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Anti-Fascism in the Punk Scene

BlackFlag90 | 23.03.2012 13:32 | Anti-racism | Culture

A spectre is hanging over the punk and Oi! scenes; the spectre of fascism. Back in the 80s, neo-Nazi bands such as those involved with Blood & Honour and Rock Against Communism enjoyed a brief spell of easy living, before they were rightly kicked out of the scene and forced further underground...

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23.03.2012 15:15


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We beat you left wing scum in Enfield

23.03.2012 18:30

We took on you left wing scum in Enfield and totally beat you. See this:

The Enfield Army

What Bands?

24.03.2012 13:52

Whats the point in an article that gives no evidence or for that matter even names which bands are trying to get away with being fascists. Are we ment to guess?


"Real Oi" ha ha ha...

25.03.2012 23:55

UK bands in the orbit of the punk/Oi! scene who may not be nazis, but who have members in common, are happy to share stages with nazi bands, or play to nazi audiences:

Code 1
IC1 - ex-singer of Razors Edge
Last Orders - ex-singer of The Blackshirts
Pressure 28 - singer Kev Gough is ex/current fash
TMF / Tattooed Mother F*ckers - ex-singer of English Rose
Streetpunk Drunks
Bakers Dozen
Citizen Keyne
Condemned 84
Resistance 77 - ex-member of Skrewdriver
Hooligan UK


Fash Uncovered

01.04.2012 15:41

A quick perusal on the net uncovers:
ic1 (police code for white man= very subtle) as Razors Edge and German Fash band Carp Diem.
Photos of so called Oi! band Last Orders playing at C18 hang out Bridgehouse2 reveals them as the same members of Nazi band Blackshirts.
Antonella and Klasse Kriminal is the Fascist version of this band with her backed by former members of Nazi band No Remorse.
Code 1 shares members with Nazi band Section 88.
Loyalty shares members with Nazi band Battle Standard.
TMF shares members with Nazi bands English Rose, Avalon and Woden.

With not to much digging "TCB Productions" is revealed as not Elvis Presleys iconic company but a Fascist money making front for the American Neo Nazi organisation Volks Front, who's leader in the UK version is a one Graham Thompson lead singer of Nazi band Avalon.

Bakers Dozen, Street Punk Drunks,London Diehards and Code 1, all who seem to be playing regularly for the not so undercover Fascists could possibly be members or have links with this Volks Front.


Code 1

15.02.2013 20:34

I have seen the singer from Code 1 telling people who were wearing screwdriver t-shirts at one of their gigs to go, as they were not wanted.

Dave McManus

Nazis and BNP/EDL types in the UK oi! scene

17.02.2013 21:15

There are actually some bands on that list that I had listened to, and somewhat defended in the past when they were accused of this and that on the internet. No longer, however. My eyes have been opened.

I'm pretty much at the point where I have stopped listening to the majority of UK oi! alltogether because of the nazis/fascists/racists/xenophobes who have found their way into the scene in recent times.

All this 'we're a non-political band - stop picking on us and saying that we're nazis' stuff. I believed it at one point, until i researched it myself - and It's mostly bollocks, isn't it? When you're playing gigs with IC1, Steelcapped Strength, Kill Baby Kill or Endstufe, or ranting about how the reds and the anarchists and the antifa need to be smashed, getting pissy about other oi! bands that have made a stand against racism and fascism, giving +1s all round to openly racist bands and happily conversing with 14-88-28-style idiot friends on your Facebook, etc. then you clearly *are* making a statement as to exactly where you stand. I don't really see that they have much room to complain if people take a look at them and decide that they sit on the far-right, or if people try to stop their gigs because they don't want a bunch of drunken, shaven fascists (are these even real skinheads?) swaggering around their city centres of an evening because these bands are in town.

At some point, the above became acceptable to the 'scene' - and I'm not really sure when it happened. Ditto with current RAC band members doing oi! 'sideprojects' and being mostly accepted by the 'non political' people.

It actually makes me angry to see people like this flying the flag of my country, or riding the nuts of our ex-servicemen and women. To my way of thinking, the '28' movement and 'British patriotism' are mutually exclusive concepts.

I honestly can't believe that I was ever taken in.


Loyalty - are you sure?

20.02.2013 22:56

Loyalty have a song that pays tribute to Johnson Beharry (who is a black man, for those not familiar with him) and one that speaks out in sympathy towards illegal immigrant women who come to the UK and are forced into prostitution.

Just saying - not trying to start drama. I'm surprised to see this band on the list, cause I had no idea. I thought that they were okay. If they did have members who were in a Nazi band, could it be the case that they no longer hold these views and haven't for some time?


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