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The Tribulation Of The Innocent Cows Part I

Autonomy Media | 20.03.2012 15:27 | Animal Liberation | Culture | Social Struggles

Stop The Slaughter, Stop The Abbatoir, Free The Cows and Free The People Of Palestine...

“The human society should give more attention to animal protection. The productive energy of the laborer is misused when he is occupied by industrial enterprises. Industry of various types cannot produce the essential needs of man, namely rice, wheat, grains, milk, fruits and vegetables. The production of machines and machine tools increases the artificial living fashion of a class of vested interests and keeps thousands of men in starvation and unrest. This should not be the standard of civilization.” (Swami Prabhupada)

The teaching of Cow Protection forms a basis of the religion of the Hindus, who believe that the Cow is a sacred animal. They represent the present time in terms of a bull, which over the course of the different cycles of time gradually loses it’s legs, therefore in the first age it has four legs representing justice and order on earth in their wholeness, whereas by our age it has only one. In the Hindu stories Krishna confronts the man who is beating and whipping the poor bull, a demon who at the end of time is slain by Maitreya. Hinduism is a warrior religion, and though there are standards of protecting human life they are not as stringent as Buddhism for they believe in a final Valhalla to end the days, a course of events which is only inevitable due to the pig-headedness of people on earth.

Evidently though large scale meat-eating represents barbarity. The abbatoirs in which Cows are slaughtered can be exactly compared to the abbatoir of Gaza where human beings are slaughtered wholesale, excepting in the latter case the offering of sacrifice is ritualistic. Indeed, the custom of meat-eating began on planet earth due to ritual sacrifice, and even the Ancient Vedas of the Tribal Hindu peoples recommend the custom of goat sacrifice to Kali along with other things to appease the superstition of peasants. It is evident that such a custom has become an unconscious ritual now, in the sense that the parasitic Western civilization is filled with people who believe it is their divine right to return home each night to a plate filled with large cuts of meat. They are not even thoughtful enough to attempt to limit their meat consumption, even though it gives them stomach pains and fills them with grief.

The ‘heavy’ feeling after eating meat is in reality exactly the same form of experience that a person engaging in killing human beings as, but in reduced form. However the majority of people in Western society have pacts with large-scale colonialism etc, they do not even question a system which is very corrupt and kills very many people, therefore they have a huge obscuration to being able to see things as they are, to having any kind of spiritual outlook on the problems of humanity. The philosopher Oswald Spengler spoke of “making an overview”, and he wrote very much about cyclical time in the European arts thereby reviving the doctrine of all cultures, Indigenous, Hindu, Tribal and Non-State Christian of past times. However due to being ‘weighed down’ with wine, cigars and meat his outlook centres very much around Classicism which is one clear means that FREE THOUGHT in Europe has been stifled over many years. Though Classicism is not openly taught in schools now, we still have “our ways of doing things” which imprison us.

Cows are highly intelligent animals, unlike the filthy pig which rolls about in it’s own slop. Many people of the present times would make very good pigs because they do not have any concern with what is potentially coming to them, for example the cities cannot fail to be consumed by a rain of fire unless our rulers will turn from the course of perpetually attacking the SCORPION Iran and attempting to extort from the South American countries that which they have rightfully expropriated from the Great Satan.

The plight of the Cows must be brought before the public attention in Europe. They are kept in conditions which are not suitable for any living creature, for example many are fed with anti-biotics which poison the human beings eating them. This is in an attempt to immunise themselves from such terrible diseases as are caused by being kept up to their knees in their own faeces. Only by understanding that all living beings suffer can we develop the generosity necessary to learn to co-operate and help each-other rather than remaining within the situation of facing potentially futile wars on each side. In this time war and killing has unfortunately become a necessary part of creation, however it is not good to accentuate this except to the degree that will one day clarify to the people who are sincere WHO WAS IN THE RIGHT.

It is truly suicidal for humanity to continue with these kind of situations of animal welfare. In the following articles I aim to cover various Cow protection projects around the UK, getting a perspective on how they feel about their work and what brought them into existence. Some are spiritual, some non-spiritual. I will also be visiting various farms some of which keep cows in conditions of being ‘battery’ animals, some of which give them open fields.

Revolutionary action for the benefit of animal welfare is neccessary in order for human beings to overcome the greater problem of war, and in this we must be careful not to fall into extremism. Yet Pacifism is merely a strategy of resistance and must not become a repressive 'norm' which cannot be broken because of our internal police.

Autonomy Media