I hate."
One more said:
"We will not agree to an irresponsible Israeli attack on Iran, leading to a war with an unknown end-date and casualty count. The billions that this war will cost will be paid by us – in health, education, housing – and in blood."
Iranians began responding with peace messages on their own "Israel loves Iran" Facebook page. One read:
"My Israeli Friends
I don't hate you
I don't want War
Another said:
"Dear Israeli Friends and World! Iranians love peace and we hate hate!....and we don't need any Nuclear Power show it.
Still another:
"I’m from Iran and love your idea and your efforts against war and for peace. I am really happy to get to know you and people like you, and hope to find more people like you."
Saturday night, up to 1,000 flooded Tel Aviv's Habima Square. They deplore war and support peace. They chanted anti-Netanyahu slogans and railed against AIPAC.
Perhaps greater numbers will begin expressing themselves publicly.
A February Israeli Democracy Institute (IDI) survey showed most Israelis oppose war. Less than a third of Israeli Jews and Arabs support it. The study's part of IDI's Peace Index series.
A January Jerusalem Report survey showed Israelis mostly fear themselves. Around 60% said their greatest future fear's internal. About 40% worry most about destruction from an outside enemy.
Before Israel's 1948 creation, minority Jews and majority Arabs coexisted peacefully in Palestine. After Israel's War of Independence, that all changed, and more than ever now under Israel's most extremist ever prime minister and Knesset.
They govern more like sociopaths, than leaders. They deplore peace and crave violence. Others also did before them, short of threatening the entire region with potential annihilation if Netanyahu attacks Iran.
Whether his game's more bluster than bombs away isn't known. What's clear is that Israel and Washington both intend regime change by any means, including war. Imagine the potential catastrophe if they follow through and wage one, especially with nuclear weapons.
Doing so means all bets are off. The worst of all outcomes may follow. Regional war may go global. The possibility should rally all Israelis against it. They sit atop a potential time bomb.
Collectively they've got power to defuse it. The reward's too great to ignore, the risk greater than anyone should take. They'll get plenty of regional and worldwide support.
Ordinary people everywhere want peace, not war. Only megalomaniac leaders crave conflicts. It's time to take them on and remove them, most of all in Washington. Humanity depends of it. There may be little time left.
A Final Comment
On March 25, headlined, "Anti-AIPAC signs in Tel Aviv rally against Iran war," saying:
Perhaps growing numbers of Israelis know "AIPAC is not simply a 'pro-Israeli' lobby, but a rightwing group that defends the settlement policy and is currently pushing for war with Iran."
The article featured protesters displaying anti-war/anti-AIPAC signs. One read "AIPAC! DAMN YOU!" Another: "DON'T BOMB IRAN." Still another:
On March 7, Haaretz contributor Boaz Gaon headlined, "AIPAC, buy me!" saying:
"....'lovers of Israel'....have no interest in honing the country’s legal system, particularly on matters of religion and state, nor do they care about narrowing gaps between rich and poor, men and women, or Jews and Arabs. In short, they care little about the prosaic realities of daily Israeli life."
They're the same people wanting war on Iran, whether in Israel, Washington or other Western capitals.
On March 11, 972mag's Mairav Zonszein headlined, "On AIPAC, Obama and the 'pro-Israel' lie," saying:
"For those of us who live here, Palestinians and Israelis alike…We have no say in how the lobby operates and are subject to the whims of its wealthy donors – and yet it has such an enormous impact on our lives, since AIPAC’s power in Congress translates directly into bolstering the Israeli military industrial complex with the help of American money."
It also sways political Washington for war, no matter the potentially devastating consequences. Preventing it is top priority. Risking the alternative is too great a chance to take.
British MP/Stop the War Coalition head Jeremy Corbyn told Russia Today:
"If we let slip the dogs of war, we will all regret it."
Perhaps more than anyone can imagine!
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
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"We love you, people of Iran."
Another Facebook photo of a man with his daughter holding a poster, read:
"Iranians, we will never bomb your country, we (heart) you."
Still another was a mock Netanyahu post, saying:
"Iranians I love you. I truly love you. It's my people I hate."
One more said:
"We will not agree to an irresponsible Israeli attack on Iran, leading to a war with an unknown end-date and casualty count. The billions that this war will cost will be paid by us – in health, education, housing – and in blood."
Iranians began responding with peace messages on their own "Israel loves Iran" Facebook page. One read:
"My Israeli Friends
I don't hate you
I don't want War
Another said:
"Dear Israeli Friends and World! Iranians love peace and we hate hate!....and we don't need any Nuclear Power show it.
Still another:
"I’m from Iran and love your idea and your efforts against war and for peace. I am really happy to get to know you and people like you, and hope to find more people like you."
Saturday night, up to 1,000 flooded Tel Aviv's Habima Square. They deplore war and support peace. They chanted anti-Netanyahu slogans and railed against AIPAC.
Perhaps greater numbers will begin expressing themselves publicly.
A February Israeli Democracy Institute (IDI) survey showed most Israelis oppose war. Less than a third of Israeli Jews and Arabs support it. The study's part of IDI's Peace Index series.
A January Jerusalem Report survey showed Israelis mostly fear themselves. Around 60% said their greatest future fear's internal. About 40% worry most about destruction from an outside enemy.
Before Israel's 1948 creation, minority Jews and majority Arabs coexisted peacefully in Palestine. After Israel's War of Independence, that all changed, and more than ever now under Israel's most extremist ever prime minister and Knesset.
They govern more like sociopaths, than leaders. They deplore peace and crave violence. Others also did before them, short of threatening the entire region with potential annihilation if Netanyahu attacks Iran.
Whether his game's more bluster than bombs away isn't known. What's clear is that Israel and Washington both intend regime change by any means, including war. Imagine the potential catastrophe if they follow through and wage one, especially with nuclear weapons.
Doing so means all bets are off. The worst of all outcomes may follow. Regional war may go global. The possibility should rally all Israelis against it. They sit atop a potential time bomb.
Collectively they've got power to defuse it. The reward's too great to ignore, the risk greater than anyone should take. They'll get plenty of regional and worldwide support.
Ordinary people everywhere want peace, not war. Only megalomaniac leaders crave conflicts. It's time to take them on and remove them, most of all in Washington. Humanity depends of it. There may be little time left.
A Final Comment
On March 25, headlined, "Anti-AIPAC signs in Tel Aviv rally against Iran war," saying:
Perhaps growing numbers of Israelis know "AIPAC is not simply a 'pro-Israeli' lobby, but a rightwing group that defends the settlement policy and is currently pushing for war with Iran."
The article featured protesters displaying anti-war/anti-AIPAC signs. One read "AIPAC! DAMN YOU!" Another: "DON'T BOMB IRAN." Still another:
On March 7, Haaretz contributor Boaz Gaon headlined, "AIPAC, buy me!" saying:
"....'lovers of Israel'....have no interest in honing the country’s legal system, particularly on matters of religion and state, nor do they care about narrowing gaps between rich and poor, men and women, or Jews and Arabs. In short, they care little about the prosaic realities of daily Israeli life."
They're the same people wanting war on Iran, whether in Israel, Washington or other Western capitals.
On March 11, 972mag's Mairav Zonszein headlined, "On AIPAC, Obama and the 'pro-Israel' lie," saying:
"For those of us who live here, Palestinians and Israelis alike…We have no say in how the lobby operates and are subject to the whims of its wealthy donors – and yet it has such an enormous impact on our lives, since AIPAC’s power in Congress translates directly into bolstering the Israeli military industrial complex with the help of American money."
It also sways political Washington for war, no matter the potentially devastating consequences. Preventing it is top priority. Risking the alternative is too great a chance to take.
British MP/Stop the War Coalition head Jeremy Corbyn told Russia Today:
"If we let slip the dogs of war, we will all regret it."
Perhaps more than anyone can imagine!
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

Also visit his blog site at and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


Joe Gallini
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