Heading for Inevitable Disaster
Federico Murillo | 24.03.2012 10:32 | Culture | History | Social Struggles
In 1959, Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz liberated Cuba from imperial America, police state rule, and mafia bosses who turned the nation into a casino and brothel. Cubans may want change, but won't tolerate recolonization under puppets serving Washington's interests. On August 13, Fidel turns 86. After leading Cuba for decades, surviving hundreds of US attempts to kill him, a punishing embargo, and numerous other hostile acts, illness forced him to step down in December 2008. It didn't slow his determination to speak and write vital truths, especially on issues of war and peace. Like others, including this writer, he justifiably fears inevitable disastrous war. His latest article explains headlined, "The roads leading to disaster."
Fidel's intellect remains acute, his perceptiveness keen. His knowledge of vital issues is impressive. His honesty and integrity are impeccable, his forthrightness noteworthy. So is his fear about an inevitable disaster.
"As far as I am concerned," he said, "I do not harbor the slightest doubt that the United States is about to commit, and lead the world toward, the greatest error in its history."
Humanity will suffer. Castro long feared nuclear destruction, perhaps eventual annihilation. In a July 2010 videotaped interview, he expected Washington and Israel to target Iran, saying:
"When they launch war, they’re going to launch it there. It cannot help but be nuclear. I believe the danger of war is growing a lot. They are playing with fire." .................. M O R E: By Stephen Lendman, 24 Mar 2012 .........
http://www.indymedia.org/de/2012/03/955744.shtml .......... In June 2009, pro-Israeli ideologues prepared a Brookings Institution policy paper titled, "Which Path to Persia? Options for a New American Strategy Toward Iran." It openly endorsed regime change, including by air strikes, invasion, and/or encouraging Israel to attack.
A recent International Crisis Group (ICG) report was more measured. Titled, "In Heavy Waters: Iran's Nuclear Program, the Risk of War and Lessons from Turkey," it favors giving diplomacy a chance to convince Iran to give up its legitimate nuclear program, then consider other options if fail. ICG implied but stopped short of endorsing war.
Scoundrel media’s common theme is Iran’s alleged existential threat. Decisive action to prevent it is vital. Failure poses unacceptable risks. War's the last option, but important to wage if others fail to convince Iran to give up what it doesn't have and has no intention of pursuing.
Castro's right warning of inevitable disaster, and saying he has no doubt it's coming. Given America's rage for war, forewarned is forearmed for essential grassroots action.
Nothing else potentially can stop what no one should tolerate, given stakes able to threaten humanity. If that's not incentive enough, what is?
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at
Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.
lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net homepage::
M O R E: By Stephen Lendman ...
http://www.indymedia.org/de/2012/03/955743.shtml /
"As far as I am concerned," he said, "I do not harbor the slightest doubt that the United States is about to commit, and lead the world toward, the greatest error in its history."
Humanity will suffer. Castro long feared nuclear destruction, perhaps eventual annihilation. In a July 2010 videotaped interview, he expected Washington and Israel to target Iran, saying:
"When they launch war, they’re going to launch it there. It cannot help but be nuclear. I believe the danger of war is growing a lot. They are playing with fire." .................. M O R E: By Stephen Lendman, 24 Mar 2012 .........

A recent International Crisis Group (ICG) report was more measured. Titled, "In Heavy Waters: Iran's Nuclear Program, the Risk of War and Lessons from Turkey," it favors giving diplomacy a chance to convince Iran to give up its legitimate nuclear program, then consider other options if fail. ICG implied but stopped short of endorsing war.
Scoundrel media’s common theme is Iran’s alleged existential threat. Decisive action to prevent it is vital. Failure poses unacceptable risks. War's the last option, but important to wage if others fail to convince Iran to give up what it doesn't have and has no intention of pursuing.
Castro's right warning of inevitable disaster, and saying he has no doubt it's coming. Given America's rage for war, forewarned is forearmed for essential grassroots action.
Nothing else potentially can stop what no one should tolerate, given stakes able to threaten humanity. If that's not incentive enough, what is?
Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at

Also visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.


M O R E: By Stephen Lendman ...

Federico Murillo